
Brag about your Bounties and discuss everything related to this game mode.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
How can I give these 2 packs to you guys? >>
by Toribasher
1 3,133
Lilian Voss 3rd equipment >>
by Caba
2 2,784
Mercenaries - Your Mythic Boss Impressions? >>
by DaShadowPriest
3 1,868
Easy Mythic Boss fight with Big Blue Heroes >>
by Lythgul
0 1,147
Pack opening is broken >>
by dr_nova
1 987
Can anyone help me out to understand Reno's equipment "we're rich" ??! thx! >>
by Spocoli
1 864
Mercanaries Task Discussion/Guide Thread >>
by ArcyroX
179 27,600
Important note for those trying to collect all of the new mercs >>
by lostkiwi
2 1,338
I think they should add a pity timer to legendaries in Merc packs... >>
by lostkiwi
4 1,037
Merc Packs not working >>
by NewBorn
3 802
Dawngrasp puzzle for Azeroth is not possible now >>
by Gargoyle
4 1,668
Does anyone buy Coins in the Shop? >>
by NewBorn
13 3,373
C'thun quests 7 - how?? >>
by fusilli
9 2,047
Yogg tasks revived >>
by mtmf
4 1,448
the trigore issue >>
by thehighlanderking
6 2,335