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Token Shudderwock Shaman

  • Last updated Apr 21, 2018 (Witchwood)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Shudderwock Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 4460
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/20/2018 (Witchwood)
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The deck FARMS Hadronox Druid.

Hex is a beast so it puts 2 0/1 beasts in their pool to ruin Witching Hour. They have a lot of trouble dealing with your late game giant board from Shudderwock. If you get Black Knight off earlier you get 2 free kills on their taunt wall throughout the game. 


Figuring out when you can win the game by playing Shudderwock is the key to upping your winrate. It is a lot of fun to make a giant board, and I am often guilty of holding it too long. This is the key thing to learn as you play match to match. 


Keep a 1 drop and play it to the left of Shudderwock on an empty board 


If you have 1 minion on board play Shudderwock to the right of that minion 


If you have 2 minions on the board play Shudderwock in the center. 


If you have more the 2 minions on board kill off all but 2 of them


Grabbing a big taunt off of Stonehill is usually the way to go. This deck gasses if it doesn’t draw things in the right order, or if your forced to play more out than you should and get punished. 

Mulligan away Ravencaller. Try to play it on turn where you are ahead on board.

There is a Warlock 1-drop that kills a friendly minion. If you are unlucky enough to get that. Do not play it before Shudderwock

You can easily get outdrawn try not to let the opponent draw a ton of cards

Token Shudderwock Shaman 





vs. Warrior (Baku Control)

Even Match 

-Grind out and out value. 

-Do no draw with Cult Master

-fight with small/med size dangerous board states 

-One big threat at a time. Flametongue, Frostwolf, Shudderwock, Big Taunts from stonehill, Bonemare, -get as much value from totems as you can.

-Play Shudderwock at the end when you have few cards. If he hasn’t run out of board clears and your game plan is to force him out by now. You still have one last chance with the hand refill. 



vs. Hunter (Big Beast Kathrena)


-Hunter Weak board board clears

-Balance aggression and board control

-Shudderwock for Tempo 

-Save Hex for Kathrena and big beasts

Win: 1



vs. Paladin (Even only) 


-They have 2 eq ualities

-Play greedy with Lightning Storm

-Balance aggression and board control 

-Sticking a big Warlord and smashing them in the face is the best way to win 

-Save Ooze for the 8 mana buff weapon. 

-Save Hex for Tirion. 

-MTC is very good in this match. 



loss: 1


vs. Priest (Lady in White)


-Have them not play that on curve. 


If they do. 

Your looking to smash them in the face as quick as you can. 

Eventually they will play a giant minion you cant deal with.

A board full of tokens and a flame tongue, Hex are your main ways to take down giant minions. 

Glacial Shard and Taunts keep you from getting blown up, so value your taunts and try to keep them up. 


Win: 1



vs. Cubelock 

Heavily Unfavored 


loss: 1


The best strategy to beat this deck. Is yell OMG OP! NERF!!! OP!!! Wait a month and then play HS after it gets nerfed.


Vs. Mage (Spiteful Big Spell Elemental Keleseth Mage)

Win: 1



Save Hex for the Spiteful minions

Try to hold back your power minions to avoid clears

Glacial can stall for multiple turn clears 

Shudderwock is tricky to know when to play. I don’t know if they run Dragons Breath I assume they do. There is a point when you are almost certain to get 2 or three minions above 10 health so it is safe. You do definitely need the tempo so you cant hold it too long. If they don’t play Dragons Breath you just win when you play it. Keep in mind they have Pyroblast. So if you go under 10 health if you don’t play it. You  have to play it. 


Possible Replacements


Raven Caller or Tar Creeper or another MTC

Raven Caller has really high synergy with this deck but it is VERY bad on Tempo