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    posted a message on [Legend] 75% Winrate Even Boomsday Shaman S55 2018

    Hey, this deck might perfom well now with the rastakhan meta, what do you think? Maybe one or two changes?

    Posted in: [Legend] 75% Winrate Even Boomsday Shaman S55 2018
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    posted a message on R15-R10 80% WR Deathwing Questlock

    Yeah, didn't think about that, right - This deck seriously needs more upvotes, come one hunter players and cube locks - get on here!

    Posted in: R15-R10 80% WR Deathwing Questlock
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    posted a message on Bwonsamdi Visions

    Just for trying to get a Surrender to Madness Deck work, you'll get my upvote!

    Interesting to cut the Spirit of the Dead for straight 1-drops and hope for surrender to madness and Bwonsamdi Combo. Yeah, it's a meme, still, I hope for next expansion to actually become viable here

    Posted in: Bwonsamdi Visions
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    posted a message on R15-R10 80% WR Deathwing Questlock

    Sadly, nobody really seems to have interest in Discardlock since the Pros are not playing it, only for some meme plays. But you seem to use it for ladder which is interesting and I like your deck ideas (Why Elven Archer though?) and would be interested if it is even working from rank 5 - 1 if you plan to use the deck there, let me know !

    Posted in: R15-R10 80% WR Deathwing Questlock
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    posted a message on "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock

    Yeah your other decks haven't been the class I want to try out, yet (Sick of hunters, even with your Emeriss, the playstyle is still hunterly, don't like Paladin, too after playing too much of it last season, and Wild is not yet an option for me).

    I have to say, your discolock doesn't too bad even on ladder (rank 4), I keep like a 50 % winrate and I haven't yet crafted Zavas or Deathwing (Replaced both with one Owl for silence because it's pretty good on ladder right now, and another 3 drop helps too for tempo and discard for reckless diretroll instead of discarding hellfire or something else you might need for those puky hunters, and zavas I replaced with Keleseth because I have him but I think I will craft Zavas soon)

    And I still want to try out the quest, just because I kind of like the idea of a portal with unlimited demons, muahahah, but let's see.

    I would like to see some cool Bwonsamdi Priest quest (but not another OTK or infinite Quest shit), or some cool new druid without the infinite taunt or malygos version. And maybe a warrior who doesn't sit back all at his armor but actually plays stuff (sick of odd warrior aswell, I seem to not like heavy control or OTK decks in general but I think everybody hates it to play against these .. )

    Posted in: "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock
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    posted a message on "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock

    So I crafted it and having fun and I kept your advice of having another netdeck for legend if I want to go legend because you are right, it's not a ladder-go-to-legend deck but it's not that bad against the meta either. I might try out a Zilliax Corpsetaker version though when I get Zilliax because I have most cards and man, I just want to try the quest out, too befor it rotates into wild infinity. Maybe I just craft the quest for fun, maybe not. Be alright, thx for making this deck and maybe you come up with other nice deckbuilds that are fun and not that bad either, keep it up!

    Posted in: "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock
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    posted a message on Even druid!

    Finally some new druid idea decks. The Nerfs hit em hard, yeah, I understand that, but it opens up so many new and probably more fun possibilities now for druid decks in the future that I want to play druid, too, and I never played them with all those taunt-all-the-same-druids!

    Posted in: Even druid!
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    posted a message on "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock

    I think it's the bast nerf patch since a long time. Of course, hunter needed a nerf, too, I see that, but yesterday I was so hateful about blizzard and the meta and gaming companies not reacting to the community nowadays, just playing it safe for months until 1 thing get changed and then this early strong patch happens. I'm surprised and kind of grateful. Hell, yeah I rather play against Cutlass Rogue or Deathrattle or even Odd then the stupid Kingsbane, where you can just conceded after a while if you can't aggro him down or have an OTK deck yourself. Such decks are bad for the game, maybe 2 or 3 meme decks that work that way, but not half a meta full of concede/OTK decks, that's just boring, stale and not fun at all. Fortunately, my deathrattle rogue can rise a bit again, too, I think with Miracle Rogue, it's the most interesting rogue deck right now. Many ways too win. But yeah, discardlock just got a bit better on ladder even if it will remain probably on the end of Tier 2 and let's see what other decks people are experimenting. Priest will get better, too now, I guess, maybe some new druid decks instead of the old "every druid place the same 20 cards" decks. Warrior will be much better now, too. All in all I think the changes help to create a more diverse meta. I mean, shaman looses Shudderwock and people complain about that shaman doesn't have meta decks at all without it, but Even Shaman has a better WR at all and the Evolve Decks right now doesn't seem to bad with Krag'wa. And people can finally come up with much more intersting Shudderwock deck than the old boring combo where you can just conceded at one point in the game.

    Posted in: "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock
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    posted a message on Charge Priest! Bwonsamdi Spirit of the Dead Combo!

