• 0

    posted a message on Far Watch Post and Priest quest

    When I complete a part of the quest it says " discover a card from your deck", yet when the card goes into my hand it gets + 1 mana cost from the watch post. 

    Other cards going to hand via discover do not get the + 1 mana cost,  and it does not say discover a spell and draw it.

    Bug or intended?

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  • 0

    posted a message on Broken. Broken cards everywhere

    The issue is that the relationship between mana cost and card effect is now pretty much out the window.  Mana cheating, "free" card draw etc. are all effects which undermine the whole point of mana in the first place.

    Rune of the Archmage is a great example of this - literally 11 free mana and the potential for some huge upsides.  It's the sort of card that you will basically play as soon as you have it in hand, because why wouldn't you (unless you already have a lethal)?

    Edit: one reason not to play it from hand is that it already got played for free by something else!


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Quest warrior is so stupidly OP it's not even funny
    Quote from joalex79 >>

    instead of nerfing quest warrior they kill mage again because they hate mage players so hard lmao 

     So, the mage quest was also kinda busted (but much less so now).  But at least there was a chance with Crossroads Watch Post and Ogremancer.  With warriors there is nothing you can do (as far as I can tell).  We don't even have Golakka Crawler in standard to compensate, and even if we did I don't think it would matter.



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  • 3

    posted a message on Quest warrior is so stupidly OP it's not even funny

    I would add - just because something is more OP (e.g. druid, or warlock) it doesnt mean that warrios isn't OP.



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  • 0

    posted a message on Vanndar and Devolving Missles bug
    Quote from gnoptar >>

    Now you learn something new. Good for you. I learned it the hard way few days ago, trying to shadowstep replay Vandarr and wonder why the f it was not working and after a few seconds came my realization.

    That could work - as long as you only have 6+ minions!  There's probably a cool deck design in there somewhere.  The first vandar does nothing - the second (or the one played from Tenwu) reduces everything above 2 and 1 (respectively)!

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 22

    posted a message on Quest warrior is so stupidly OP it's not even funny

    Seriously - how did this get through multiple iterations of balance checks?  It has tempo, it has draw, it has consistency and it has inevitability (and with Mr Smite it has burst as well).  Even with them skipping turn 1 (for quest) you can literally be half dead by turn 5 (I have a pic for proof if anyone cares).  

    While I realise I was foolishly playing preist, I survicve to turn 5.  I had 14 health and they had a board of 2/2 (x3), 2/5 taunt (x1) and 28 health.  I played minions every turn and they are 1 pirate away from their quest. 

    They've basically completed their quest with no adverse impact - none at all.   It's just stupid.

    Before you internet peoples say - "just play aggro" (or whatever smart arse comments are going to be forthcoming), try and think about things in an objective way.  Quests are supposed to have a downside in exchange for a reward.  Pirate warrior has no real downside, lots of upsides, and a quest which basically wins the game through attrition. 

    I seriously doubt any decks can really compete with this, all becuase Blizz buffed some pirates, printed some stupid pirates and can't understand the basics of their own game (and in all seriousness - I genuinely don't think they have the game at heart.  Their focus is money - plain and simple.  If they thought they could get away with a battlecry - "deal X damge for each dollar donated" I think they would print it).

    They've killed the game. End of story.




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  • 0

    posted a message on Vanndar and Devolving Missles bug
    Quote from parishbishop >

    I dont know what you can be referencing? Miss what? I played the card, buddy played missiles, and the minions I drew after Vanndar were not discounted. Its pretty str8 forward.

    You played Dark Inquisitor Xanesh, Vanesh wasn't the lowest cost card in your deck when you played it so the battlecry never activated. And only two of the missiles hit Vanesh, you had Fleethoof Pearltusk on the board.

     This is exactly right - we can close the mysterious case of the bug that isn't a bug...

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Vandar Stormpike is a terrible card design...

    My point was obvious - that it's a badly designed card, and I agree that celestial alignment is similar in that regard.  I really wish that Blizz would just have a fresh look at the game they've created and think a bit more creatively about the new cards they create to cater for all deck designs  (control, aggro etc.) rather than just printing coin-flippy cards to cover up for other badly designed cards.

    We already have a literal "win the game" card - how soon before we get a perfectly balanced "Destroy one hero at random" card.



    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Vandar Stormpike is a terrible card design...

    Preface - I like control decks and I like "big" decks.

    The title says it all.  I think he's a terrible design.  If you get to play him on turn 4 you can massively overpower your opponent to the point where it just doesn't feel fair.  If you don't draw him you're often just stuck with a dead hand and are pretty much guaranteed to lose, particularly with the deck design he forces you to make.

    These types of cards basically create a coin-flip game state.  It's not fun to play against when your opponent draws it, and it's not fun to play with when you dont.

    If "big" decks become viable in the meta he's going to be the new Prince Keleseth.  If not he wont ever see play so whats the point of him existing (I realise this part of the argument can be made for a fair few cards these days).

