She's pulling a minion out of your deck. There's no net change to your fatigue timer. She DOES grind out some extra value if she isn't silenced. You can replay an expensive 5/5 body.
A class with 3+ very successful archetypes can afford to have some niche legendary cards. This might get tech-ed into some decks when silence isn't seeing a lot of play. Still a 2/5 card IMHO. I can't see any place this would fit ATM
Prince Liam would fit well with this mechanic to improve the value of your draws late in the game. I love the idea of creating opportunities for tempo plays, but also keeping a tool to change your deck at certain times or in different matchups.
Yeah :/ When the right deck finds out how to isolate strong minions against cheap spells (or cheap minions against strong spells), we will see some busted plays. Hopefully it would become an inconsistent deck if you construct it at huge extremes.
Yeah, the flavor is in line with Mage. Bound to happen though, given the theme of the set *shrug*
Feign Death
What big tempo swing is worth paying 8-mana for ahead of time? What does this want to draw?
She's pulling a minion out of your deck. There's no net change to your fatigue timer. She DOES grind out some extra value if she isn't silenced. You can replay an expensive 5/5 body.
A class with 3+ very successful archetypes can afford to have some niche legendary cards. This might get tech-ed into some decks when silence isn't seeing a lot of play. Still a 2/5 card IMHO. I can't see any place this would fit ATM
Prince Liam would fit well with this mechanic to improve the value of your draws late in the game. I love the idea of creating opportunities for tempo plays, but also keeping a tool to change your deck at certain times or in different matchups.
Yeah :/ When the right deck finds out how to isolate strong minions against cheap spells (or cheap minions against strong spells), we will see some busted plays. Hopefully it would become an inconsistent deck if you construct it at huge extremes.
I'm psyched to test out how the 1/1 buff will interact with the pool of minions to choose from. I love the art and flavor to it too!
Since there's no graveyard in HS I assume this card would shuffle a new 6/6 Cthun into the deck. I'm interested in clarification too.