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    posted a message on A little help, please?

    I edited the deck to reflect the changes I've made since the original post. I've also weaseled my way down to rank 9 (and then back to rank 10) in the past couple of days. Seems very strong at times, but also has some vulnerabilities. One of the big changes was the addition of the Faceless Manipulator. I removed the Clericss in favor of Harvest Golems, but I still feel vulnerable to the early rush. I've been wondering what else I could use to manage these circumstances without sacrificing late game power. Hammer of Wrath is too expensive for single target removal, and a Wild Pyromancer would just ruin me. Any advice?


    Also, I'm not seeing many (if any) other Paladins using the Noble Sacrifice, though I've always used them with fairly good success. Redemption seems to be more popular. I may give it a shot.


    Is Black Knight actually terrible? I just threw it in because I had it... and It's nice to crush a late taunt holdout in those close games. More than a couple times I've won the turn after dropping it.


    Would a Blood Knight be worth the investment? I could drop the secrets for bubbles and hope for a big early drop. I should narrow my focus, I guess. Paladin hero just seems to have a lot of directions they could play.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on A little help, please?

    So I got tired of losing so much and decided to buy into some packs. I used to play a Paladin deck earlier on in the beta but got tired of it. Picked up a few amazing cards for the Paladin and decided to give it another shot. I've been pretty successful so far, climbing a few ranks... but may still end up disenchanting the golden legendary (Fordring) to bolster another deck, instead. For now... I'd like to try to make this work.

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    So I see so many people using the Defender of Argus, I had to incorporate them. The Ancient Watcher is purely a taunt fodder and it's worked out well for me. I do have a fair few single cards in the deck that I'd be happy to move around but I'm still in play-test mode. Another Cleric would probably be just as good as the Watcher, for example. The Silvermoon Guardian is another such card where I just wanted a decent card to pair with Defender, but the budget on it is high. I also tried the Spiteful Smith as a taunt fodder card, but never got to make use of it. I should've stuck it out a few more games, I guess. I could use some more silencing power, for sure.


    Divine Favor hasn't come in handy yet, but it does look like something that 'should' be in a deck if available. Lay on Hands is something I could buy, but I'd rather keep the dust for a good neutral. If I were going to spend the dust on this deck I'd be more apt to buy another Sword of Justice, if anything. It seems like that's too good of a Paladin card to only have 1 of. Speaking of being 'too good' I absolutely love Avenging Wrath and have contemplated crafting another. Seriously, it feels like cheating when I play it. Another spellpower card would be welcome to the deck - but I'm not able to buy a Bloodmage. I do have Ancient Mages available, but waiting for turn 10 to drop the bomb...? I dunno.


    Anyway, I'd appreciate any criticism or advice on how to go forward with this deck. I have a stable which has 100% Uncommons x2 and about 80% of the rares available - most with x2 available. I have dust enough to buy any two epics or handful of rares, and my best available epic/legendary cards not in this deck are: Alexstraza, Captain Greenskin, Captain's Parrot x2 (For Greenskin), and Sea Giant x2. I do have experience using bounce cards so that's an option, as well.


    Thanks for looking.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Attempting Shaman w/ Limited Card Selection

    Went with the Earth Elemental, dropped the Dust Devil. Also took the advice to lose an Owl in favor of a Spellbreaker. Adding spell damage at this point still seems like a whole other direction for the deck. I feel like I'd have to finish up loading up on spells. I may also try dropping the Unbound Elemental for another Fire Elemental. Any other advice would be much appreciated.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Attempting Shaman w/ Limited Card Selection

    Yeah I can't actually think of a time where I was able to use Dust Devil for anything but bait. At least not since the wipe.


    I have used Ancient Mages successfully in a Shaman deck as well, so that's an option. I have one - could buy another. Maybe an Azure Drake?


    I probably will splurge on an Earth Elemental, though.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Attempting Shaman w/ Limited Card Selection

    ok, I dead-ended with my Paladin deck at Masters-1... Decided I'd move on to a hero that I would actually like to play, rather than just playing to win and depending heavily on draw. I seem to be better at close games and eeking out tough wins with the Shaman.


