Taking a Look Back at the Top Decks of 2016

Taking a Look Back at the Top Decks of 2016

Happy New Year! Let's take a look back on the top decks on HearthPwn throughout the past year and see who came out on top.

Although this will provide a look into how the meta changed over the year, it is not by any means a full representation! That's okay though because that's not what we're trying to do here, we are simply giving credit to the great authors on the site who bring us all great decks and guides to better ourselves at the game.

Here's to a great 2017!


Back when Goblins vs Gnomes and Naxxramas was still in rotation! Patron Warrior was still a thing and Tempo Mage was a fair bit different than what we see today. Renolock as usually is in the top, everyone loves a good Reno deck!

Deck Author Cost
 Patron Warrior kuonet 3960
 Combo Druid tylerootd 4320
 Tempo Mage FR0G1123 2280
 OTK Warrior lokshadow 880
 Renolock Mart23 6440


We saw Shaman start to gain popularity by SMOrcing it up and Reno was as popular as a card could be.

Deck Author Cost
 Obey The Call of Legend EAldanaJHS 2520
 Face Shaman AtlasHS 2240
 Chaos Control Hunter Kharanlol 8740
 Zoo Renolock Torlk 7660
 Elise Priest Kolento 5520


Anti-meta seems to be a title theme during March and looking back on it, it's really no surprise. Warrior of the Control and Patron variety were being played quite a bit and there were plenty of complaints to go round. 

Deck Author Cost
 Injured Camel Hunter J4CKIECHAN 2560
 Aggro Paladin KonstantOut 1360
 Anti-Meta DemoMage IndinaDemo 5400
 Anti Meta Control Priest Racket_hs 3440
 Maly Rogue Anti91 6520


Whispers of the Old Gods launched and with it, GvG and Naxxramas cards were rotated out of Standard. This lead to some new decks for the first time of the year.  C'Thun and Yogg-Saron, Hope's End quickly became competitive powerhouses and we saw Zoolock take on a new shape.

Super Cool Fact: Trump's C'Thun Druid theorycraft deck still remains one of the top decks on the site.

Deck Author Cost
 C'Thun Druid Trump 6720
 C'thun Priest MrSavge 2820
 Our Lord & Savior Yogg andrewc5120 3640
 Midrange Darwin Shaman (Evolve) Serology 4500
 New Zoo TophatDemon 5160


The era of Shaman continues! Everyone and their mother was playing Shaman which lead to an all-time high of responses in our Salt thread. We still saw the old gods and Zoo keep up with things.

Deck Author Cost
 C'thun Priest MrSavge 2820
 Totem Shaman DontBePotato 1800
 Bloodlust Shaman 11point5ft 1740
 New Zoo TophatDemon 5160
 Divine Aggro sixenm 1880


Kripparrian got some spotlight on the site for a super budget Warrior deck which was quite popular but the real stars continued to be C'Thun and Yogg. It was very hard to ignore Yogg as he was able to turn the tides on games or solidify wins so easily.  

Deck Author Cost
 Disneyland Warrior Kripparrian 680
 C'Thun Control Warrior SjoW 7520
 Yogg Token Druid J4CKIECHAN 8520
 Midrange Hunter Toymachine 1940
 Control Priest Happy2demon 7700


Secret Paladin finally shows up but don't you think for a second that it wasn't popular earlier on in the year. So Secretadin was brought back into play briefly, Warriors continued to top the charts, and Evolve Shaman was just super fun and awesome.

Deck Author Cost
 F2P OTK Warrior lokshadow 800
 Evolve Shaman aytugex 1780
 Worgen Combo Warrior kimsaw 1520
 Secret Paladin Jackker 3840
 Hybrid Hunter Thund3rHS 2040


One Night in Karazhan! Medivh invited us into his tower for a party and we left with more Shaman and Hunter nonsense. Resurrect Priest became insanely popular for a short time, as you can see since it made the list twice with two different decks, and it's no real surprise since it was fun!

Deck Author Cost
 Mid Hunter BLo0DLesS 3660
 Midrange Shaman TjornHS 3320
 Resurrect Priest ThijsNL 6040
 Beast Druid Trump 2580
 Resurrect Priest KevinStarr 7320


Shaman, Shaman, and Shaman. Sorry, there's other classes in there somewhere but Shaman really continued its popularity streak with no thanks given to Spirit Claws and Maelstrom Portal. Discardlock gained massive popularity and there were quite a few different decks on the site for it.

Deck Author Cost
 Discolock Zananananan 1200
 Midrange Shaman Loyan 4720
 Control Warrior Num3roun0 11800
 Valet Aggro Freeze Mage tom_hs 3480
 Secret Midrange Hunter SODA_Was_Here 7040


Blizzard decided that we were having too much fun so they brought down a handful of nerfs early in the month which paved the way for the removal of Yogg-Saron and damage to the various Shaman decks that were popular.

Just kidding, Shamans were still doing fine though in a different light.

Deck Author Cost
 SMOrc Hunter C4mlann 3200
 Pirate Warrior Iddos 4540
 New Tempo Mage liken27 11360
 Miracle Rogue Zananananan 6840
 Midrange Shaman Muzzy 4720


By November, Karazhan decks matured and Tempo Mage's spot in the top was truly solidified in the top. Shamans were still popular but there were good counters and we saw Druid gain more popularity. 

Deck Author Cost
 Shaman Eater AlwaysFace 4480
 Tempo Aggro Mage LastDesireHs 4600
 Faceless Shambler Druid SoLegit 10820
 Beast Druid Truebee 4220
 Evil Rexxar Barlender 1600


We should all be familiar with the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan launch and wave of new decks to play. There's been a lot of fun to be had thanks to Patches the Pirate and those crazy Jade Golems.

Something, something Shamans.

Deck Author Cost
 Pirate Warrior WeCoexist 6520
 Midrange Jade Lotus hydrox1de 7940
 Dragon Priest SjoW 4140
 Busted Jade GANG UP Rogue 9Ox 10840
 Jade Druid Kolento 6380

In Conclusion

It is safe to say that the Year of the Kraken will forever be remembered as the Year of the Shaman, Warrior, and Yogg-Saron. 

What sort of decks did you have fun playing in the past year and more importantly, did any of them not make this list? Share your thoughts and lists in the comments below!


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