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    posted a message on New Mage Card Reveal - Ice Walker
    Quote from DoubleSummon >>
    Quote from Scarthcaroth >>

    The effect of this card is good but it costs 1 mana too much. That said, if this card was only 1 Mana this would be ridiculous because there would be very few cards that could reasonable contest this going from T1 into T2. Waraxe, Spells and N'zoths mate pulling Patches. This would be the ultimate stalling minion for the first few turns because Freeze is such a powerful effect. So unfortunately it suffer from too high of a cost right now. Rip a controlling 1 Mana drop in mage.

     this is why it costs 2 though.. lol
     Yes I know :P
    I just wanted to say more/give more context than just "this card is bad" because honestly, if it was just 1 Mana I'd say it would have the potential to be meta defining for control mages.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card Reveal - Ice Walker

    The effect of this card is good but it costs 1 mana too much. That said, if this card was only 1 Mana this would be ridiculous because there would be very few cards that could reasonable contest this going from T1 into T2. Waraxe, Spells and N'zoths mate pulling Patches. This would be the ultimate stalling minion for the first few turns because Freeze is such a powerful effect. So unfortunately it suffer from too high of a cost right now. Rip a controlling 1 Mana drop in mage.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card Reveal - Animated Berserker
    Quote from CasmX >>
    Quote from Zukuu >>

    Not sure why you'd play this tho instead of just a generic AoE effect that also kills off enemy minions.

    I agree. I'll give Blizz a bit of credit. It's an interesting mechanic and a pretty unique one for a 1 drop. However, unique does not equate to useful. Like Zukuu said, not sure why you'd ever play this minion over the abundance of other activator options available to warriors.
     Because 1. This costs one mana. One mana cards are easy to slot into pretty much any turn where you would otherwise be floating one mana. If it was two, you could always heropower instead. Reason 2. This is a proactive play. You can play this on an empty board, even turn one you can't do the same with whirlwind and Ghoul either, for obvious reasons. Sure, yes, Ravaging Ghoul is superior because it also damages your opponents minions but then again, this card isn't looking to be a small aoe but a combo enabler that can be played proactively.
    Whether it will have enough cards that are relevant for such synergies or whether such a deck wouldn't just be outclassed by Quest Warrior is another thing entirely. But this card definitely offers an advantage over Whirlwind as an activator, while obviously losing out as an AoE clear.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Corpsetaker
    Quote from Rusery >>
    Quote from Harmonius >>
    Quote from AnwarC >>

    Firebat says this card is no good LUL

     He might be right. Unless you get more Lifesteal support, even Paladin cannot consistently use it as it is only good when it gets ALL of the first three abilities. Even both Divine Shield and Taunt it is a worse Senjin. Card might see play, but not with the cards revealed so far.
     Considering we also have a "if you played an elemental last turn" gain divine shield & taunt 4 mana 3/5, it seems a little underwhelming. Its the fact that its possible to get Lifesteal on top of this is what really makes it interesting. Some classes may find this completely useless to them along the curve, so it isn't going to be playable for them. I could imagine trying to fit it into Warlock somehow.... Need to see more cards to get the brain juices flowing. 
     To be fair the Tolvir Stoneshaper is mostly so underwhelming because it breaks up your elemental chain not because a 3/5 Divineshield would be so bad on its own.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Nerubian Unraveler
    Quote from SchruteBucks >>

    Let's say you're running Hemet Jungle Hunter for some reason.  Your opponent plays Nerubian Unraveler.  You then drop Hemet.  Will spells that previously cost 2 and 3 mana now remain in your deck, or does "costs (2) more" only apply to spells in hand?

     Card cost is always adjusted as the card is placed in your hand. This is why Holy Wrath drawing Molten Giant deals 25 even if you have taken damage.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Nerubian Unraveler
    Quote from Kazoul13 >>
    Quote from laadeedaa >>

    Now we can have 2 Loathebs, well, mini-Loathebs anyway.




    2 mini Loatheb's that combined do not give the same efficiency.

    Even if you get to drop both, you increase 2 turns by 2 mana, 4 total. 

    Loatheb cost 1 less and provided 1 more.

    I sincerely do not like this card's value.

     And the effect is persistent for as long as the card is on the board.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Suggestion: Give players the option to trade coin to go first at the mulligan stage.