    He feels to me like a sticking plaster attempt at bringing control decks back into a game where quests exists (which wont work as the quests are far too consistent).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Mr. Smite: Team 5's not so subtle art of card design

    I really hate what Blizz has done to this game.  I get that they have to make money, but they're clearly catering to the degenerate "must win - no think" majority.  There's nothing about this card that's balanced on its own, and to make matters worse they add it at a time when the game is basically ahoy matey! 

    It's a cynical cash grab which makes me think the game is done for. 

    I know they say "oh we design cards 5 years in advance...blah blah blah", but surely even they can see that this card (and the other new warrior pirate) are completely fuckin busted in this current meta.

    It's sad when some classes are basically scraping around in the dumpster and they have an opportunity to try and mix things up with a mini-set - but no!  Lets double down on some pirate shenanigans, that will sell more....

    But what do I know?  I'm just a disapointed control player who's no longer welcome in this mobile pay-2-win game.....


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on The massive Ignite issue in Standard

    I think the big issue with Hearthstonen isn't ignite at all - it's pretty much everything that's meta now.  It's just not fun to play anymore - so little interaction, so many obviously OP cards (im mean OP in an objective context, not in synergy with anything else) so much infinite value (of which ignite is one of the problem cards), several OTK's, too much draw and mana cheat for some decks - and none for others. 

    They buffed a card to be a (conditional) 8/8/8 Deal 10 to all enemies and it's too slow for the game - that tells you the state this game is in. 

    They've created a rock-paper-scissor simulator, because most decks are so polarised now in their winrates it almost makes no sense to actually attempt to win in the unfavoured games.  It's all about going face, face, face...

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on nerfs are in

    The quests/rewards are still broken anad completely un-fun imo and tbho I think there are so many cards which are broken at the moment I don't even know where you would start to fix things.  Nerfing Priest a bit more and buffing some warrior cards into OP territory doesn't seem like the solution if you ask me.  Maybe the warlock quest nerf will matter, but all I can see happening is warlock disappearing due to aggro.

    If the quest reward is basically "win game", they should take longer to complete and there should be more deck design considerations other than "complete the quest asap".

    Even though I think the win condition from the Priest quest is stupid, I think the overall design is much better.  It's flexible in terms of which cards can be included, there are decision points in terms of whether to play an "on curve" card that doesn't advance quest or hold on to it in the hope you get what you need to progress to the point when you can.  You need to balance the early game quest completion vs. the number of higher mana cards etc.  There are counter plays once the quest is complete (Mutanus - not ideal but something) and playing the battlecry minion doesn't immediately signal the end of the game.  Given the meta I would be amazed if anyone ever managed to complete the priest quest with any regularity (never mind play the 10 mana spell).

    Top balance all round - good job Blizz.. /s

    p.s. if pirate warrior becomes the new king that just means Blizz fucked up again trying to fix their fuck up.  It will be like Luna's Pocket Galaxy all over again




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  • 3

    posted a message on 21.3 Patch Notes - Constructed & Battlegrounds Balance Changes, Warlock Quest Banned In Wild & More!
    Quote from SoundwaveVR >>

    They just couldn't code Illucia and Darkbishop to not be allowed in the same deck, they had to ruin Illucia for control.

     They could - imagine a legenday neutral spell that says "Swap hands and decks with your opponent until your next turn and summon a 1/3".

    Job done.  The non-shadow nature of the spell would kill the interaction with Darkbishop

    Edit: By "neutral" I mean spell type - not avaiable to all classes


    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on nerfs are in

    I personally think it's a shame they killed her (and lets be clear - they've completely killed her), because outside of the aggro usage (which I agree might be rather frustrating and problematic), she is actually a card that required you and your opponent to think, something which is sorely lacking at the moment imo.

    All the quests (excluding priest) can complete and play their 5 mana card in the same turn if they choose to.  If you don't, and subsequently lose your reward to Illucia, you misplayed and you got punished.

    Similarly - she's wasn't just a play and pray kind of card that you slapped down any time you had the mana.  You can also get recked if you play her with the wrong cards in your own hand.

    I suspect the reality is that the obvious change of "swap hands till the end of turn" was considered too much upside without the downside (i.e. your opponent no longer gets to play your hand and so effectively just loses whatever card you played).  In any case I still don't see why that's considered a problem in a game where your oponent can kill you with a million fatigue damage of their own, or remove 10+ cards from your deck, or make you shuffle you whole hand back into the deck etc...

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on nerfs are in

    Rework *nerf* cough to Illucia doesn't make sense based on the dev comments.

    With the refinement of Shadow Priest in recent weeks, Mindrender Illucia has been overperforming in the archetype, in an unintended way. Instead of being used as a late game disruption tool, Shadow Priests have been using Illucia as an early game play to essentially skip the opponent’s turn. This change is aimed at removing that problematic gameplay from Illucia, while still keeping her in a similar space with her effect.  while also ruining the potential as a late game disrution tool.  To rub salt in the wound we didn't even revert her cost making her a supremely understated 3 cost that no one will ever play again...we should also have added "Your Charge minions have +1 Attack" for the meme.


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