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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I can't wait until excavate is gone. I'm so fucking tired of excavate rogue who just play random bullshit cards for 1 mana and act like they are good because they drew drilly and had a bunch of bounce effects in hand.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mini-set change anything?

    Pain warlock is super strong. Just breezed to legend with a 60-23 record. having a ton of draw from Mass Production that self harms for your Molten Giant and Imprisoned Horror was huge. i usually played those on turn 3-4 every game. Then having INFERNAL! to give you a big taunt and potentially 14 healing for 4 mana, or a way to cut your hp into a Blood Treant for to put you at 10 hp for 0 mana giants if you had a bad draw on turn 4 is also a nice play.

    Only bad matchup was burn mage, since you're constantly low. I had multiple games where I was at 7hp on turn 3 due to all self damage. trying to find the balance between getting your giants out early and making sure they cant blow you up was a struggle. I went 6-6 against them, but had some bad luck with them discovering burn/aoe.

    I would 100% say it changed the meta. I only saw 7 mirrors (went 6-1 in them), but the mage deck wouldn't exist without Painlock and I saw several of those at D2-1

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)

    Battletag: Eight3One#1735
    Region: Americas
    Trade Only?: Yes, you go first

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    holy shit. is aggro paladin ever going to get nerfed?? im tired of dying turn 5 even though ive killed 6 of their minions already

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    why the fuck does a battlecry of Inquisitive Creation work with Deputization Aura.. zero skill, full clear heal to full. so dumb.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 4 "Special Offer"

    Ultimate Edition ~ $56.99

    Digital Deluxe Edition ~ $49.99

    Standard Edition ~ $39.99


    Still stupid overpriced for being over 40% off.

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    so does every single rogue always have full combo on turn 4? i cant count the number of times i face a 15/15 or higher on turn 4, often with a draka too to kill you on turn 5 from 30hp. like how the fuck do you deal with that? you cant kill a huge stealth minion that early and they hit you for all your hp over 2 turns anyways even if you do somehow manage it..

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Sire Denathrius
    Quote from Anarchy1 >>
    Quote from lv426a11 >>

    While off topic for this thread, I think one of the reasons that aggro decks are considered easier than control relates to the mulligan and the consistency of drawing low mana, playable cards in the early game. A bad mulligan for a control deck can be game losing (being too greedy, mulliganing for the wrong opponent deck style or just getting high cost cards).  In contrast an aggro mulligan is nearly alway "get a 1 drop" which is easier to do due to the larger number of 1/2 drops included in the deck (im simplifiying, but you get the picture) and you're often not too concerned with which opponent you're playing against - that probably matters less than your own start (a bad mulligan still kills an aggro deck too - it's just much less likely to happen).

    During the game the aggro gameplan is often fairly single minded and it's not really that cruicial which opponent you're playing.  While historically aggro had to manage resources and play around board clears, current hearhtstone doesn't punish plays into board clears anywhere near as much (that and the fact that contrary to their name, most board clears do not, in fact, clear a board).  Similarly, resources are much easier to come by, so you often don't need to hold things back in the same way as old (most aggro decks have very strong card draw engines now).

    On the flip side, I think its really easy to look at an aggro gameplan and think there's nothing to it but to go face.  In reality a good aggro player will be thinking about total damage in two or three turns and deciding when to trade and when to go face, knowing which "outs" they have left in the deck.

    Finally (and brining it back to this thread), aggro decks can now use Denathrius as a big FU to the control player who has managed to stabilise.  Sure, they're given up a slot for a card which can't be played until turn 10, but aggro games in the age of Renethal can easily stretch into this territory without running out of steam (look at imp-lock - multiple instant boards, multiple buffs etc.). 



     You make the point I am not able to formulate that well. 
    At least in wild you have to play around certain aoes and you do care a lot which aggro deck you face since it decides whether you are the beat down or not

     i think the problem a lot of people have, at least based on my own experience is against decks like implock. you go face every turn pretty much, because once you lose board, you have multiple aoes and a ton of damage through curses that the opponent cant really prevent or interact with as your outs. also super efficient card draw makes it hard to run them out of resources.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on rewards track lvl 100 free hero skin not working?

    whenever I click on the skins, select claim and confirm nothing happens. Anyone else have this issue or know a solution?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Back from a 2 year hiatus
    Quote from starclaw59 >>

    haha sounds good. I’ve been running Baku face hunter and Spiteful Dragon Priest recently and been able to push up to Gold 2!

     dang bro, you must be going hard on games! I'm taking a little break from the D3-Legend grind on standard with some wild ping mage. I'm barely do platinum 10 with a 79% winrate over 48 games. Without the bonus stars holy crap is the grind slow!


    People keep saying there is a lot more variety in wild, but I've only really faced 5 classes so far, and theyve all been quest priest, mill druid, paladin, some 40 card warlock deck that im assuming is Jailor/Bolf, even shaman and (mostly) secret mages. Almost everyone is playing 40 card decks which is pretty dumb imo. There is supposed to be a downside for the 10 extra health, but it doesnt seem to matter. Even aggressive decks like secret mage are 40 cards..

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on help with DH vs Hunter?

    I'm looking for help with Deathrattle Relic DH vs Hunter. It's by far my worst matchup (only negative), and since half of rank 3-legend is hunter, its making the final climb a challenge. Any thoughts on how I could improve this matchup with this deck?


    Deathrattle Relic DH
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (15) Ability (8) Weapon (4) Playable Hero (1) Location (2)
    Loading Collection

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I'm so fucking tired of Mad Duke bullshit. Literally every time opponent plays it they steal by far your best card. Have a hand of 10 cards? No problem, they'll still jack it.

    Also, Renathal is dumb. Legit, 88% of my opponents have played Renathal decks this season. If that doesn't indicate the card is problematic, and this is still with multiple sets beforew the next rotation where the classes that run it will get even more removal..

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Prince Renathal games too long?

    ive played 7 games today. every single fucking one is Renthal token druid or warlock. im already thinking about quitting until expansion..

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from ankha >>

    can the cucks at blizzard stop pushing fucking DH. there is no reason for the class to be the top deck after expansion and miniset with multiple nerfs in between. if you have no idea how to balance the class, then stop giving it super strong cards to start and buff as needed..

    poor DH can't catch a break with the people yelling nerf 

    any other class can be on top but god forbid DH has a viable deck ever



     its the highest winrate class in the game, even after multiple nerfs. that tells me that is has a lot of problematic cards, the 1/3 weapon being a big one. the fact that 42% of my games this season have been against DH and Warrior, whose strength is that is beats DH, is also very telling. For a class that has only existed for like 1.5-2 years, but has been hit with 5-6 rounds of nerfs tells me either the dev team has no idea how to balance it, or prefer it to be a top class since it's still the newest.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    can the cucks at blizzard stop pushing fucking DH. there is no reason for the class to be the top deck after expansion and miniset with multiple nerfs in between. if you have no idea how to balance the class, then stop giving it super strong cards to start and buff as needed..

    Posted in: General Discussion
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