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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Vbt >>

    This thread has been the only thing to give me joy while playing hearthstone. To know that there are others out there who are not braindead and understand this game is one circle jerk fiesta of nerds copying each others decks and mouth breathing on each other has helped me continue enjoying some aspects of the game. Even though hearthpwn deleted alot of my posts trolling said nerds I will miss this site and this thread specifically. Keep the salt alive boys, you will live on, you are my spirit animals. 

     The salt continues to sting at https://outof.cards

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    why even fucking play hearthstone casual when you lose to a billion damage on turn 10? 

     I'm feeling supportive of you again, mostly because you seem to be so tortured. I gave up on Casual a month ago. Casual is not worth it. Just gamble on ranked play with quests. It makes absolutely no difference, which is why casual is like playing ranked. Forget there's a difference between the two and start grinding the ladder for gold, man. Just make pretend casual is not an option. 


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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Batmanna >>

    Big Priest in Wild, not only it's completly broken, but the unfun side of it is so huge. Barnes is not the problem anymore, since alot of list cut it for some even worse bullshit. Vargoth and that Catrena my ass actually buffed the deck, as if it was not broken enough. The resurrect cards need to be changed, not one of them, all.

     Totally makes you wish you'd just dust all your old cards and craft stuff for Standard and save some money and hassle. I totally hear you man. The name of the Blizzard business model is not to make it easy for people to collect all the cards. I think Acorn Bearer says it all. Nuts to you!

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Don't mind me, just playing against LITERAL CONSTRUCTED TOKEN DRUID in arena

    That is just unreal! I wonder if the person knew they had that kind of deck or if a computer application helped them select their cards and saw the opportunity to create it. I saw a Zoolock in Arena last week. I think Arena is no longer "just a game" anymore. ;(

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Weapons Project + Harrison Jones = Cliché Douche Move + I got 6 armor

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from KingCarnage >>
    Quote from LameMeElC >>
    Quote from KingCarnage >>

    i only play my own decks and this is my first time looking at tiers. I'm surprised druid is so low, not surprised tier 1 & 2 is LITERALLY all that's played. As you get down into tier 3 and 4 there a little more interaction and actually playing a game.

     If you haven't started reading the Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report, you should at least read #128, which is the most recent (May 2).

    It says Druid is a huge disappointment and Warlock Zoo has hit a huge wall.

    There's really not a whole lot to do right now but face the game with a "if you can't beat them, join them" type of attitude because the meta hasn't really settled yet. Token Druid could rise up again.

    The lower tier decks are not allowing for much interaction, either. For example, a lot of the priest variations are just as boring to play against as Control Warrior. You stare at your opponent's empty board a lot of the time, much like Taunt Druid used to be. This is why Tempo Rogue and Mech Hunter have become popular because facing one of these opponents is a total smack 'em in the face festival. It's like playing whack-a-mole except the mole just sits there and does nothing but heal or draw cards. Nomi Priest mirror matches must be a lot of fun (NOT!).

    And this is why the game makes me salty right now. There's not much you can do except try to go with the flow if you can figure out the flow. Or, you can throw your computer out the window after writing a nasty letter to Blizzard.


     Not a fan of spam decks so I never played any decks like the only druid one played right now or zoolock but the consistency of druid is pretty toxic. I dont see any risk at all in playing that deck so I didnt expect to see it that low.(though I guess I really shouldnt call 2 low) I dont think i even play a variation of any of the decks listed there. I have a Catrina deck with taunts but i do that lame inner fire garbage.

     Token Druid is not consistent, which is why it isn't doing well. It has no card draw, so every card you play is a total commitment. Twin spells are supposed to mitigate that, but it does not work. The Forest's Aid, for example, is a twin spell that spams the board with treants. But it costs 8, so even when you have 10 mana, you pretty much use up your turn with that spell and can't do much else. I'm sure you can imagine the scenario: Turn ten treats, opponent's turn board wipe, turn eleven treants, opponent's turn board wipe. It happens a lot with Warrior and Shaman. The legendary minion Keeper Stalladris is supposed to help as is using Archmage Vargoth, but it isn't enough for a lot of matches so the druid just loses steam. Druid was my first golden hero I earned, so I have always kept up with the druid class even though I don't use it much anymore, so I've tried out all the Token Druid decks and really, they are underwhelming.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from KingCarnage >>

    i only play my own decks and this is my first time looking at tiers. I'm surprised druid is so low, not surprised tier 1 & 2 is LITERALLY all that's played. As you get down into tier 3 and 4 there a little more interaction and actually playing a game.

     If you haven't started reading the Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report, you should at least read #128, which is the most recent (May 2). It says Druid is a huge disappointment and Warlock Zoo has hit a huge wall.

    There's really not a whole lot to do right now but face the game with a "if you can't beat them, join them" type of attitude because the meta hasn't really settled yet. Token Druid could rise up again.

    The lower tier decks are not allowing for much interaction, either. For example, a lot of the priest variations are just as boring to play against as Control Warrior. You stare at your opponent's empty board a lot of the time, much like Taunt Druid used to be. This is why Tempo Rogue and Mech Hunter have become popular because facing one of these opponents is a total smack 'em in the face festival. It's like playing whack-a-mole except the mole just sits there and does nothing but heal or draw cards. Nomi Priest mirror matches must be a lot of fun (NOT!).

    And this is why the game makes me salty right now. There's not much you can do except try to go with the flow if you can figure out the flow. Or, you can throw your computer out the window after writing a nasty letter to Blizzard.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I think the salty thread is starting to turn into the trolling thread. Another thing that can make me salty and I have to complain about in the salty thread.

