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We do not had a communit compendium this time? >>
by codyischida
6 826
New card reveal in aprox 30 minutes? >>
by codyischida
8 1,694
If the expansion go live august 10, shouldn't have a final reveal stream tomorrow? >>
by codyischida
5 1,048
Disapointed class KFT legendaries? >>
by codyischida
76 8,744
Why Mage it's so unpopular in the last weeks? >>
by codyischida
8 1,375
Cards to Make Dragon Mage Decks (Control, combo, midrange even agrro). >>
by codyischida
8 1,434
Has anyone tried Scaled Nightmare in Dragon Deck? >>
by codyischida
13 2,140
Is N'zoth stronger than C'thun? >>
by codyischida
11 2,024
Mage will be out of WOG? Where are the mage class? >>
by codyischida
58 6,466
Will the secrets still be playble without mad scientist? >>
by codyischida
48 5,254
Where are new Mage and Rogue cards? >>
by codyischida
17 2,250