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whoa girls generation
I love the deathrattle mechanic that goes off on your opponents turn. Makes them either trade in and benefit you or not trade in and you get repetitive damage or a nice value trade. Win-win in my books.
This card is great for tempo warrior! There is a list out there currently where it plays Fool's Bane and armor gain and goes full SMOrc. This card is amazing in this list and I think this list might actually end up better than standard pirate warrior if token decks are still popular in the next expansion.
I can hear that smorc anthem playing in the background .
SMOrc Never Trade SMOrc Always Goes Face SMOrc
Wow this card looks amazing imo
you can taunt this with a Sunfury Protector Or a Defender of Argus to get 6 armor on turn 5 or on turn 7
also this card looks like its holding Sulfuras
Nah dude, thats a basic hammer
Good stats, interesting deathrattle, and gives you armor. It's a really well rounded card and I quite like it.
probably works well with Sunfury- .... waaaaait a minute, you're trying to sneak in taunt warrior again, aren't you?
Remember that almost all pirate warrior minions die to this minion so if they leave this up it just value trades with their minions
Very well designed card. It's not too strong, it's not weak. It's overall good both in Arena and constructed.
Not bad. Usually the downside of 4/3's is that they get removed immediately. This forces the opponent to choose between giving you 6 armor or letting it live long enough to trade up into a 4 or 5-drop. Solid.
A very good card for control/fatigue warrior. It could be great for arena as well. Stats are great as well. It could see some play in control decks, no doubt.
Fatigue warrior is going to make a comeback, isn't it?
besides there are a bunch of card generation going around, the priest put a copy of your opponent deck in you yours is also an anti fatigue tech
The design of this card will appeal to those of us who like control warrior variants... Mountainfire Armor allows for an early contest to small minions, but can also function as an excellent control tool early and late game. Anyone feeling a combeback for N'Zoth Control Warrior??
Interesting concept. A cheap(ish) card that punishes removal yet still threatens the board, with seemingly no drawback. This is the first card I like from this expansion.
Ravaging Ghoul?
who ever uploaded this put it as a warlock card.