• 0

    posted a message on No Archmage Vargoth

    I logged into Hearthstone on mobile for the first time in a week today, and I saw I was supposed to get Archmage Vargoth. It said starting April 4th, you get a free non-golden Vargoth, but I didn't receive one. Is the event over?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -5

    posted a message on Paladin Legendary Reveal - Nozari

    Tree of Life cost 9 and it restored all characters to full.

    This is, essentially, a 1 Mana 4/12

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up!, Saronite Chain Gang, Leeching Poison

    Also, you can now put Keleseth in your Druid decks. So it's sort of a buff now.

    Posted in: News
  • -2

    posted a message on Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up!, Saronite Chain Gang, Leeching Poison
    Quote from Ikaran >>

    yes it does, WILD still exists

     I'm aware that Wild exists, but that doesn't change the fact that Wild isn't played nearly as much as Standard is played.

    Posted in: News
  • -6

    posted a message on Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up!, Saronite Chain Gang, Leeching Poison

    Okay but, consider this, Leeching Poison, Level Up!, and Saronite Chain Gang are all rotating out next expansion. So does this Nerf really matter?

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Zul'jin

    It's a more controlled version of Yogg-Saron. yay...

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on New Druid Card Reveal - Gonk, the Raptor

    Unless this expansion has some serious Druid hero attack buffing cards, I don't see this getting much play. 4/10 at best.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on how old are you?

    21. Looking at this thread, it seems I'm a bit young.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Send In The Murlocs! - Tavern Brawl #178

    It's new, but it's definitely a One and Done kinda Brawl. Not that good.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 0

    posted a message on Possible Expansion Teaser! A Red Parrot Has Appeared

    Yay. More Pirates.......... So exciting.................................

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Does anyone else feel like Blizzards speed is too medium?
    Quote from xX_Clerk_Xx >>

    just put adventures back in. and put more smaller updates (card changes, ladder changes ect). then we get more smaller content to keep things fresh without dumping stuff on us.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What is the Most Iconic BASIC Hearthstone card?


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Most Badass Card Art for Each Class in The Boomsday Project
    Quote from HellOnslaught >>

    Wonder if just me but i like the original Dr.Boom face much more then the new one.

     I absolutely LOVE the original Dr. Boom face. Far more than the new one they drew up. His smug look is just 'Muwah!' gorgeous!

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Predictions on nerfs?
    Quote from KungFuMaster >>

    It's been almost 4 weeks after Boomsday, and the meta is beginning to become stale. There are not a lot of decks really overpowered, but some cards need to be nerfed (maybe?)

    Nr1 on the list: Giggling Inventor: Everybody saw it coming, turn 5, absorb 4 minion attacks, deal 1 dmg to them, just totally broken. https://hsreplay.net/cards/#showSparse=yes. It is in 35% of decks atm, which is at powerlevels of unnerfed Corridor Creeper. I think everyone can agree on that

    Nr2 on the list: Spreading Plague: Even today, this card is on the high spot of 'to nerf list' because of its controversy of playing Druid. Normally, in the past u can punish Druid hard by going wide on board and smorc them down. These dayz u need to play around this one card that kills every small token deck that exists today. The power level of a potential 6 mana 7/35 taunt is still boggling me. 

    Nr3 on the list: The Caverns Below: Yes I know what you are thinking, this card is already nerfed twice and doesn't deserve another one. Little do they know this deck is absolutely breaking Legend right now because it pushes all slow decks out of the meta. The reason why this is so slow, is because I think with the nerf to Giggling Inventor, this deck will die anyway because that was its main carry of this expansion. but if Giggling Inventor doesn't get nerfed, I woudl expect some slight changes to this Quest.

    Nr4 on the list: Branching Paths: I think people are not gonna agree with me on this one, but this card is so flexible that it is secretly making druid so strong. I just want this change to happen: from gaining 6 armor to 5. Why? Well let's look at the options now:

    If u pick double draw, u get a 4 mana Arcane Intellect, if u pick double Armor, u get a 'better' Greater Healing Potion, if u pick double Attack, u get a 4 mana worse Savage Roar. And if u pick something like Armor + Draw, u get a slightly better Shield Block for 1 more mana. (Assuming nobody would pick Att + Armor and Att + draw) 
    If u reduce 6 armor to 5, we get a 4 mana worse GHP and a 4 mana Shield Block, which means that options now u get are still as flexible, but u actually get to pay 1 more mana for another card that already exists. If u didn't understand what I meant, basically: 6 Armor is too much, 5 armor makes it perfect. 

    Nr5 on the list: Vilespine Slayer: Card is pretty balanced on its own, but I think this card deserves a spotlight of potentially nerfed. This card might see a 1 mana nerf which means: It will not see play in Odd Rogue anymore, nerfing that deck + it will just put rogue at not such a strong spot in the meta. Rogue has a lot of different decks right now: Odd, Miracle, Kingsbane, Rattle and Quest. Most of those decks Always use Vilespine Slayer because of how good it is. Balanced? Probably but If they are going to nerf this class I think they should start with this card


    Let me know what your nerfs predictions are and let's discuss some of them!

     I feel like Giggling Inventor doesn't need a nerf. It's fine as it is. If they do nerf it, maybe just up the Mana to 6.

    Spreading Plague is okay. It's an anti-aggro tool and they are just 1/5's. They can't change the Health of the Scarabs without changing the identity of KotFT Druid. 1/5 taunts are what Druid is. It's also 6 Mana which makes it more fair. At 5 it was too strong and I feel at 7 it wouldn't be played.

    The Caverns Below has been nerfed twice. It can be nerfed again; Blizzard has nerfed a card more than twice before. If they see that it's still an overwhelming presence then they can nerf it. But I honestly don't see how. They already changed it from Summon 4, to Summon 5 and dropped the buff from 5/5's to 4/4's. What else can they do to the card? I don't think this needs yet another change.

    Yeah Branching Paths could use a change. Drop the Armor to 5, like you suggested, would probably be the best way to do it other than increasing the Mana cost.

    Vilespine Slayer is the second card I agree with you on here. It's literally a 5 Mana destroy a minion, summon a 3/4. That's a bit strong. Making it 6 Mana would kick it out of Odd Rogue, effectively nerfing a very strong deck, and would still let the card be playable.

    Nothing from this expansion seems too overpowering. If anything, I thought Echo would make Quest Rogue even stronger than it was, but Echo isn't even present in Quest Rogue. And if it is, then it's 1 or 2 cards that give you value rather than help complete your Quest. I don't feel like they'll be nerfing anything from Boomsday.

    Let's move Malygos to the Hall of Fame and give everyone FREE DUST!!

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 29

    posted a message on A Scientific Recipe Is This Week's Brawl - Play With Boomsday Deck Recipes


    Posted in: News
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