    EDIT #2: What can I say, it remains a Meme Deck. I think I tried to hard, was worth a try and fun, though.

    Against aggro it has a lot of problems. You need to mulligan hard for Mass Hysteria, Psychic Scream can be too late with its 7 mana. Spirit lash only helps a bit, maybe a Bloodmage Thalnos in for 2 dmg spirit lash for a little board clear? It lacks the usual Dusk Breaker clear which is the best early board control card for priest and I don't see a way to put him in when you acutally want to get off your charge combo consistently. Early taunts are also kind of needed but that would be bad for the charge consistency, too. It's a bit slow but is so much fun from 7 mana upwards (Resurrect Stone, Zereks Cloning Gallery, Bwonsamdi, Surrender, Talanji, hellalujah!)

    I will try the following cards against aggro/fast decks:

    - Stonehill Defender 1-2x (also nice for Talanji Combo)
    - Maybe Saronite Chain Gang/Tar Creeper 1x (not sure about this one)
    - Northshire Cleric 1x-2x (can fuck up the Bwonsamdi draw though and Zereks Cloning Gallery, same with the above minions, but would help for early game)
    - Eternal Servitude 1x (maybe?)
    - Obsidian Statue 1x (if you get it with cloning gallery, or resurrect it, it can help you keep or regain the board, but again: It weakens the charge consistency, but maybe for this deck to compete in ladder we might have to some of thos changes)
    - Zilliax 1x (at least it has rush! But mostly for it's heal and survival options)

    What would I take out ... not sure yet, I will experiment with it, you can too, those were just the ideas that came to my mind. Needs to be tested.

    EDIT 1#: Been playing this deck on low ranks with my second f2p account for testing and I made the following changes because Hunters rekt me mostly and other aggro decks:
    - 2x Wolfrider -> + 2x Stonehill Defender (does really well when combined with discovering big taunts or Zilliax for getting multiple Zilliax or just better Princess Talanji turns, so you don't always have to set up the mightful Bwonsamdi Combo to win)
    - 1x Spirit Lash -> + 1x Northshire Cleric (helped me with some card draw and better early game, since Odd Paldin is dead now, Spirit Lash isn't that strong anymore I guess if you can't spell dmg it up with some minions; maybe 1x Bloodmage Thalnos would make sense, but I won't craft him just for that)

    => Zilliax 1x should be included! I don't have him in my f2p account, but everytime I discovered him with Stonehill Defender I started copying him with Spirit of the Dead or Seance and this usually wins you the game against Hunters or other aggro decks because you have so much heal then.
    There needs to be some testing done with this deck at higher ranks and maybe some answer from the actual author from this deck to tell if this deck is gonna be able to succeed on ladder.

    I can tell you this, it's hell of a lot of fun playing it! So many ways to win, every game kind of feels different, do you go Talanji, or Bwonsamdi, or Cloning Zerek with Coin early, or Resurrect some Charge minions, I mean ... man, didn't play many decks that feel that way. If you have most of the cards and already have some good meta deck in your collection, go and play this deck! Try it out, put some tech cards in and out, it's really fun to get the comboes off!


    Posted in: Charge Priest! Bwonsamdi Spirit of the Dead Combo!
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    posted a message on "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock

    Did you see the Nerfs coming today? I'm so excited, maybe Discardlock will be even better then! Tier 2 coming? Maybe I'm just too excited right now ;D

    Posted in: "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock
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    posted a message on The December 2018 Nerfs Discussion Thread

    Come on guys, can't you finally give up on infinite decks? Aren't they boring after some games anyways? For me they are. It's cool to get it off a couple of time and win but then ... it feels like monotony forever. Why not try new shudder decks, actual intersting decks that win differently and play differently. Like using Shudder with Krag'wa for more Instable Evolutions! (okay, you got me, another infinite combo haha, but a not too broken one, because Unstable Evolutions are still fairly random and don't win you the game immediately, and you never know what you get!) or play some tempo variants just to get off some cool Battlecrys - Like Zul'Jin reapeating strong spells in Hunter. Shouldn't that be Shudderwocks place? A fair effect and usage like Zul'Jin? Not broken, but still strong? I really love the nerfs and the way Blizzard is answering EARLY to the community.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock

    Okay, but I see you played that deck with only one 2-drop (Zavas), so if I'd replace her with Keleseth it would still work I guess then (here in hearthpwn you still have 2x Vulgar Homunculus in, but in the hsreplay you didn't). I know you don't like Keleseth in it, but I just want to save on dust because I have him and not Zavas^^

    I'm still not sure yet. I saw a recent version from Kibler with Corpsetaker and Zilliax, and it looked really nice, too. Your versions is a bit cheaper to craft and has Godfrey in it. Just the winrate stats vor discardlock are really bad on hsreplay and metastats (like 40-45 % wr), but I think they didn't played your version or Kiblers version of the deck which are both a lot better than the previous early rastakhan versions where the stats are coming from mostly, I guess.