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    How does Summoner Mage always follow the same sequence? Oh, you mean the same way Control Warlock always followed the same sequence, holding on to their cards to save up for the mountain giant? Oh, OK, that's how.

    How does Summoner Mage always manage to take a huge shit onto the board leaving gigantic pig shits of minions that get duplicated? Oh, you mean because they hoard cards and saved up for the mountain giant? Oh, OK.

    I say we change the name of the archetype "Summoner Mage" to "Anal Retentive Diarrhea Mage." It holds onto the shit like a retentive anus then has an explosive shit all over the board that's sometimes a challenge to clean up.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from FireBurn >>
    Quote from Prudence94 >>

    Fuck Warriors,I don't care if Rogue is OP and they're keeping it in check but right now I hate playing against anything that includes Garrosh/Magni... Elysiana into a copy effect is so ******** that it makes me wish DKs/Exodia were still in rotation...  Also,Omega Devastator is stupid enough on its own and the fact that they can generate like 4/5 through discoveries is outrageous... #Iwantbalancechangesnow

     I fully agree. I rather lose to any kind of agro instead of this 30 minutes of bullshit. At least games against rogues are quick and more enjoyable. You lose and continue to play, honestly, I lose all the will to play more games after facing Warrior with double Elysiana (even if i win the game). IT'S NOT FUN. 

     A game against control warrior is extremely boring. It's so agonizing when they whip out the Archivist bullshit. It sort of reminds me of finishing a very long game of Monopoly with a ten year old and the child insists playing yet another game of Monopoly.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from lite0 >>
    Quote from LameMeElC >>

     I also agree, and also sympathize, but I would like to add Big Shaman to this list. It's a brainless deck to play. As a bomb warrior player[...]

     >big shaman brainless

    >bomb warrior requiring you to think


     My point is that they're all brainless!

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Talesusde >>
    Quote from ababyduck >>

    Anyone playing control warrior and big hand mage:  I hate you.  Those decks are not fun.  I don't believe you if you claim to have fun playing them.  You just have fun winning, that's 100% it.  But guess what?  There are decks you can play that are fun to play that win too you uncreative fucks.  

    Don't you get tired of playing boom on 7 every single game and stretching every game to 25 minutes?  What happened in your childhoods that made you this way?

    and before you say it, don't give me some crap about control requiring "more skill".  You pretty much can't lose no matter what you do against anything but OTK decks if you last until boom on 7.  Last to fatigue? Well, you've got elysiana to close it.  In the mirror it's not down to skill, it's draw order and rng.  It's the dullest deck to ever exist in the game.

     agree. Such a stupid deck, it never dies, has the best aoes and infinite life/armor, stretches the game forever and requires absolute no skill or inteligence to play. fuck

     I also agree, and also sympathize, but I would like to add Big Shaman to this list. It's a brainless deck to play. As a bomb warrior player (you can hate me, it's OK) I really must say that Control Warrior is awful to play against. I mean, it's so bad it pisses off other warrior players. You have no idea how satisfying it is to kill a Control Warrior right after they dump their Archivist Elysiana shit onto the board. And it's just like that. They're taking a huge shit on the board, because maybe they were holding onto that fucking card the entire game and they waited until they drew their very last fucking card and then they shit that fucking thing out. It's oh so satisfying to murder them on the next turn because sometimes they even emote a "good game" before playing it, thinking they've won the game and wasted your time all at once. Fuck them all. Fuck the big shaman players too, with their shit fountain that gets summoned from Muck Morpher and deathrattled back multiple times, then gets actually played with some infinite board wipes in between. And no, control is not special and you don't need to be smart to play control. You need to be an asshole who likes to make other people irritated and waste their fucking time. Yes, I know this is not a thread with dialogue. I am being supportive of the OP and the other person who answered. We are supportive salty bastards.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I predict Harrison in Standard's future

    I think weapon removal is a nice psychological cushion that makes the weapon remover feel good. A legendary classic card like this works great for people who just feel like they have to remove a weapon, plus you get the nice board presence with a card draw. The reality is that this card does not really do much in most matches. I use several decks with weapons and the weapons are important in my game strategy, but destroying my weapon is not a huge hairy deal. I can still win the game even if you remove my weapon. So, Harrison fans, have fun with your favorite weapon remover. Swamp Ooze can't match him because of the card draw, but just like Harrison, Swamp Ooze typically dies on the next turn, like just about every frigging minion in this game.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Started the day one star. Ended the day one star. Played 24 games. Won 13. Lost 11. Even beat a Resurrection Priest that got the huge nut of mass resurrecting twice with Archmage Vargoths duplicated and all that shit that makes priest players cum in their pants. Even beat a couple of bomb warriors, some rogues, a token druid and some other stupid shit. Made no progress in the ladder climb but I suppose I should lower my expectations. My win rate was above 50%, I stuck with the same deck all day and didn't change, did all the things the pros say you're supposed to do on their little holyier than shit youtube videos. I didn't get tilted, didn't have any problems with losses. I tried to follow the advice of learning from losses but all I learned from losses was that at the end of the matches I just didn't have that thing I needed at the right time to end the game first. You'd think I'd at least get one fucking star more for being a good little boy and doing everything exactly as advised. I can honestly say that I am not a bad player and I did everything right and got totally punished for it.

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Hedwyn_nl >>

    Mech Hunters and Tempo Rogues, you don't feel a cancer inside of you while playing with this decks in casual?

    I'm not kidding or being salt, I don't care what do you do with your lifes, it's a serious question.

     Farming for gold, because I'm any old stupid asshole that can use those decks. Please remember that when you face these decks that you are playing against somebody like me. I truly hope, from the deepest of my rotten heart, that this makes you feel better.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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