Jade Idol, Patches, Raza + Anduin, UI (I think that the card would be ok in any other class than Druid), Barnes (any early game card that decides the game via RNG, Flap Bird, Patches ,again, the old Toustar Totemic), all the handbuff mechanic, all the freeze shaman bullshit, all the disrcadlock mechanic, I love mage but Gliph its too good, Ice Block its ok, but, get third or fourth Ice Block its not ok at all, scientist its too good.
I'm pretty sure it's their job to adapt to the US's timezone and hence to reveal the card on time
It's a Brazilian football facebook page that posts gifs of Ronaldo and Messi every 10 minutes. I wouldn't expect them to bother adapting to US timezone or anything like that. I don't even expect them to reveal it when the actual time arrives :D
Man, unfortunately I have to agree, in general we are terrible with responsibilities and follow rules here. It's very annoying, very sad.
Speak for yourself, dude and stop with this "inferiority complex". The guy didn't said anything about responsability. He just assumes that a page about soccer is not very interested in a children's virtual card game.
Note que falei no geral, que bom que vc ficou "se importou"mostra que vc é cara que tem responsabilidade, que cumpre as regras, ele realmente não falou nada sobre responsabilidade, eu falei, se te ofendi com minha opinião sobre o nosso povo me desculpe, eu não quero ficar aqui discutindo, na internet, e principalmente em fórum gringo.
Blessed Champion
So dust.
Quest or nothing.
It could be 15 damage and I still wouldn't play it. Disappointing.
Can someone tell me why?
Yes, I don't 5 mana 2 damage AOE, I pass.
100 dust
The art is very ugly.
Please, give a good legendary to my class at next.
No, is not, you I'll regreat later, I dust two useless wild cards, and everytime I look my collection it hurts :(
Holy crap, people forget things too fast. Quest Rogue for sure, all the other decks you could/can do something about it, but Quest Rogue was hopeless.
Jade Idol, Patches, Raza + Anduin, UI (I think that the card would be ok in any other class than Druid), Barnes (any early game card that decides the game via RNG, Flap Bird, Patches ,again, the old Toustar Totemic), all the handbuff mechanic, all the freeze shaman bullshit, all the disrcadlock mechanic, I love mage but Gliph its too good, Ice Block its ok, but, get third or fourth Ice Block its not ok at all, scientist its too good.
400 dust, and the art is very ugly.
Pack filler.