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    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro - Hearthstone's Fifth Expansion

    D'aww, I just noticed that some of the characters in the quest cards are Elise's scout troops along with Finley for the Murloc one. I don't remember who said it, but this is the most adorable expansion! Hey, why didn't we get any cards with the scout troop on them? Elise should've summoned or filled your hand with the scouts!

    Posted in: Guides
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    posted a message on Peter Whalen Talks About Quests & Reveals 2 New Cards!

    It just says "your minions are...". There are no other listed restrictions to the buff.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Explore Un'Goro

    Oh, hell yes! First thing to do is craft two golden copies. Let the clown fiesta begin!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.11 - Submission Topic

    Trying to capture the idea of riding a mount into combat. Tried to make the text clear. Is this clear: when the player selects a target for Ravasaur Mount, the minion adjacent to it also attacks, using up that minions attack for that turn. This works even if the minion was played that turn. If there are two minions adjacent, then the screen dims, both minions get an aura, and the player selects the one they want to attack. When the damage exchange happens, only Ravasaur Mount takes the damage, the other minion does not.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.10 - Discussion Topic

    I have an idea, but I'm unsure which class it fits better. I've created it for Rogue and Mage:

    First, are the stats and such balanced for the effect? I wanted it to be expensive so that it was a choice to spend most of your turn playing this. I like it more for Rogue than Mage to add some control flavor to a class that really doesn't control stuff very well, but the theme of the Mana cost fits with a magical class more. For Rogue, I imagined it would be thematically more representative of impairing your opponent's ability to effectively lead.

    Also, is the wording clear? Enemy minions opposite this minion require 1 Mana to attack. If your opponent does not have unspent Mana, those minions cannot attack. I figured it was clear enough, but let me know if it's not.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Fixing the broken cancer meta: quitting HS Play Mode.
    Quote from Sahgos>>
    Capitalism is just a faster path to the elimination of material resource scarcity - which is the real villain here.  Communism attempts to mitigate resource scarcity by sharing everything equally amongst citizens.  The problem with communism though is it eliminates the motivation to improve the total amount of resources available.  Capitalism does not share resources equally but motivates citizens to increase their own (and society's) overall resources.  What was not foreseen is that eventually technology will allow for the elimination of resource scarcity (e.g., molecular nanotechnology and cheap manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing).  What will remain in terms of scarcity will be design creativity.  Looking into the even further flung future and the scarcity issue becomes computation capacity.  But that's a much more speculative scenario. 
    Part of the complaint from the OP reflects the nature of this. Artificial scarcity in the cards that are available through pack purchasing designed to increase value in physically non-existent media leads to a false sense of injustice. If Blizz wanted, they could provide every card with the release of every expansion much like Netrunner which uses the 'living card game format'. They have chosen to use the old style that physical games, such as Magic, use with a modern system. Capitalism governing a modern technological resource. Outdated and out-modeled, but what else are they to do? They have to operate within the confines of the market and the market is and continue to be regulated by the previous generations. What does a baby boomer understand about the technicalities inherent in digital media and how it differs from physical media? Perhaps when the millennial generation takes their place in thirty or forty years we will see a significant shift.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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