
Card Text
Battlecry: Help Mankrik find
his wife! She was last seen
somewhere in your deck.
Flavor Text
Relives his nightmare every day a new Horde player is created.
Battlecry: Help Mankrik find
his wife! She was last seen
somewhere in your deck.
Relives his nightmare every day a new Horde player is created.
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part of the reason i gave up on hearthstone is card design like this. what am i supposed to pick up from that card text? how am i as a deck creator supposed to guess if Augmented Elekk works on this or not? card text is for rules, flavor text is for fluff like this
That's literally worse than yogg. Early draw decides lose or win, despite the "nerf". Awful.
Literally mandatory in every single deck.
Blizz was supposed to make cards that aren't good in every deck ever, but I guess they failed at it. Again.
How do you get this card? I don’t see it in the solo journey? Nvm I found
Anyone else has noticed a bug with this card?
Just got the Summon His Wife thing via Secret passage, played it - nothing happened.
that's not a bug. you gotta draw it from the deck, it wont work with secret passage.
how is that not a bug. All cast when draw cards so far can be played. Make it unplayable if it cant be palyed from hand geez
than the wording is bad. It says it summons the wife, so that's what I would expect to happen when I play the card.
my wife
3 mana 3/4 - Battlecry: shuffle a dead wife into your deck
So whoever think this card is bad here an analysis to change your mind
1: you are spending only 3 mana for a 3/4 good stats for a 3 mana.
2: his effect is a Battlecry so nothing can stop it
3: shuffling a card in your deck can " counter" tickatus
4: now here is the crazy aspect of it even if the token spell doesn't say it i watched the card showcase and believe me AFTER DRAWING THE SPELL YOU'LL DRAW AN EXTRA CARD that makes this card waaaay stronger i wasn't impressed at first because yea playing a 3/4 to have a bigger deck sounds bad but this wont hurt your deck at all!!! Basically you spend 3 mana for a 3/4 and a 3/10 minion + 3 guaranteed face damage i mean why wouldn't you want this crazy card in your deck lol?
Trust me, Mate, I think this is anything but. I'm partway a back seat player now considering I rarely go on the game, but in my opinion, the last many expansion at this point have been an infinite and unrestrained loop of powercreeping that has really been harmful to the game, and this card, while not best, does indeed embody that to a terrifying degree.
Their power creep comes in two ways, raw power, as in cards that really just straight up are so magnanimously better than old ones its crazy, and all that even when they don't get lucky on their RNG elements.
This one instead is crazy based on its RNG element. Yes, you might not draw it, and then it'll be a fair card as a 3/4 for 3 as you stated yourself. However, if you draw the added card on the next turn after you play it, it is insane. And if you draw it on any turn after you played it, it is still insane. So yeah, I very much agree with ya, that card is bonkers, and sadly that is a big norm for both RNG cards now. Makes the game to watch with all of the chaos, but makes it feel so horrible to actually play it, sadly.
6/14 over 2 bodies with a deal 3 damage to opponent's face for 3 is not reasonable regardless of when you draw it.
Side note, that damage of 3 can be more if you have any attack buffs on the field. Also, we don't know how they've wired him, so that attack might give him a charge, which might mean you can use windfury on him to get a bonus free charge effect on him and immediately make the second attack. Or, alternatively, giving him charge might not let him attack because he already had charge. Just a thing to consider, considering Blizzard's inconsistent coding. :D
Great in c'thun priest and rogue. Make MALEVOLENT STRIKE 0 maba destroy a minion.
So if you run 0 spells and Mankirk on your deck, Prismatic Lens will:
1. Draw the next card in your deck and reduce it's cost to 0 mana (Wife card cost).
2. Draw his wife and instantly play it, then draw another card.
Seems to me like a possible combo.
and almost nobody used.
Respectfully disagree. A number of those units require mana cost to play their productions. This one doesn't plus attacks face for 3 leaving 3 10 body. Initial body is also a 3/4 3 cost which is a solid baseline. We will see this card everywhere. Guaranteed to be nerfed.
She's to the north. Probably.
This card will see play in every standart deck aggro, mid range or control the coin flip is out of this world and with a perfect body there is no downside to this card 100% will be nerfed
You are exactly right. Insta craft