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    posted a message on What if the salt thread...was a bad idea

    I think there are a few issues at stake here:

    1) salt thread is for free venting: but shouldn't mature forum users be mature enough not to need something like this? In a way, its existence means being immature in a forum, even just a portion of it, is acceptable. And that becomes an excuse for being salty even out of the proper salt bin or bashing.

    2) people often want to enforce their point of view, be it argumented or not. In other words people often mistake an uncontrolled feeling for an objective argument.

    3) opening a new a thread is perceived (and rightfully so) as more resonating than replying in page 6 of an old one.

    #1 and #2 share the same reason: the inability to interact meaningfully.

    #3 is inherent to the thread visual format, but also to the fact that any discussion is a sequence, while any shared solution to the argument must be an organic whole, not a sequence of dishomogenous points.

    TL;DR: i actually think the OP makes a fair point, but it's not the whole story. Overall i'm afraid there is no perfect solution to salt and toxicity in forums. We're all silly monkeys still...

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Does Blizzard hear us?

    I quite doubt they read anything out of Reddit...

    But who knows, one can hope.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Hero Cards Was A Mistake?

    Zul'Jin and Hagatha are fair Hero cards in any meta.

    The only problematic one in Standard is Boom, but tbh i suspect it is a sum of incredibly powerful cards put in the same archetype (Mech Control), more than just Hero Boom being the only source of the problem.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Library Miracle Mage

    Indeed, this is one of those decks with pretty fair chances against BP.

    I'm double glad of hearing that. ;)

    Posted in: Library Miracle Mage
  • 0

    posted a message on Hearthpwn errors: Can't browse decks and spotty access to forums

    I had it on chrome too today.

    Fixed by clearing the data of the browser and relogging.

    Posted in: Site Feedback & Support
  • 0

    posted a message on An easy and perfect way to fix Big Priest
    Quote from FirePalyHSplayer >>
    Quote from EbonyMaw >>
    Quote from FirePalyHSplayer >>

    Yes yes yes. Lets nerf Mechwarper while we at it, Kazakus now requires 3 copies of a card in your deck to activate, Reno heals only 15 now and Baku/Genn decks just force you to press concede if you play them. While we at it lets nerf all Giants and add +10 cost to all of them. Kingsbane now gives your opponent 2 copes of Ooze. Give all murlocs the Battlecry: deal 5 damage to yourself because me no likey playing against strong cards.

    I would maybe see the Big Priest nerf because highroll archetype is annoying af, but haven't Jade Druid suffered enough honestly? Those poor fellas are conceding against Skulking Geist 100% of the time and yet you want to nerf them again.

    Can't we just play cards in an Eternal format called Wild and rather explore all the combo and deck and build possibilities rather than whining and "fixing" it?

     are you implying that big priest is not a problem? I don't play wild anymore, but I used to, and let me tell you, big priest is the worst deck ever. it is not that it wins every game and therefore is the worst deck. but the outcome of the game is decided by whether or not they draw barnes. if they can get barnes on 4, then they win and there is nothing you can do unless you happen to be playing mage or shaman and happen to have a polymorph, hex, or devolve. it is the worst deck because it is very one sided no matter what. it is either they win hands down, or you win because they had nothing until turn 8. 

    this deck needs to be fixed, and your snarky comments about how you don't like nerfs will not change that.

     Yes. I am implying that Big Priest is not a problem for an eternal format where you can be dead on turn 3 because of aggro highroll. Outcome of the game is decided not only by Barnes, but also because of your deck choice and draw overall. Yes it feels disgusting to lose against, the same way how it is disgusting to lose against Mechahunter,Kinsgbane,Thekal Giants or Evenlock that puts fat minions as fast as almost Nagalock and dont let me start on Darkest Hourlock. When I feel especially bad playing against them, I just pick a deck that counters them and I counter them. Big Priest gets obliterrated by KIngsbane or is dragged into 20+ minute game against Reno Mage where he's actually forced to think if he wants a chance to win, Mechahunter gets his board cleared by Renolock over and over and Evenlock is burning his cards because of Mill Rogue and so on and on. Every deck in Wild that is at least somehow viable have disgusting comboes. So disgusting that it cant be compared to Standard powerlevel. People need to realise that and deal with that. I like Wild the way it is. Big Priest is nothing compared to Star Aligner Druid days and its currently just another highroll deck slowly devolving into being succesfull only as anti control deck.

    Imma just add a bonus mindset about Wild that I have in order for you to understand my point of view:

    Once people will stop treating Wild as something where they can play Golden Monkey Control Warrior for nostalgia and try to experiment with cards more and play better, then they will realise in how much better state the format is compared to Standard. Yes, it is the double edged sword with Big Priest and Kingsbane and Odd Paladin but I like the other edge which makes the format exciting. The place where I can play Weasel Priest,Renowock Shaman or Big Rogue sprinkled on top with old nostaslgic and rebuilt and actually powerfull decks such as Reno Mage or Dragon Control Priest. Knowing that every dust investment that i make doesnt rotate anywhere is actually pretty good feeling which still keeps me in this game.