    I mean, is the deck competitive at the interesting ranks (rank 5 - legend?). How does it compete at those ranks with current meta? How is the winrate? Replays are fine, but a lucky win here and there happens to many decks, how can it compete over like 30 games in a row with maybe a 50% winrate possible? That be nice, I guess.

    I just see problems with discardlock the more I watch games about the deck vs. other meta decks, like without the quest your only late game option is Deathwing and get enough face dmg down and the infinite Jekliks which can be buffed yeah but an OTK deck just kills you still and there are many in there right now. Hunter also seems like a problem, don't know about the aggro decks like Odd Rogue and Zoo. Odd Paladin can be won because of the many aoe removal, that's nice, hunter spellstones too here and there, but what about rexxar matches? Man, I think about too much stuff, forgive my thoughts, but tomorrow the 2 week after expansion wait for meta settling is over and I'll start crafting. Whatever it is then. I have like 4 favorite decks at the moment:

    - Discard lock (your version or Kiblers version, I have corpsetakers already so I can craft the core discard cards and play both of your decks)
    - Big Beast druid with Oondasta (and not the shitty hadronox, I just hate that card)
    - Dragon Elemental Krag'wa Infinite Evolutions (oh yeah baby)
    - Bwonsamdi Spirit Spiteful Priest (a german streamer just put that deck up today with 30 games and a twitch stream of it, like 20-10 win-lose rate and it looks really nice, maybe the best and "cheapest" Bwonsamdi priest deck there is at the higher ranks - and without the stupid cheap mindblast - anduin combo)

    Long story, nah, but overall I'm just happy to see working discardlock decks, because I love the archtype and I wish the deck gets support again next expansion because the rotating quest is obviously not needed. It doesn't even need that much support, just like a cataclysm alternative and some new healing options for warlock when spellstone and stuff are rotating. Will be interesting in 3 months I don't think discardlock dies completely, Jeklik is just too much of a potential and it's not the only card with the new "controlled discards" (Diretroll - Discard the lowest cost card), that makes the deck way more consistend I feel. Soulwarden, too. Why would the introduce such strong archetype cards and not give it support? I can't see that, but maybe I'm just hoping

    Posted in: "Grant Me Wings" Discardlock
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    posted a message on 69% winrate spitefull priest Bowndstanley

    Holy shit, watched your stream, followed already, looks like a really freaking competitive Bwonsamdi deck! I love it and would like to craft it, but there are so many tech cards/non-core cards in that I struggle to craft those epics mostly. Could you put up a Core and Replacement section?

    I feel like the following cards I could replace without having to craft them:

    - Skulking Geist, Nightmare Amalgam, Crystallizer, Gluttonous Ooze (Just a normal 2 drop Ooze does the job, yeah I know the armor is better against Kingsbane but that's mostly it, and the 3/3 stats, but 400 dust for a rotating card .. )

    - Primordial Drake and Spiteful Summoner seem core I guess, shame, I'd like to not have to craft the Drake ^^

    All in all, really nice deck you've built and your video steam. Finally not another cheap Mind blast Anduin Otk deck, I'm sick of it. Bwonsamdi shall be the new priest archetype, the mechanic is just way more fun.

    Posted in: 69% winrate spitefull priest Bowndstanley
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    posted a message on Jeklik my balls

    Hell yeah, maybe I finally craft this, I just don't want to craft Lana'thel because rotation and I don't think she's "that necessary", could put in another Lifesteal minion for Corpsetaker synergy then, I guess. Thalnos doesn't seem core, too, or what do you think about it?

    To me, the Corpsetaker versin, and especially this version seem to be the strongest of the discolock decks. I don't like the super expensive Skull' of Man'ari version the pros are playing because it's mostly old control lock with some discard synergy, but it's like two half cups, they stand in their way more often than not.

    And I think a version without the Quest will be very relevant next expansion and after rotation because Blizzard seems to push some discard archetype again (with the implementation of Jeklik, Shriek and so on). And it seems like a more "controlled discard typ", with the "Discard your lowest cost card" which helps indeed, even then without the quest.

    Posted in: Jeklik my balls
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    posted a message on Dragon Elemental FrogWok

    I don't understand why nobody seems to vote this deck up or why streamers don't play this more. It feels like the only really new cool and competitive shaman deck (Even Shaman gets boring quickly, and the old Shudderwock don't even begin). I really like to see a guide about it, I already loved Kripps earlier video with this deck and Dekkster played it, too, but that's basically it. It can't be this deck is not above 50 % winrate just from watching the plays and the potential it has. I'm still not sure if I should craft it. I'm going back and forth between this deck, Discard lock and Oondasta Druid (best beast druid deck archetype ever, sick of the armor up and maly druids).

    I saw you didn't put Kalimos in, so he's not neccessary? That would be good for me, then I didn't have to spend dust on a rotating legendary!


    Posted in: Dragon Elemental FrogWok
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