    With going first being an advantage nobody would ever want to go second unless their deck could make use of the coin in some way (as mentioned before in thread) but then your opponent even has to be so "stupid" as to give your deck that fringe advantage of the coin. It's basically a choice that is no choice at all and only there for the peace of mind of some. It's pretty much just the illusion of choice.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The many reasons why Lakkari Sacrifice is the worst card ever implemented in the game

    There are a few problems I see with this quest.

    One big problem is that unlike pretty much all other TCGs Hearthstone doesn't have a graveyard mechanic. Discarded cards are eternally lost to the ether, unlike Yugioh, Magic, Gwent... where destroyed or discarded cards are still inside the games system to be accessed and interacted with by certain cards. One could argue that resurrect effects do that (Bishop, resurrect, Kazakus potion) but that is only very rudimentary. So if there was more to discarding cards instead of eternally voiding them for the rest of the game the mechanic might be better.

    The second problem is the lack of Discard synergy. Malchezaar's Imp, Silverware Golem, Clutchmother, Fist of Jaraxxus[in wild] and Dinomancer. The Mancer doesn't fit the same deck the other four cards fit into. Imp, Silverware, Clutchmother and Fist are all tempo cards. If your discarded card replace themself with Imp, if your Clutchmother becomes a high statted minion for low cost and keeps replacing itself and the Golem and Fist having a board impact (thus not losing out on their value) obviously means you want to play a fast game but the Quest itself suggests playing a slower value oriented game. On the other end Dinomancer wants you to discard high value minions to be revived by their deathrattle instead of the weenies you would largely put into a tempo oriented deck.

    This pretty much means that none of the discard cards synergize with what the quest is trying to do. When the quest lacks the card to support its build it's doomed to fail.

    Lastly the cost/value proposition is heavily skewed towards the cost side instead of the value side. In essence the quest costs 6 Mana and 6 Cards. If we price a single card based on the warlock heropower as 2 mana and 2 health and a 2 health restore would be somewhere in the range of 0.5 points of mana then we'd roughly get a card being equivalent to 2.5 points of mana (of course this is an overly simplistic way of looking at it). So the quest costs roughly 21 points of mana and then spits out two 3/2s which are valued at 2 mana so you'd need at least 5 proccs of the portal for the quest to be somewhat worth it. This is in stark contrast to all other quests where you naturally work towards the goal of completing it.

    For example a Priest will get the value of all the deathrattle minions he plays. They are minions put on the board which then advance his quest. The quest doesn't simply end up consuming the minion and turns it into nothing for it to gain a counter.  A warlock will only in very select cases get any additional value from the cards he is discarding.

    Sure there is the argument that those discarded cards are put forth in value towards the discard minions but the Quest is geared towards a longer game and in long games you want to have more resources available which means discarding those resources isn't good. Especially since the Quest wants you to discard 1/5th of your deck.



    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Deathstalker, Rexxar
    Quote from unasked >>

    If it's not a spell - then i assume it can't get counterspelled? 


     It's a new type of card called Hero. It's not the same as a spell so no, it can't be counterspelled.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Quest Destruction card

    Leaving all considerations of that quest being pretty much impossible to complete.

    This is horrible design. Basically your response to losing to quest decks is to create a card that essentially spells "If you play a Quest you lose the game."

    There are some hatecards which are tolerable although still inelegant design such as hungry crab and golakka crawler but they do not invalidate the entire strategy a deck is built upon. They give a considerable advantage but are not auto-lose/instant-win buttons.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Proof that Quest Rogue is bottom tier
    Quote from Kyronami >>
    Quote from dontbemad >>

    kibler is a streamer and youtuber, not a progamer. he is known for playing greedy control decks - he never plays aggro- so it's obvious that he hates his bad match up which is quest rogue. I can understand this somehow but that's the meta game: every deck has a hard counter and that's fine! quest rogue keeps jade and other greedy shit in check and we need it. a nerf won't happen and that's fine!

