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    posted a message on Fixing the broken cancer meta: quitting HS Play Mode.
    Quote from BeaWolf >>
    Quote from Exitium >>
    Quote from BeaWolf >>
    Quote from aleathas >>
    Quote from BeaWolf >>
    Quote from aleathas >>
    Quote from bobknobslobr >>
    Quote from whythemy >>
    Quote from Dahkss >>
    Quote from whythemy >>

    Instead of seeing the ladder as a playground where you can play a variety of decks, why not see it for what it is: people playing the most efficient decks they can find with the singular purpose of being better than the opponent they face. Playing whatever deck you want, that's what casual is for. You will find a variety of decks and the feeling of competition is almost completely gone.

    However, you seem to believe that playing on a competitive ladder means that you will not face players who are trying to be pragmatic. This belief is dissonant with what ladder rewards, which is efficiency of play. The problem is your perception of the way things are versus reality. You should choose to see ladder as a competitive experience and choose to funnel your energy and your gameplay into being more efficient than your opponents.

    "Efficiency of play", "the way things are versus reality", "funnel your energy". Oh God. Capitalist language applied to games. It's all because of the virus of e-sports and the business that surrounds it. You don't play to have fun anymore, you play for efficiency.  
    It's not Hearthstone, it's the human race. We take our tiny, innocent pleasures and corrupt them to the extreme.
    Well, Blizzard is a company, their products are designed to make money and entice consumers, and they exist in a capitalist nation, the USA. Further, this game, like all games, is designed to be won and excelled at. That is, actually, the joy that comes from the play. Competition as play is something inherent in our nature. I'm unsure why you are so surprised that it exists. In fact, I'm unsure what you are communicating in your response other than a lack of comprehension of facts.
     i have this image in my head of OP being on a beach building a sand castle and then someone comes up next to him and builds a bigger more impressive sand castle and OP loses his shit and starts ranting about capitalism and tries to knock down the better sand castle "muh designspace!"
      Funny story, I give you that. Capitalism is the most diabolical thing that emerged in the history of human kind. Well, I believe your words clearly reflect the way your brain works - or not  - not others'.
     surely you must be trolling. 
    Capitalismn is the reason you got shoes you dont make yourself. Its the reason you can buy food in a store instead of growing them yourself. its the reason you got a computer, internet, and games like Hearthstone. Capitalismn is the main reason for prosperity in the western countries. sure some are poor, but please do direct me to a country with no poor, where all are equal.
     Typical capitalist, who only thinks the other option is communism. If you think the amount of money you pay worth for obtaining those worthless cards that you disenchant straight away, then continue to make Blizzard more and more rich and be happy with the stupid system that is imposed upon us.
     lol, wow just...  wow.. 
    The thing is, capitalism is not a goverment form, so capitalism and communism cant be compared at all. you are looking for words like democracy, monarchy, dictatorship and the like if you want to compare communism. Capitalism on the other hand happens all around us, every single day, no matter what goverment form you might live in. Capitalism is the reason the cab driver bothers picking you up. its the reason diabetics can get thier medicine and the reason you got power for your light bulbs or computer.
    Its totaly fine by me, you dislike capitalism, but unless you move to a very isolated place and learn to get by using nothing but your own hands I can hardly see how you would avoid capitalism.
     Actually... Communism isn't a form of Government... It's an socioeconomic philosophy just like Capitalism is. So you can compare them. Communism sounds fair in theory. Capitalism sounds fair in theory. The reality of any 'system' is that the human element corrupts it... in Communism some people are "more equal" than others... In Capitalism, the system is skewed by those with power (money). So, the reality is neither idea is better in theory - but in practice Capitalism is often favourable. Aaaaaaaannnnyyyyyywwwwwaaaayyyy...
    The meta is not bad because of Capitalism. The truth of the matter is that Hearthstone is a mathematically based game that does actually have optimal solutions from a statistical win rate standpoint. That means that whatever Blizzard do, there will always be an inbalance - there will always be a favoured deck... it's a chaotic system. The only way to have a 'pure' meta is for everything to be completely and perfectly balanced. Being a chaotic system, if anything is even slightly off then you get cancerisation... that is very difficult to get right. Then you factor 'fun' into it and it just gets a whole lot messier. How do you reconcile a 'fun mechanic' with a balanced system?
     I stand corrected :) however even in communist countries you see capitalism happen every single day, for reasons you mention yourself :)
     Wow, I really like the direction this discussion is taking! 
    So, thinking of it as a mathematical problem is very apt. The pros figure out the most economical equations to "solve for X" and then the rest of the community has their choice of which formula to use.

    Considering chaos: a game like chess has no random element other than the person playing you and your own inspiration/mistakes/deviation from planned strategies = low chaos. A game like poker has all the chaos of chess, but added randomness to the actual "pieces" used = higher chaos. HS has all the chaos of chess and poker and then the random cards you draw can have random effects or interactions = even higher chaos. Going into a match knowing that should help players find fun, rather than expect to receive it for a deck well-planned. Of course, human chaos leads to salt ;)

    * My assertions are just for the sake of providing examples. If I'm incorrect in my judgement on the chaos present in chess or poker, that's my own ignorance.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Fixing the broken cancer meta: quitting HS Play Mode.

