Spirit of the Badlands

Card Text
Battlecry: If your deck started
with no duplicates, get
a permanent Mirage.
Flavor Text
That's the spirit! Of the Badlands.
Battlecry: If your deck started
with no duplicates, get
a permanent Mirage.
That's the spirit! Of the Badlands.
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if the mirage is traded, it doesnt stay in your hand. false ads
From my experience playing this in my last 50 games , it's either hit or miss , if it's a miss , your soul shaw suffer , but when it hits , oh boy does it hit like a truck , playing 3 murgurgles prime before the original , some shirvallahs , high exarch yrel and a few lynessas just for having a mirage in hand .
Personally, I'd be happy to have single copies of my cards that I'll eventually get copies of anyways. Plus, this can give duplicate legendaries. I'd love to play Kingpin Pud possibly more times than rogue.
This isn't great; but it's better than you think it is. Remember, the card is permanent. So even after you cast it as a copy of a minion in your deck it's still in your hand. You're potentially getting multiple copies of minions in your deck, not just one.
So the reward for playing a highlander deck (one of each) is that you can have another copy of another minion ....??? WHAT kinda logic is that ?? Rather just play a normal duplicate deck then ... and NOO Zephrys the Great and Reno Jackson don't save this card..+there is a rotation in 4 months.
The person that thougth of this brilliant idee had to be smoking crack at the time , "uuu lets make a deck with spell paladin and only 5-6 minions then this card will give you 9 copys of zephrys" then in actual gameplay ,shit i drew zephrys turn 1 , damn this card is in my bottom 5
This card is bad. Don't let people tell you otherwise.