     WTF? Kibler is in the magic hall of fame and is the highest earning pro magic the gathering player of all time but hes not a "pro gamer?"
    are you joking
     Adding to this. Kibbler is also a gamedesigner. He worked on that Warcraft TCG way back when (one that  unfortunately never took off). Iirc he is currently working on Eternal Cardgame. Plus many of the recent changes in Hearthstone are propositions that he himself put forward (of course it is a stretch to say that Kibler was the reason those changes were made but he at least had certainly an influencing factor) like a rotating sets and the Hall of Fame
    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on New Druid Legendary - Tyrantus
    Quote from OrdonHS >>

    Why do people think this card is so bad? Seriously if you play this minion while your opponent has a weakon board they are seriously fucked since they cant kill it otherwise.

     Sure it's not Am'gam Rager levels of bad but the thing is, it is an entirely uninspired design. "Here bigcreature and... IT CAN'T BE TARGETED BY SPELLS!"
    Like wooooow. Sure it can wreck face but it's neither interesting nor appealing and it isn't super strong either. If you get to turn 10 yeah you can play this but you could also Keep playing like 5 1 Mana 10/10s from your Jade Idol who for all intents and purposes have the same weakness as this guy.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Tortollan Primalist
    Quote from breach_deciphern >>

    I guess you would mostly play this to go for a board clear like Twisting Nether, but then you roll 1 mana Paladin secrets... :x

     You can only discover spells in your class. So you can't discover paladin secrets if you can discover a twisting nether.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Jade has shaped the aggressive, anti-control meta
    Quote from Almaniarra >>

    The problem everyone has with Jade Idol is that you can use it to dodge fatigue damage for the entire game, but here you've got people saying we can fix it by nerfing Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Innervate. It was in a different thread, but one time I saw a guy say the real problem card in Jade Druid was Feral Rage. None of those suggestions involve erasing the infinite value mechanic. 

     The problem is not cards or dodging fatigue damage or gaining mana crystals or gaining armors or etc. It's eerything about Druid.
    Problem is that Druid has Jade Golems. He has to have any other mechanic with tri-classes, maybe hand-buff but not Jade Golems.
    Jade Idol's infinite shuffling mechanic is the core of everyone's issue with the deck. If they drop that to instead go after basic Druid cards like Wild Growth and Innervate, where does their argument about how it oppresses control decks go? 
     It's a compound issue. Yes, at its core the shuffling is the problem because you can retain an infinite number of uses but that on its own would not be a problem because you are still confined to drawing one card a turn. Except for the fact that Auctioneer makes it possible to circumvent that and turn all the cheap spells druid has into a disgusting engine.
    It's Miracle Rogue but without the risk of fatiguing themselves with an infinite number of cheap spells. In fact, I've more than once pointed out that Jade Idol isn't the only culprit in this case but that both Idol and Auctioneer work too well together. (Coming back to the design space which you mentioned wasn't impacted by Idol a few posts ago. Idol doesn't have to impact what will be printed because it already has an absurd impact with what IS printed. In fact any future cheap spell with high value impact will have this issue.)
    In fact that is one huge problem in Hearthstone in general. Player turns are entirely insular. Player 1 does their turn, plays their cards, trades. And then Player 2 gets to do his stuff on his turn. The only way to react in any form are secrets and the only two which deal with Auctioneer are either Snipe or Potion of Polymorph. For this exact reason combo and miracle based decks will always feel bad to play against because you can not interact with someone as they draw their entire deck.
    And this wouldn't be a problem in most cases that Druid draws all of their deck because Plenty of their cheap spells do nothing the only caveat here is that the Idol negates that as it arrives at a point where it has the most absurd impact that stifles any hope of gaining board >control<.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Jade has shaped the aggressive, anti-control meta
    Quote from Scarthcaroth >>
    Quote from Scarthcaroth >>
    Yes, I've oversimplified what control does but I will not stop saying that Jade Druid in its current form, is what ruins other control decks.
     How do you respond to the counterargument that 90% of the decks you face aren't Jade Druid? 
    How does that invalidate my point about the designs of the deck? Win and playrate on their own aren't the only indicators of poor design.
    My point was that, even if Jade Druid is an autowin against fatigue decks, fatigue decks are still viable because not every opponent is playing Jade Druid. 
     Jade Druid doesn't just win against fatigue decks. Not every control deck is automatically a fatigue deck.
    Secondly my point never was about Jade Druid autowinning against fatigue which should have been more than abundantly clear from what I've said. What you are doing right now is simply dodging the point of what I am saying.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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