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April expancion Beast Druid please T.T
Tutoring for a specific tribe is never a bad thing, especially not when you look at the metric fuckton of big beasts and the fact that Druid can get away with 4-mana draw a card thanks to ramp.
Targeted draw + Divine Spirit seems pretty good. Nice follow up after a turn 3 Untamed Beastmaster. If Beast Druid becomes a thing and you need targeted draw for a big beast or 2, here you go.
Witchwood Grizzly 24 HP
Yeah keep it up for a turn with taunt and then next turn Void Ripper and go face
So specific draw+ divine spirit in 1 card ? Guess the mana is worth it but dunno how you gono make good use of it , you can swap the HP with ATK but I don't see a combo
Well, at least Hadronox is rotating in about 4 months after the expansion...
I also thought Hadronox could be an option, but most of the time you want him to die, and if you want a specific card draw we already have Juicy Psychmelon
Letting Hadro die isn't particularly difficult because Naturalize exists and Taunt Druid already has a bunch of other 9-drops that Psychmelon could draw instead of Hadronox, so it probably still has its merits.
Turn 3: Untamed Beastmaster
Turn 4: Predatory Instincts
Someone please Nerf haddronox before this goes into play
This is the card that will finally give us the Angry Chicken meta we have been waiting for for so long.
4 mana draw a Hadronox (nobody cares about health because you Naturalize it anyway). Or maybe some other huge beasr if you are a big druid instead.
We have Psicomelon, thanks. Just dust it.
Let the memes begin!
Could be interesting after Hadronox rotates.
Draw a Beast from your deck and give it +Fuck/+You
Why do not you want to draw Hadronox? 100% of the time i destroy Hadronox with Naturalize to spawn taunts in the same turn and dodge silence/transform effects.
Ok guys @Hearthpwn you're allowed one fluffy placeholder per expansion this is getting ridiculous.
Hard to judge. If beast druid will really be viable and operate on big beasts it might be good however - will it be just big beast big threat or big beast taunts? Because that card drawing out Hadronox would be pretty bad.