     Lethal by highroll by turn-3 can only happen if they decide to release more UNNECESSARILY BROKEN cards. Which is the same reason Big Priest exists. Or Darkest Hour Warlock.

    Unnecessarily for the fun of the game, and actually against it (with the exception of the players behind these decks, who are a relative majoriy, so a critical mass, but not an absolute majority that can justify "fun" on its own).

    Surely High Priest Thekal + Molten Giant is very similar to the above brokenness (and I don't like it either), but it's not much different from Mountain Giant on turn-3 (it's more, sure, but it's "just" stats), and requires 2-3 cards to be in the hand of the paladin together, by said turn. Additionally, they cannot resurrect those giants. So that's VERY powerful for current levels, annoying, but not equally broken. Because it is a spike in the game, not an entire fracture in the mana curve.

    An eternal format DOES NOT IMPLY utter madness as that you suggested. As long as they keep designing cards according to a decent design policy (or as long as they stop printing unnecessarily broken cards).

    It is not a matter of mindset. It is a matter of how many players you want to have in the pool on the long run...

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on For all who say wild is lame...

    Only a few decks are lame, because they are essentially broken (eg Big Priest and Darkest Hour Warlock).

    And I remark, broken, not OP. The whole mode is already OP, and that is still fine.

    Broken cards are the result of short-sighted card design, that never received a decent fix, with the excuse of Rotation. Something broken may still be within normal winrates ratios (also because the meta adjusts against it), but it is toxic for the general enjoyment of the mode.

    Luckily, the playerbase shows signs of will for variety, so the majority don't fall for these broken stuff, and playing Wild is mostly fun. Yet broken decks are still far too frequent.

    Fix the few broken stuff, and Wild is fully healthy again (possibly more than Standard), however OP.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Lich King or Ragnaros?? Who is Dr. 8

    TLK can save you if you are behind, because of the taunt. The generated cards are more like a juicy extra. 8/8 + taunt is the defining trait.

    Ragnaros can hardly do that, he's mainly good at closing games where you are already ahead.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • -7

    posted a message on Fireside Gatherings 2019 - Real Life Rewards, Fireside Home, Tavern vs Tavern

    Who is the smart guy downvoting all the comments...

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Fireside Gatherings 2019 - Real Life Rewards, Fireside Home, Tavern vs Tavern

    How about some Fireside Mode that is plug-and-play in real life Pubs acting as Innkeeper, for ANY players, including new ones?

    A Sandbox where you can access to more cards than you own, possibly with premade decks, and spend some time with your friends around the table, in a Pub.

    Anyone could download the App and start playing right away. Some may actually keep playing on their own after that evening in the Pub...

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on What's your current meme deck?
    Quote from NightCrawl3r >>
    Quote from RavenSunHP >>

    Quest Mage, currently in the iteration in my signature.

    Actually Open the Waygate is not even a meme anymore, since RoS, and can be used in Ranked, as long as you know what you're doing ofc.

    The fact it can be implemented either as Miracle, OTK or Exodia adds even more to its depth.

    I think i have found my final home in this archetype.

     I actually see them so often now that I've teched against them in most decks.  A single tech card winds up being consistently impactful because of how many cards they draw you with coldlights are research project

    I'm pretty salty.  Giant quest mage used to be my go-to deck that's both competitive and meme since WW.  Now I can't play it anymore because of how much tech I'm seeing.  And I can't do a lot of the cool stuff I did in older iterations because some new cards are so powerful in the archetype, I'd be stupid not to cut some of the meme packages

     That's why i am using the Miracle setup, which does not involve Oracles. Miracle is faster than OTK/Exodia at completing the Quest, so it can play around the Ice Block and Freeze.

    What is your current tech against it btw? So i know for myself. :P


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Scientific research about aggro and control players:

    Besides the hyperbolic and toxic labelling, i think the analysis holds some truth. Statistical truth, not a real scientific law.

    But the definition about Big number fans actually fits Combo and Meme players much more than Aggro. There are no big numbers in Aggro.

    I think the average Aggro player is a pretty straightforward and somewhat simple person (still possibly smart ofc, simple is not a synonym for dumb).

    The spoiled kid is more likely to be behind the typical subset of Meme players that we often read in these forums, those with the arrogant expectation that every opponent should also play memes, and never netdeck, and Aggro is dumb, and rubbish like that.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Not having a lot of success with rogue for some reason. Any tips?

    You do not really Control the board. At least, not in any matchup.

    You just hold it enough* to reach the Face as hard as possible (and minimize damage on yours).

    It's similar to old Miracle Rogue, but faster.

    *knowing that "enough" is the key. 

    Posted in: Rogue
  • 0

    posted a message on Site rendered unusable on mobile by parasitic ads

    Some more scam redirect i am getting on mobile since like a few weeks ago:

    http://bestlucky.site/prize/[*long string of attributes here*]


    Posted in: Site Feedback & Support
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