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    posted a message on Otk Miracle Rogue [Wild] 29er combo

    So.. basically it's Firebat's deck

    Posted in: Otk Miracle Rogue [Wild] 29er combo
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    posted a message on Wild Rank 5 to Legend: Jade Druid
    We'll never see eye to eye and I'm 100% fine with that. Are you?
     Looking at how badly you want to respond to people on these forums it seems like you are talking to yourself. I'm sorry mate.
    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Wild Rank 5 to Legend: Jade Druid
    Quote from drmise >>
    Quote from Matsudo >>
    Quote from slizzle466 >>

    LOL I ignore the haters. Judging people by the deck they play is really immature.

     It doesn't get more immature calling everyone who disagrees with you haters. Personally I have fond memories as a 10 y/o spending hours at my local gameshop shifting through the 10-50 cents MTG card bins figuring out what weird card combo's would beat my friends decks. Trying out weird stuff in HS is exactly what makes this game exciting to me and people like you are ruining it in standard, wild and even in casual in both formats. 

    I understand it sucks if the digital world is the only place you can turn to if you need personal confirmation, but please understand that there are people out there playing this game for fun as well.
    So, yeah, winning is fun. Crushing peoples' skulls with Ultimate Infestation is fun. Not to be an @sshole about it but I don't play this game to concern myself with what your idea of a good time is. I don't claim that your "weird" combo deck is ruining my experience so don't claim that me doing what I want to do is ruining yours.
    You are right. It is not up to me to decide what having fun in Hearthstone should entail, much in the same way you cant claim Justin Bieber would be somehow inferior to Mozart. It's only my own frustration about netdecking pirate warriors and jade druids who are discouraging creativity and exploration within Hearthstone. Then again, who needs stuff like creativity and exploration if you can just put on your favourite Justin song, copy a braindead netdeck and crush skulls like the rest is doing, right..?
    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Wild Rank 5 to Legend: Jade Druid
    Quote from slizzle466 >>

    LOL I ignore the haters. Judging people by the deck they play is really immature.

     It doesn't get more immature calling everyone who disagrees with you haters. Personally I have fond memories as a 10 y/o spending hours at my local gameshop shifting through the 10-50 cents MTG card bins figuring out what weird card combo's would beat my friends decks. Trying out weird stuff in HS is exactly what makes this game exciting to me and people like you are ruining it in standard, wild and even in casual in both formats. 

    I understand it sucks if the digital world is the only place you can turn to if you need personal confirmation, but please understand that there are people out there playing this game for fun as well.
    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on [Wild, 65%WR] Jaina, Queen of Dragons

    Hey everyone!

    I've been messing around with Frost Lich Jaina in wild since the release of this expansion and for now landed on this value dragon list. Win rate is 65% over a total of 78 games and after the last adjustments I winstreaked from rank 15 passed rank 10 (for whatever that is worth). Tried to write up a brief guide over HERE.

    Feel free to give it a try and any feedback is more than welcome!

    [Wild 65%WR] Jaina, Queen of Dragons
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    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on [Wild 65%WR] Jaina, Queen of Dragons

    The difference isn't that big between the two I think, either is going to be good. They both give some burst heal with Frost Lich Jaina up, Baron Geddon adds a little more AoE potential and Ragnaros the Firelord a little more spot removal.

    Posted in: [Wild 65%WR] Jaina, Queen of Dragons
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