Nice deck! Any replacements for Grim Patron out there?
- iNvex
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Member for 10 years, 9 months, and 28 days
Last active Mon, May, 2 2016 17:31:34 -
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FakeFroggy posted a message on Legend 12-2 Patron WoGPosted in: Legend 12-2 Patron WoG -
jakemmeyer posted a message on 15 Winstreak to Legend-featuring Sir Finley MrgltonPosted in: 15 Winstreak to Legend-featuring Sir Finley Mrgltoni fucking hate Cunter. this is a "midrange" deck with 12 two drops. wp face cunter
ImbaHS posted a message on (S21 TOP 5 Legend)Entomb Priest Kolento versionPosted in: (S21 TOP 5 Legend)Entomb Priest Kolento version -
pg8 posted a message on 91.3% WR from 5 to legendPosted in: 91.3% WR from 5 to legendI like how the title is just an advertisement and has nothing to do with the content. It's like saying [s17]One weird trick gets local moms to legend fast!
kasnz posted a message on [Legend] [+70%] Pelitin's Raptor RoguePosted in: [Legend] [+70%] Pelitin's Raptor Rogueboom is must have legendary
you should have it in your collection -
IceMC posted a message on [Legend] [+70%] Pelitin's Raptor RoguePosted in: [Legend] [+70%] Pelitin's Raptor RogueIn this deck - sylvana
hyude1107 posted a message on Cancer Crusher PaladinPosted in: Cancer Crusher PaladinHello and Thank you. Congrats on the full golden version one :)
scrambleds posted a message on [S18] 1 Legend Face2FacePosted in: [S18] 1 Legend Face2FaceSeriously, pretty stupid. Either include full proof or nothing at all.
DubKriss posted a message on Legendary Mage Dragon ControlPosted in: Legendary Mage Dragon ControlI would like to hear your changes because i haven't thought to put some TGT cards in the deck ;)
maxgron13 posted a message on [TGT] Huntface, the grand return!Posted in: [TGT] Huntface, the grand return!lance carrier is too slow card 4 this deck i think
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I love fearsome doom guards, nice see someone use them :)
This years digital items look really good. I prefer this card back to last years :)
Really well written guide, one of the best I've seen around, thanks for taking such great effort to format and make it easy to follow. Look forward to trying it out :) +1
EDIT: Yay, I have full gold version of this deck :)
Yeah, I have had some great draws with him, there is no denying he is an amazing card. I just haven't had him shine enough to say he is 100% earned his spot in the deck for me. Love the deck btw. So far 10-4 at R13 on NA. Best nexus has done for me so far has given me a confuse and allowed me to do an awesome trade vs a dragon priest, but aside from that he hasn't been to friendly to me! But it's only a small sample so far, plan to keeping going with it.
I am interested to try this, I thought Aviana would be too slow unless the meta changed a lot and it has changed some ,I wouldn't say it has settled yet. Hope this works out :) <3 Druid but haven't been maining it for awhile.
What are you thoughts with Mulch > BGH? I have been running one in replace of BGH in my combo druid and I've fallen in love with the card. Have you tried it much?
Pretty standard control, but hey.. do I spy a NAT! Mad love <3
I like playing this, I have made a few changes with new TGT cards, but was wondering what your changes have/would be?
Haven't seen gormok much, looks fun... I am inlove with justicar trueheart... so much better than i expected. Grats on legend!
Totally agree about the creeper comment. +1
Well, still good :)