Hi, you can watch the gameplay on the video above, and re:crafting the deck, you should wait for the launch of new expansion IMO cause meta can drastically change and the deck can become unplayable
Just add auto-squelch in game settings. Any emote, I mean really ANY emote can be intentionally abused by the player who says it, or misunderstood by his opponent and taken as an offence.
When someone says "Greetings" to me even in the very beginning of the match - 99% he will follow with "Well played" and 100 more "Greetings". Just shut the F*CK UP, please.
Alleycat is perfect 1-drop for Hunter anyway, so I hope you can find 40 dust to craft it.
Patches the Pirate is not a core card here, it gives some tempo-swing after being played on turn 1 or 2, or it can help to get that missing 1 damage to finish off your opponent. You can replace the whole package with maybe 1 Jeweled Macaw and Arcane Shot or 2x Dire Wolf Alpha IMO
Battletag: fufrog#2789
Region: EU
Trade only? Yes, I show quest and you go first
Trade only. You go first
Battletag: fufrog#2789Region: EUTrade Only? Yes, you go first0
I freeze him by Glacial Shard
when you are one of the people who disenchanted The Caverns Below AND then got it back from the Year of the Mammoth Bundle
Hi, you can watch the gameplay on the video above, and re:crafting the deck, you should wait for the launch of new expansion IMO cause meta can drastically change and the deck can become unplayable
"Shapeshift" is better IMO
for goldens only
Just add auto-squelch in game settings. Any emote, I mean really ANY emote can be intentionally abused by the player who says it, or misunderstood by his opponent and taken as an offence.
When someone says "Greetings" to me even in the very beginning of the match - 99% he will follow with "Well played" and 100 more "Greetings". Just shut the F*CK UP, please.
Or "All targets are chosen randomly" ©Mayor Noggenfogger
why not pre-order early on? any hidden profit preordering later?
After playing Marin the Fox do you focus on opening the chest? You spend Meteor on it?
Alexstrasza is irreplaceable here IMO
Baron Geddon can be replaced by Volcanic Potion as people wrote below.
C'Thun Rouge is a cocktail, don't you know?!
Alleycat is perfect 1-drop for Hunter anyway, so I hope you can find 40 dust to craft it.
Patches the Pirate is not a core card here, it gives some tempo-swing after being played on turn 1 or 2, or it can help to get that missing 1 damage to finish off your opponent. You can replace the whole package with maybe 1 Jeweled Macaw and Arcane Shot or 2x Dire Wolf Alpha IMO