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[BUDGET] SN1P-SN4P OTK Warlock (The Great Amalg...

  • Last updated Aug 23, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Brawl: The Great Amalgamation!
  • Crafting Cost: 2640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/23/2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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First of all: the deck is fun and interactive, but mostly fun.

I tried to make this deck as cheap as possible. It has only Basic & Common (and a few Rare) cards. And - of course - SN1P-SN4P (but it was a free Legendary). Below I will suggest some cards that might be good in this deck, but before that let's see the cards:

The draw-engine:
Kobold Librarian - Excellent card - draws a card, synergises well with Lesser Amethyst Spellstone or even with Defile and has a decent body.
• Mortal Coil - 1 mana removal. If you play against a slower deck, you can use it on your own 1-Health minions (such as Loot Hoarder or Kobold Librarian) to get the combo faster.
Loot Hoarder - Decent draw.
Novice Engineer - Decent draw.
Acolyte of Pain - Decent draw. Use it safely - if you have a (near) full hand, you probably shouldn't play it. Works well with Defile (usually).
Sense Demons - Decent draw. 

The surviving tools:
Sacrificial Pact - Excellent removal (in this Brawl, at least).
Darkbomb - Great removal.
Defile - Great removal.
Vulgar Homunculus - Great minion, especially if you have a Lesser Amethyst Spellstone in your hand. 
Hellfire - Great removal. 
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone - Great removal with Lifesteal!

The combo:
Summoning Portal
• (Stonetusk Boar)

The deck is surprisingly fast. You can kill your opponent on Turn 5 (or even on Turn 4 with the Coin). (I had two games so far, when I won with the combo on Turn 5).
You need to play Summoning Portal first, then Mechwarper, then the rest. You don't always need Stonetusk Boar, but I added it, because there are some opponents, who always clear your board.

Pro tip: If you have the full combo, but your opponent is still on full (or near-full) Health, you need to play your cards quickly, which isn't that easy, because of the animations. So play your Boar (or whatever what it is) on the right side of the table - since it is closer to your hand. 

Possible replacements:
• basically any card-draw (Captain's Parrot, Coldlight Oracle, Murloc Tastyfin, Polluted HoarderSandbinderWitchwood Piper, Azure Drake, etc.)
Aranasi Broodmother - I actually played her in the first version, but I drew him on Turn 1 every single time, so I finally cut her. She is also a bit too slow and random, but if you don't have the Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, she might be a decent option.
Glinda Crowskin & ANY Magnetic minion (like Wargear, Replicating Menace or Zilliax) - this way you need Glinda to stay alive a whole turn, or you also need Emperor Thaurissan. This is probably a much worse combo, but if you have the cards, this might be fun. :)

That's all for now. Good luck!