• 2

    posted a message on If they're gonna keep supporting no minion decks, they need to implement more spell counters
    (Quote from Anarchy1 >>

    The guy claiming neophyte being bad in wild has no clue. It’s staple in darkglare, which is the best deck in the format. Also loatheb sees plenty of play. Legend every season myself

     Wow, Neophyte sees play in ONE meta deck! What an OP card!

    Also loatheb sees plenty of play.

    Lets have a look how many meta decks currently are running Loatheb according to the current TS meta report (https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/wild/2021-05-24):

    Darkglare Warlock plays Loatheb. (+)

    Handbuff Paladin plays Loatheb. (+)

    Reno Priest plays no Loatheb. (-)

    Secret Mage plays no Loatheb. (-)

    Mozaki Mage plays no Loatheb. (-)

    Odd Pala plays Loatheb. (+)

    Pirate Warrior plays no Loatheb. (-)

    Murloc Shaman plays no Loatheb. (-)

    Cutelock plays no Loatheb. (-)

    Big Priest plays no Loatheb. (-)

    APM Mage plays no Loatheb. (-)

    Renolock plays Loatheb. (+)


    Discolock plays no Loatheb. (-)

    Aggro Druid plays no Loatheb. (-)

    Kingsbane Rogue plays no Loatheb. (-)


    I will not list every deck, but the statistic is clear: Yes, Loatheb sees some play in Wild, but he is nowhere near "played everywhere".

    I listet 15 decks and only 4 are playing Loatheb. So please show me your sources which show that "Loatheb is everywhere" in Wild.

    EDIT: Oh and before someone is crying "Oh Tempo Storm is shit, this proves nothing!" let`s take a look at HSReplay too:

    According to HSReplay Loatheb has a popularity of about 8% at the moment. Wow this card is everywhere! kappa


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on If they're gonna keep supporting no minion decks, they need to implement more spell counters

    This message board is forced to tolerate 11ty hate threads a day regarding Oh My Yogg! and suddenly, we need MORE spell counters...

     Oh my Yogg is only for Pala. We need more good neutral anti spell tech cards.

    (And no Cult Neophyte is in my eyes not a good anti spell card, it`s only "ok" and only in Standard. For Wild I think the card is too weak.)

    You can lock literally every single combo, control and midrange deck in wild by playing loatheb

    I don`t know in which parallel universe you are playing but on EU on 10/11 star rating elo I very rarly see any Loathebs played anymore.

    Beside 2-3 decks (like APM mage and Reno Priest) most of the current meta decks are mostly minion based so most decks see no real reason to tech in Loatheb. He is too often just a 5 mana 5/5 which isn`t good enough in Wild.  

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Why is HS so f***ing slow?

    The mulligan is way too long.

    Every turn feels like an eternity.

    The animations are soooo slow.

    Why is HS so f***ing slow? It could be so much faster with no downsides. Its so overdue that HS becomes a way faster game!


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Has anyone here reached Diamond 5 yet?

    Top 200 Legend since 4. April.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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