Nerub'ar Weblord
Card Text
Minions with Battlecry cost (2) more.
Flavor Text
Weblords spend all day making giant trampoline parks.
Card Sounds
Minions with Battlecry cost (2) more.
Weblords spend all day making giant trampoline parks.
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My favorite card
This could work as a janky tech vs Quest Shaman.
Hard counter to Quest Rogue, if only this was still in standard!
Would anyone else be teching in 2 of these guys in every deck if he were in Standard?
If it were in Standard, it would be useful against C'Thun decks.
one of the best cards with hobgoblin. too bad it will be gone without seeing much play.
I can't imagine playing Ranked without this guy in standard
What are the thoughts on this one to counter Reno Jackson? I think this might be nice in an aggro deck when you need to hold him off for the turn or two you need to end them... but I'm wondering how effective it'd be. Maybe too easy to clear away, but it's just a thought. It'd take some timing, but playing this guy into when your opponent would like to drop Reno could be very strong.
Too inconsistent, I think, and you can only hold them off until turn 8 anyway. The liklihood that you drop this at 5 and have it last 3 turns for that to matter AND to have them within kill range are pretty low. That, and running into reno decks isn't common enough to make that strategy alone viable. This card works best distrupting tempo and aggro in the early game. After turn 3/4 its too easily removed.
Yeah you're likely correct. The meta shifted away from him in favor of other more consistent decks, so at this point it doesn't make much sense as a tech choice. Also he'd probably be too easily removed (although if you play him on exactly turn 6 they likely wont have enough mana to remove his effect and Reno, this is assuming you have board control already). In this scenario, he's kind of a "win more" card, although aggro is going to be running out of steam by turn 6-8, you have to seal it, And he might work, but he wouldn't be able to do you much good the rest of the time, which makes him no good.
There are two ways that I've found to beat Reno 1) Either they just don't have him, in which case, you win. 2) They get too greedy and you can burst them down.
With all those battecry thingies announced in the new adventure, the Weblord has started stirring from its sleep.
Extremely underrated card as of late. Can force insta-concedes against Dragon Decks if you drop this sucker and Velen's Chosen it the next turn. It's time to shine is fast approaching, especially when Brann Bronzebeard hits Live.
Still haven't show it's true colors. More because the time of this card has not come or is veryyyyy specific.
Maybe this guy might actually be an effective tech choice in this Mysterious Challenger meta...? You can play him on curve to eat tokens from Muster for Battle or save him until turn 6 to prevent the Challenger (or Dr. Boom) being played.
Had this dropped vs my dragon priest deck turn 2 via Unstable Portal and it quite literally shut me down.
Deathwing counter kappa
For real tho, this card could become a thing if Crowd Favorite decks become serious
Is this becoming more relevant with the increasing number of secret paladins on the ladder? is it a viable counter to mysterious challenger?
Computer viruses go to him when they have trouble with people.
Some people still think the Internet won't last. He shows them who the whippersnappers are.
Harry Potter went to him for help with a troll. Kripparian went to him for help with a spambot.
He is... The Web Lord.
He's also the only one happy to see bugs on his web :D