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    posted a message on First day of expansion and I am already salty

    Druid is fine
    turn 6 btw, while 23 card in the deck
    im done guess im not good enough

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on why is rogue NEVER bad?

    The thing about warlock hero power its sounds nice on paper but its a double edged sword. In this aggro heavy meta you really need to keep your health at least above 16. Against smorc hunters I barely use hero power at all, against controll you will run out of cards faster. It can really screw you over, while other hero powers doesn't have this kind of impact on a match.

    But the most broken thing in this meta, is the cards that make you draw and also make those cost 0. Like Heistbaron Togwaggle's treasure, Galakrond, the Nightmare or Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. You can play perfectly while rogues play galakrond on curve doesnt really matter how many times it invoked, and it pulls something ridiculous like free maly with eviscreates, or dragonqueen which will always discover something broken legendary, and there is no way you can remove all of them.

    Also I feel like they need to nerf the discover/get random dragon thingy, the odds that it will be legendary its way too high. Yesterday i met a dragon warrior who got 3 Dragonqueen Alexstrasza it wasn't fun at all.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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