Don't spend money on this moneygrabby game?
- codyischida
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Member for 8 years, 11 months, and 11 days
Last active Tue, Apr, 14 2020 09:48:02 -
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Moodd posted a message on Dragon Masters Bundle - Prize Pool Crowdfunding for Masters TourPosted in: News -
Blightcaller posted a message on Where is the dragons in "Year of Dragon "?Posted in: General DiscussionNu nu nu nu, "there will be no Dragons in year of the Dragon" next expansion FUCKING DESCENT OF THE MOTHERFUCKING DRAGONS
Man, I was expecting to come here too just to yell this!
Symon22 posted a message on Where is the dragons in "Year of Dragon "?Posted in: General DiscussionNu nu nu nu, "there will be no Dragons in year of the Dragon" next expansion FUCKING DESCENT OF THE MOTHERFUCKING DRAGONS
Werner posted a message on Sick of this. Uninstalling HS.Posted in: General DiscussionHow do people not get that he is making fun of this type of threads and take it serious?
Fun text.
ASEofspades posted a message on I won t buy this expansion!Posted in: General Discussionahhhh, the traditional "I quit!!!!" post. Legend says these people actually believe a community run forum gives a shit, and can be responsible for fixing the game itself.
Majin_Cyanure posted a message on I won t buy this expansion!Posted in: General DiscussionWho doesn't give a shit ?
Dovakin2 posted a message on I won t buy this expansion!Posted in: General DiscussionThis topic comes out literally every single god damn expansion.
user-100041474 posted a message on New Druid Card - Hidden OasisPosted in: Card DiscussionIn Wild this is bad.
6/6 is worth 5.5 Mana, leaving 0.5 Mana for the Taunt, which is average and average is bad.
12 Health restore is worth 4 Mana, floating 2 Mana.
Would need to be 5 Mana to be considerable.
Wowpod posted a message on New Mage Legendary Card - Reno the RelicologistPosted in: Card DiscussionArt is bad, so is card.
Kermorvan posted a message on New Shaman Card - Plague of MurlocsPosted in: Card DiscussionI really like this card. Hopefully control shaman can be a thing.
This can rekt resurrect pool of priest. Can wipe giants from board. A lot of potential
Don't forget it can destroy big priest in wild as well.
Edit:I wonder if "Transform all enemy minions into random Murlocs" would't be better. I'm bit scared of potential usage in agro decks (transforming tokens in to RNG Murloc Warleader + Bluegill Warrior
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Blessed Champion
It could be 15 damage and I still wouldn't play it. Disappointing.
Can someone tell me why?
100 dust
I can beat then with Reno Mage because of Frost Lich Jaina, but its a very hard and skill intensive match up, not mistakes allowed.
Nossa, o preço subiu demais, pagamos 110 por 70 packs da ultima vez, agora paga-se mais caro por apenas 50.
The art is very ugly.
Please, give a good legendary to my class at next.
No, is not, you I'll regreat later, I dust two useless wild cards, and everytime I look my collection it hurts :(
Holy crap, people forget things too fast. Quest Rogue for sure, all the other decks you could/can do something about it, but Quest Rogue was hopeless.