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Year of the Dragon - Burgle Rogue

  • Last updated Apr 7, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Thief Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 9140
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/7/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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Fun and your win condition is not always the same as every match,you still can build a strategy without a real win-con.

As of right now the deck needs A LOT more experiencing and draws (it really lacks on that depart) but seeing burgle is all about reloading and filling your hand with random cards,not having too much draw isn't the worst of the options.

Please report your feedback on the comments so we can improve that archetype and make it a solid tier 2-3 deck.

Staples -
Must have in a control/tempo deck,one of the best rogue cards ever to be printed.

Deadly Poison
Staple for survival with Spectral Cutlass

Underbelly Fence
Strong power creep if you hold a burgled card generated from either Pick Pocket,Academic Espionage and the cards named below

Blink Fox
Staple,solid tempo card...guarantee activator for burgle mechanic cards and tempo

Hench-Clan Burglar
Another solid body with a better battle cry

Heistbaron Togwaggle
Staple in this deck since it gives you a win condition and good cheat cards,Wondrous Wand combined with Togwaggle's Scheme for extreme value when you're close to fatigue and your deck is thinned (bad synergy with AC on deck)

Scheme is not included but will edit once expansion is out and see how it works out.

Tech Cards and Mentions -

Academic Espionage
Fun to play card,good with draw mechanics and very very good fuel for Spectral Cutlass and
Tess Greymane shenanigans,not the strongest two cards from the deck but a must if you want to fool around.

Solid card for removal along with Walk the Plank cheap assassinate but worse than Vilespine Slayer that now resides on wild.

Proud Defender
Powercreep taunt against aggro decks,good card to slow down the game and get your removals.

Barista Lynchen
Strong potential with any card of the deck (all minions have battlecry) meaning it will give you good value back once played.

Tess Greymane
A weird win-condition card or close to,can turn games around not a staple but a very welcome card to the deck.

Captain Greenskin
Nice buff for Spectral Cutlass and good push from Raiding Party,really recommended