I just got Justicar Trueheart from a pack, guys please tell me if I should be happy or not?
- andrewc5120
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Entro9 posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!Posted in: Card Discussion - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
why would anyone report this? it's not spam. OP is just trying to have a little fun.
this is a salt thread.
The problem with this deck is it relys on incredible draw. If you can't get card draw, you lose. Against everyone.
getting a crystal runner or even kirin tor duplicated is game winning. -1 potion of poly +1 mirror entity
I'm of the opinion you will generally not see umbra use.
looks more like salt than jokes.
actually, it could very well be the deck within his rank's meta. unfortunately people tend not to understand you need to change your deck if your current meta doesn't favor what you're playing, so they just keep running their face into shit expecting a different outcome.
first run went 4-3. i was definitely unlucky, never drawing any intellects or aluneth every game i lost. it's a good enough deck, but you need good draw.
most communities don't particularly like assholes.