    Here's where I am so far. I'm obviously not card-rich, but I do have a small pool of dust to work with and 1 Legendary I could dispose of if needed: Alexstraza.


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    I don't feel like I need the 2x Owl in addition to 2x Earth Shock but silence is one of those things that keeps me afloat. I do have experience with using Pandaren to kick back cards, so that's an option... but ES just seems too good to drop. The lack of high-end cards in the deck means that I have to depend a lot on being able to keep totems out for presence and depend on Dire Wolf and Flametongue for early hits. Axe+Rockbiter can also yield some early headway. There are a few single-cards like Dust Devil (which rarely gets used), Lava Burst and Unbound Elemental which I just threw in because I landed them in packs. I have another Lightning Storm, but two seemed overkill with all the other direct damage available.


    I seem to manage overload pretty well, despite the reluctance I had on it from the get-go... I was thinking that my typical play style would get me caught with my pants down and my mana over-extended but I've become more patient. It's paid off. So, I've contemplated finding a way to add in some Lightning Bolts and buy another Unbound Elemental just to run the gimmick further. I do like the direct damage, though I often find myself wishing I had a little self-heal ability. I suppose I could always add my Alexstraza to the deck for a late-game boost, though I haven't wanted to start using it in case I decide to dust it for a few rares.


    So here's where I need the help... If there were one or two epic cards a decent Shaman deck should always have, I have the means to buy them. Rares as well. I do have quite a bit of unused stuff floating around in my collection that I could dispose of. I may even have some cards that should be in this deck. Next; Is the overload-overloading a viable strategy? I know how frustrating it is to constantly have your board cleared, so that's something I try to push at all costs. Lastly; Any pointers on handling the massive amount of Legendary-Heavy decks would be welcome. I always hold on to my Hexes for way too long in anticipation that on turn 8 I'm going to see the game end if I'm not holding one. I'd like to have a little less fear of late-game.



    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Can I get some Paladin deck advice?

    I originally had 2x Truesilver Champions in the deck and dropped one when I picked up the Defender of Argus... mostly because I found myself with a TC in hand while having my Sword of Justice equipped. I do see the value in keeping it, though, for minion direct attack. The Defender, though, has had a few crutch late-game saves putting taunt up on a squire.


    The Peacekeeper is a good call. I was contemplating either picking those up or trying to fit Humility into the deck - but having more spells and less minions is part of the reason I've had trouble. It only made sense to have another low-cost card to bolster the QA. But, really; How much can you depend on two cards in the deck? Yes, I realize it's a cheese comp.


    Never even thought about the Brewmasters... it'll be a chore to discipline myself to keep them in-hand. I'll give it a go. Thanks.

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    posted a message on Can I get some Paladin deck advice?

    Paladin QA/RW
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    This is what I'm currently running... and I know there's some room for improvement, despite my moderate success. I have a pretty large chunk of dust (dusted a gold legendary) so I'm open to plugging in a few pro epics (especially if I could potentially also use in other hero decks) and rares to make this deck ranked-game viable.


    My general strategy is to sandbag and surprise-buff a Questing Adventurer or Raging Worgen for huge hits. The Crusader is a good bait card, and using Argent Protector or Noble Sacrifice are good single-turn protection for those attack cards. My concerns are early overrun (Consecrate is underpowered) and excessive silence decks. I've been able to drag games out long, though, so silences aren't so big a deal - however having some late-game surprise card would be nice. I also would have to say that I see dead streaks in the deck and miss some crystal use - so do I need more card draw? Lastly, it does seem that having 6 of my minions are in the 3 bracket causes some issues but maybe that's just my indecisiveness.


    I would also like to point out that I haven't played Paladin much at all - so there are many nuances to the hero that I probably am unaware of. I just happened to get lucky with the QA cards in my early packs and Paladin seemed like the most logical fit for that particular card.


    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on The Coin - Love it or hate it?

    I like the coin, except I'm all in favor of the coin having a turn limit. Maybe if it disappeared by turn 3?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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