Yes this is correct. It is like Barnabus the Stomper effect.
- SirSquanchy
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shiang20171 posted a message on Myra's Unstable ElementPosted in: Myra's Unstable ElementI think begginers worry 2 much about milling themselves. Sometimes you don't care about milling at all like when you're playing an aggro deck and you're running out of steam. You need to win in the next 2-3 turns anyways. Also you can shuffle spiders and copy faldorei strider with lab recruiter.
Busted broken card, easy 5 star.
shiang20171 posted a message on Boommaster FlarkPosted in: Boommaster FlarkDoesn't look that great. very understated and not that easy to use the 0/2's. You might play this in a mech hunter effectively giving up to 4 magnetic mechs 2hp and charge or they kill it and you deal 8 face. Depends on how many good magnetic mechs there are I suppose. You could do this + void ripper for 2 card 8 burst combo but that's generally worse than pyro blast because you can only run one copy of this and void ripper might not be very useful in your deck. Combo's that take multiple cards always has the drawback of inconsistency, especially in a class with very poor card draw.
TasteMySteel posted a message on Eureka!Posted in: Eureka!From the art and text I thought this was a mage card but then realized after like 5 minutes that it's a shaman card. Does anyone else think it's a little unfitting for a shaman card?
dogmeatHS posted a message on Lesser Onyx SpellstonePosted in: Lesser Onyx SpellstoneYeah, it's bad on paper, but it could make Valeera the Hollow more playable. Currently the biggest problem of the Rogue DK is the huge tempo loss as you're essentially giving your opponent a free turn. By the time you play the DK, you''ll most likely have upgraded this card at least once, probably twice, making it a decent board clear with Shadow Reflection
user-24326665 posted a message on Lesser Onyx SpellstonePosted in: Lesser Onyx SpellstoneDark Bargain cannot be casted when the enemy has less than 2 minions, so this new wording is sure there to imply that you can cast it when they have less than 2/3 minions
koyint posted a message on DoomcallerPosted in: Doomcallerhowever, "dead" in hearthstone might be just boolean,true or false counter., meaning even if its "revived" ,C'thun still gets counted "dead" when the minion's battlecry trying to check if C'thun is dead (unless they specifically uncheck the "dead" counter during the battlecry to prevent double C'thun which i doubt so) . like how anyfin works, bringing back the dead murloc doesnt prevent the nxt anyfin from bringing back the same murlocs (when the 1st anyfin murlocs are still alive)
The__Bird posted a message on Divine StrengthPosted in: Divine Strengthwhat a boring card
raiderrocker18 posted a message on Shifter ZerusPosted in: Shifter Zerusturn 9 deathwing, turn 10 wisp
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This opens up room for a lot of awesome deck archetypes. Gonna love tinkering with Rogue in this set!
Feign Death
Love the deck concept! The Baleful Banker is a nice backup to address the drawing order. There are a lot of ways to build this with different drawing tools. There's the "Big Spell" archetype that would discourage Arcane Intellect, but makes Dragoncaller Alanna a nice win condition. There's elemental synergies that might fit in the same package. Now's a great time for a mage deck that needs a ton of card draw.
What big tempo swing is worth paying 8-mana for ahead of time? What does this want to draw?
This card can do some goofy stuff along with Benedictus. Not competitive things... just some crazy nonsense.
Yeah :/ When the right deck finds out how to isolate strong minions against cheap spells (or cheap minions against strong spells), we will see some busted plays. Hopefully it would become an inconsistent deck if you construct it at huge extremes.
They can't all be winners *shrug*