• -7

    posted a message on The Deck that Rules the World

    Maybe put stormwind champion instead of Boom as a  7 drop? It may sound funny, but it synergises with muster for battle and has high stats.

    Posted in: The Deck that Rules the World
  • 1

    posted a message on Does Unstable portal need a change?

    "or if not its just sooo RNG dependant" This is why it isn't overpowered. Yesterday I did get some god draws, fel reaver and malorne. But many times it's gotten me northshire clerics and lightwells for example. It's a fantastic card but it can get you crap that doesn't help and just waste a card. One of my funniest moments was when I got the black knight from it, I then drew one from my deck but never played either because the opponent didn't play taunts.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Crush
    Quote from GamingWithBen »

    Finally Artosis can execute his own sylvanas.

    Trump read out your comment on his preview of the last 62 gvg cards :D.

    Posted in: Crush
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    posted a message on [Legacy] Invent your own Cards With a new Card Generator, Discuss new ideas and theories here!


    Deathrattles are valued at 1/2 the price of Battlecries.  If Cairne gave you a Yeti as a Battlecry it would be an 8 mana card.

    I wouldn't say exactly 1/2 in all circumstances though, for example Sludge belchers and Harvest golems would be worse without their deathrattle being a deathrattle, same arguably with haunted creeper. So Idk really, the card could work at its current cost as a deathrattle and I think that'd be good.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Pilleri's GvsG Arena Tiers

    You forgot about the Piloted Shredder mech.

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 3

    posted a message on My GvG Tier list.(Constructed and Areana

    You rate a vanilla druid 5 mana 4/4 tier 2 in arena despite the fact that it has a big requirement to gain it's buff. You rate goblin blast mage tier 4 despite the fact that it still has good stats( stats of a yeti but reversed) even if it doesn't gain it's fantastic ability. Scarlet purifier is Tier 5 in arena??, Kirin tor mage has the same stats and mana cost and is rated as a good pick in arena even if you don't get its ability because of the stats. Burly Rockjaw Trogg Tier 5 in arena?, 3/5 stats are considered Ok for 4 mana and it has an upside which is pretty good. Mechwarper tier 4, you're comparing it to a pint size summoner despite the fact that pite size summoner only accounts for the first minion each turn and has 2/2 stats not 2/3. Spider tank Tier 4, are you kidding me?? Spider tank is a fantastic neutral card, the only other 3/4 is a priest specific card. You rate the golems double tier 5 for randomness, despite the fact that all possible outcomes other than doomsayer for the piloted shredder are acceptable, because piloted shredder pays only 2 health of a yeti and sky golem 3 health of a boulderfist? Toshley has horrible stats? it only has 1  less attack then a boulder fist and you again are saying its completely horrible. Antique healer bot double Tier 5, This card is debatable, but it's no where near horrible, it has a body worth 2.5 mana and it heals your face for 8, being really good against aggro decks, I mean some druid decks even run healing touch to counter aggro and thats it's own card that cost 3 mana.

    All in all, a massive chunk of your ratings are waaaaaaay off. Don't believe me if you want, but I'm not just using my own opinions, but the opinions of top Hearthstone players such as Trump and Noxious.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Legacy] Invent your own Cards With a new Card Generator, Discuss new ideas and theories here!

    Overall I agree with Rakkansan.

    Hell Droid: The Battlecry is Consecration. The body is a Chillwind Yeti. Putting both together is 8 mana.

    Life Shatter: I agree with the direction the two of you are going. Fireball is 6 damage for 4 mana. 3-damage to your own face is equivalent to 1 mana, which can justify increasing the spell damage by 2 (Arcane Shot).  However, I agree with you that being able to do 8 damage to face on T4 is unbalancing, so I would add in the minion only limitation. So, all told I would have it read.

    4 mana
    Do 8 damage to a minion, take 3 damage.

    This would still be a huge tempo play, but it would be a late-game tempo play.

    I'd think 8 mana might be a bit too much, 7 mana would seem fitting. A bunch of cards have the effect of two cards in one for less than the price of two. Cairne bloodhoof for example gives you 2 yetis for the price of 1 and a half, but then again it's a deathrattle which decreases the value of it slightly due to silences. I think 7 mana would be good, but not broken, as class cards are better than neutral cards. Warlock doesn't really have any solid mid to late game minions that are good in constructed other than doom guard, and that has a really big negative downside and doesn't fit the criteria of what a handlock ( the deck I play a lot) can use. Other options could be leave it at 6 mana but apply to all characters, or make it a deathrattle but I think either would make the card slightly worse.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on Hogger

    Trump, a very big youtuber who streams and post youtube videos of hearthstone (Probably the most well known hearthstone player, that or Amaz), recently posted videos of him playing a druid constructed deck in which he put hogger in. It worked wonders against all the zoo/hunter matchups he came across, as essentially you get a 2/2 with taunt and a 4/4 with a kind of taunt atleast. If enemies choose to ignore hogger, then hogger will just spawn another obstacle for them to get through, I guess faceless Manipulator would work well with hogger. He's one of the few legendaries I thought was pretty meh at first, but now I see he generally will get value for his cost atleast ( silver hand knight is a 5 mana 4/4 that summons a 2/2, and if taunt is valued at 0.5 mana then Hogger is worth it even if the opponent removes hogger right away.)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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