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Priest vs priest:
HP face -> Potion of Madness -> HP face -> Power Word: Shield enemy minion -> HP face -> stamp your controlled gargoyle, play The Coin -> HP face .....
Gives juice to priest legends lyra, dragon soul, quest, death knight, velen comb,
Now my 36/36 OTK inner charge priest has a coin so i can do the 11 mana vanilla combo without going second.
Do pardon, i meant to write 36/36
This makes all set a trash. There will be nothing but priest
So, Velen + 2x midblast in standard?
OTK priest is alive
Priest is getting Rogue cards, while Rouge is getting Mage cards. Hearthstone shifts.
Good card, the coin is generally useful, helps meet the spell count condition for the new cards and it refreshes your deathknight hero power and +3 health from Priest of the feast
Sounds familiar? Priest is new Rogue. White is new Black.
Awesome in Lyra yogg meme priest
Sweet more fuel for the super greedy Priest that runs Amara, Warden of Hope, N'Zoth, the Corruptor, Kazakus and Raza the Chained and soon to have Temporus
The priest gemstone and priest weapon...
Who told you about my quest razakus priest???
You're running one too?!?!?
Do you hear the sound of 'your deck that is a t1 deck should not continue to be t1 on rotation, and instead you're just getting more good cards for the least fun deck in the entire game to play against'
didn't saw they pulling this out of the hat. The priestish Sorcerer's Apprentice was not enough, lets keep giving them more combo stuff.
Oh wow the SECOND bad priest card (other one is temporus).
The fact that this card is even decent shows how strong Tomb Pillager was.