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    posted a message on Mini-set change anything?

    Pain warlock is super strong. Just breezed to legend with a 60-23 record. having a ton of draw from Mass Production that self harms for your Molten Giant and Imprisoned Horror was huge. i usually played those on turn 3-4 every game. Then having INFERNAL! to give you a big taunt and potentially 14 healing for 4 mana, or a way to cut your hp into a Blood Treant for to put you at 10 hp for 0 mana giants if you had a bad draw on turn 4 is also a nice play.

    Only bad matchup was burn mage, since you're constantly low. I had multiple games where I was at 7hp on turn 3 due to all self damage. trying to find the balance between getting your giants out early and making sure they cant blow you up was a struggle. I went 6-6 against them, but had some bad luck with them discovering burn/aoe.

    I would 100% say it changed the meta. I only saw 7 mirrors (went 6-1 in them), but the mage deck wouldn't exist without Painlock and I saw several of those at D2-1

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    holy shit. is aggro paladin ever going to get nerfed?? im tired of dying turn 5 even though ive killed 6 of their minions already

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Diablo 4 "Special Offer"

    Ultimate Edition ~ $56.99

    Digital Deluxe Edition ~ $49.99

    Standard Edition ~ $39.99


    Still stupid overpriced for being over 40% off.

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from ankha >>

    can the cucks at blizzard stop pushing fucking DH. there is no reason for the class to be the top deck after expansion and miniset with multiple nerfs in between. if you have no idea how to balance the class, then stop giving it super strong cards to start and buff as needed..

    poor DH can't catch a break with the people yelling nerf 

    any other class can be on top but god forbid DH has a viable deck ever



     its the highest winrate class in the game, even after multiple nerfs. that tells me that is has a lot of problematic cards, the 1/3 weapon being a big one. the fact that 42% of my games this season have been against DH and Warrior, whose strength is that is beats DH, is also very telling. For a class that has only existed for like 1.5-2 years, but has been hit with 5-6 rounds of nerfs tells me either the dev team has no idea how to balance it, or prefer it to be a top class since it's still the newest.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    can the cucks at blizzard stop pushing fucking DH. there is no reason for the class to be the top deck after expansion and miniset with multiple nerfs in between. if you have no idea how to balance the class, then stop giving it super strong cards to start and buff as needed..

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Die, Insect!

    removed drake with 1 parrot. 2 felt really slow, but 1 was good. drake was strong against some of the slower decks, but those are free wins anyways.

    scorpid is really good. it forces the opponent into unfavorable trades and lets you discover a usually good card. first flame, brain freeze, devolving missiles, siphon mana, icicle, AI, rigged fair game, cone of cold, ring toss, potion of illusion, fireball, firesale, arcane overflow, mask of c'thun, mass polymorph and rune of the arcmage are all good to great options. same reason pretty much every mage and rogue deck run Wand Thief.

    Posted in: Die, Insect!
  • 1

    posted a message on Which nerf is more likely for pirate warrior quest? vote.

    my biggest issue with it is the random Mr. Smite that The Juggernaut gives them. just game winning RNG whenever that happens with 10-15 burst damage in a non combo deck.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on better use of gold?

    I have LoE and ONiK unlocked so I can purchase them with gold. Is buying the remaining 5 wings and dusting the cards that don't see play even in wild a better investment than playing arena in an attempt to build out my standard collection?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What is "Net Deck" ?
    Quote from BroF1sT >>

    That's not even a Netdeck you are playing, in comparison this looks at least _somewhat_ daring / creative, in ways similar like my Bridge Paladin list (All credits to the icon Trump though, mine is just a improved version of his) that is also kicking some serious azz in ladder right now, except against those pesty auto-pilote Pirate warriors.

    OK here is some bad advice but whatever:

    If you face a prolonged streak of back to back Vanilla list copy cat Pirate Warriors, you might want to add them and call them uncreative netdeckers, that's what I sometimes do, although I know it's totally worth and pointless, but let's face it, the Christmas nerfs were just not satisfying at all and facing the same monkey deck in ranked eventually will piss you off and make you want to quit. so yea. Take it from me, you are free to add those lazies and keep it quick and salty. Of course, not meaning to go full enraged mode and insult their mothers or anything. :D

    (although that too naturally happens in a Children's card game)

    i was playing a lot of bridge pally but got stuck at d6. if you draw the turn 4 bridge turn 5 derailed coaster you usually win any matchup, but without the bridge you can struggle against priates, priest and thief rogue. if you finally regain board from them they just vanish you on turn 7 and youre having to play catchup before they play their replay 5 cards thing and just lock you out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on Fairytale Brawl is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    i thought last weeks brawl sucked. this one is the worst one ive ever seen. warrior doesnt even play quest half the time.. also using shiver their timbers on my own minions. this is just more reason why i havent given blizzard a dollar in 5 years.

    Posted in: News
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