    Instead of seeing the ladder as a playground where you can play a variety of decks, why not see it for what it is: people playing the most efficient decks they can find with the singular purpose of being better than the opponent they face. Playing whatever deck you want, that's what casual is for. You will find a variety of decks and the feeling of competition is almost completely gone.

    However, you seem to believe that playing on a competitive ladder means that you will not face players who are trying to be pragmatic. This belief is dissonant with what ladder rewards, which is efficiency of play. The problem is your perception of the way things are versus reality. You should choose to see ladder as a competitive experience and choose to funnel your energy and your gameplay into being more efficient than your opponents.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Felfire Potion
    Quote from Scarthcaroth >>
    Quote from whythemy >>

    This, Dragonfire and Volcanic potion make me wonder why Blizz even created the Grimy Goons. Why spend three turns buffing your hand if your Kabal opponent can just wipe your board anyway? 

     Because they set up Kabal to be a Highlander class and the chance that they will have the exact amount of AoE in hand to consistently wipe your board is not always a given? Not even counting that you can buff your cards above the damage threshold of their AoEs?
     So far there are only two Highlander cards, one of which is Mage only with the strongest board clears going to Warlock and Priest. It is possible further H cards are coming for the rest of the Kabal. While we've seen all the Goons and can make some assertions about how they might fare in a fictional future meta, we're only about half-way through Kabal and already they seem to have the tools they need to deal with the Goons. You might be right, but at the moment, it looks like Kabal is being handed all the direct board clear tools they'll ever need.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Felfire Potion

    This, Dragonfire and Volcanic potion make me wonder why Blizz even created the Grimy Goons. Why spend three turns buffing your hand if your Kabal opponent can just wipe your board anyway? 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.19 - Discussion Topic

    Trying to come up with something that is both a positive and a negative that can interact with both spells and minions. In this case, the keyword describes something that cards create and interact with:

    Cards will give you and your opponent Red Mana. When you have Red Mana it will appear next to your Mana Crystals at the bottom of the screen. To use it, click it: your hero takes 2 damage and you get an extra Mana Crystal for that turn, much like Innervate. Here are some examples of how it can be used:

    Any thoughts on this keyword?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 4

    posted a message on New Card - Worgen Greaser

    Thinking about all the cards that buff minions in hand, this 4-mana 6/3 could easily come out as a 4-mana 8/5 on turn 4. It's got potential in it's interaction being buffed by the Grimestreet buffing cards. It's usefulness is its raw stats that aren't lowered to make room for some battlecry or deathrattle.

    I still doubt it'll see play, but it is possible that with all the hand-buffing we've seen so far, stat-strong minions that seem to have nothing else going for them could be amazing. Buff up your hand early game, drop buffed monster minions mid- and late-game.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Make Priest Great Again ! (Card Design Thread)

    Was futzing around with the idea of playing with maximum health totals:

    As has been stated before, Priest has terrible early game tempo. These cards are all cheap at the cost of maximum health (with the exception of Chain the Soul, which is just maximum health flavor) and are designed to give strong board presence early.

    Effusion Elemental is a 1-Mana cheaper Pit Lord, but instead of taking 5 damage, you lose that health until the minion is removed. This downside should offset the massive value of the minion. You don't recover the health when it leaves play, you have to heal the lost amount.

    Cantor of the Light gives a good body for 3-Mana, something Priest lacks, and provides an armor-like recovery throughout the rest of the game with their Chants of Light.

    Sezz'izz provides an incredibly sticky minion that can only be gotten rid of with silence effects or stealing. It's cumulative maximum life loss might be a setback, but the value it provides should overcome the negative.

    Chain the Soul is a way to bring your opponent into range of Priest's minions and spells without them 'escaping' by healing out of it. Priest isn't a class with easily accessible burst damage (apart from Mind Blast or Auchenai tricks) and bringing your opponent low and forcing them to stay there should help mitigate this.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.02 [SUBMISSION]

    As the storehouse of thousands of generations of magical knowledge, Dalaran's archives hold the mysteries of how to cast any magic, no matter the source. All you need to know is where to look... don't you know the Dalaran Decimal System?

    A card that has potential to create killer freeze mage combos, fuel for Archmage or Flamewaker, or even just an extra add to a chaotic Yogg deck. Be careful not to fill your hand too full and mill yourself!

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 9

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 3.20 - Submission Topic

    The Cruel Hand of Timmy

    Trying to capture the flavor of the WoW weapon with its chance-on-hit to lower stats. Like a nega-version of Sword of Justice, only handing out negative stats seems more powerful than positive ones so it has less durability. Also, it seemed to fit rogue flavor the best.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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