Card Text
Your Hero Power
deals 1 more damage
this game.
Flavor Text
The Barrens were a lush jungle. Then this happened.
Your Hero Power
deals 1 more damage
this game.
The Barrens were a lush jungle. Then this happened.
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Nice balancing considering Priest needs a bad 5 cost minion and exclusively Shadow Spells in his deck to get the same effect. Worth mentioning that Mage can even boost his HP further by playing this card twice or more times.
Great job Bli$$ard ;)
it should...it did...now (since last patch) it's fking bugged
Today I randomly found out that it's not a bug, it's 100% intended,the same goes for the (faulty) interaction between Daring Fire-Eater and Reckless Apprentice where the Hero Power should deal the +2 DMG from the Fire Eater to all the targets of Reckless Apprentice but instead it's only on the first one (even though there is NO true "First" seeing as deathrattles and stuff don't trigger inbetween the animations).
I was initially disappointed but then I realized: this is completely in line with the direction they want the game to go, a.k.a. filling the game with "fk you, I win" cards with NO way to play reactive. This deck likely seemed slightly too decent for a reactive deck so they gutted it (and honestly, it also had some half-decent offence so it wasn't even a completely reactive deck, making this decision even "stupider" )
One day they will realize the glaring flaw of this logic, i.e. if everything is unreactable the game becomes "whoever draws his BS first is clearly the better player so he wins" ... which is expecially true when applied to HS since player influence during the opponent's turn is kept to a minimum.
I hope such a day happens b4 the end times of this game so they have time to fix it because I really do love playing HS...and THAT'S the problem... I love PLAYING the game (which implies I also want the opponent to play since it's a 2 player game) while all the new cards head more and more towards pseudo-exodia solitaries and well...if I wanted to play one I'd download Spider
So if I cast this beforeFrost Lich Jaina, would the buff still apply if she was cast afterwards?
It's funny how Blizzard pisses once again on Priest. We give you Shadowform as an epic card but you can use only one copy (cause to use the second copy would have been ultra-mega-giga powerfull - Hero Power: deal 3 damage). Instead let's give discoverable Wildfire to Mage so they can reach Hero Power: deal 7 damage --> Kibler just proved it .Here is the proof
Ok, this was desperately needed for those other hero power synergy cards. It's like shadowform, but costs 2.
Now this is absolutely insane
This card singlehandedly saved the mage releases for me this expansion. It’s very easy to get your HP to 3, and the chances of getting it higher through discover and random mechanics is pretty good. Now I know what fallen hero and caldera drake were put in the core set.
If you use 2 (or more) of these in a game and then stick a Coldarra Drake to the board... your opponent could get totally blown up. (literally)
I feel like this could be a potentially very powerful archetype this expansion in standard. Especially with such a huge payoff card at the top end.
I'd be interested to know if this could be played before LK Jaina
Yeah, i would like to know
Definitely goes into my Wild even Mage
This + Fallen Hero. HP mage might be a thing
Missed opportunity. Card would have been so good in Warlock.
omg, this is permanent? i like a lot
I Wonder how many HP buffs we will see in one game in Trolden video?
Its permanent effect, and if you play a second one it deals 3 dmg and so goes on (maybe from some discovers?)
Certainly makes Reckless Apprentice nicer.
It doesn't specify that it's your starting hero power.
That means you can upgrade it in wild with Justicar Trueheart for a 2-mana deal 4 HP or Frost Lich Jaina to deal 3 damage to make it easier to summon a water ele
Can hear a guitar.... XD