I play wild so i'll say what i think will happen there:
- Raza Priest will be even stronger now thanks to Seek Guidance, it can tutor cards and be a wincon against things like odd warrior, jade druid and other slow decks. It will be also useful against renolock, if you lose a piece of the combo now you have another wincon;
-Secret mage will be dominant the first week until people figure out the new decks, then it will fade to low tier 2 and see less play than ever;
-Darkglare will be stronger now with the quest but i'm not sure if it will see lot of play outside of diamond\legend;
-Pirate warrior will start to run the quest and probably will be tier 1, maybe the quest will even be nerfed if the final reward end up being too strong;
-Handbuff pala will be the strongest deck in wild, now it has everything it needs to be top tier 1, maybe will be nerfed, but surely it will kick secret mage out of the scene for a while;
-Odd hunter for me is the potential meta breaking deck with the quest. It has cheap spells and most of what it needs to be competitive, but i don't know how it will be in the long run
Everyone that has played hearthstone got at least one friend request from a salty opponent. I took screenshots of the best i had during the july season. If you have some too feel free to share, but remember to cover their\your name, so we avoid morons spamming friend request. Enjoy!
No , is not a tier 0 deck, is not broken, is not the best deck in the format.People are overeacting again.... im not even seen them very often , like 10% of the games. I believe it is flooding dumpster mmr , just like every good deck after release. You guys are just crying about every deck , every season. Please stop ( I don´t even play the deck, i jsut like when we get new decks ) "Feeling" shouldnt be taken account when trying to balance a card game.
It's not about feelings but about being able to play a gamemode without having any form of control or midrange decks destroyed because the meta is warped by a overtuned otk deck that is also breaking the game animations for god's sake. People cry everytime sure, but sometimes there is a valid reason. This deck, Atm mage and similiar stuff make the game unfun for everyone that isn't playing them. Otks are fine, they make a meta healtier when they are not this easy to setup and play. Otherwise it becomes a rush to either kill your opponent by turn 5 or be killed by your opponent on turn 5. Also now it has become darkest hour 2.0, so yes if it's predecessor was nerfed, this will be too
It's not about feelings but about being able to play a gamemode without having any form of control or midrange decks destroyed because the meta is warped by a overtuned otk deck that is also breaking the game animations for god's sake. People cry everytime sure, but sometimes there is a valid reason. This deck, Atm mage and similiar stuff make the game unfun for everyone that isn't playing them. Otks are fine, they make a meta healtier when they are not this easy to setup and play. Otherwise it becomes a rush to either kill your opponent by turn 5 or be killed by your opponent on turn 5. Also now it has become darkest hour 2.0, so yes if it's predecessor was nerfed, this will be too
No point in playing wild now. You either play smork decks or get killed by those warlocks. Sometimes they mess up or can't make in time but still the fact that something like this is allowed to exist in a meta is ridicolous. I hope that devs after this mistake finally adress wild balancing. It's not right that a good chunk of their playerbase can't play a gamemode beacause everytime they print some card the meta collapses on itself
It doesn't punish greed it punish everything that can't kill it by turn 5. I played the deck, and while it's not that simple to pilot, it's just too strong. Win against aggro, midrange and control, it's breaking the meta. Having tech cards for a specific deck doesn't automatically give a bad matchup, it just gives a chance to decks that otherwise will lose inevitably. Even armor decks like jade/hadronox druids and control warrior can be steamrolled by atm mage. They have a 50/50 not a favorable matchup. A good hand is a instawin and that is not acceptable for a otk deck. Otk decks make a meta healthy by killing things like big priest or other greedy/ i do nothing until turn 5-8 decks, not everything on the ladder unless the draw rocks for five turns in a row
This post is a year old and it's still relevant. This alone tells how much that class is broken. From rank 5 to high legend is a nightmare of secret mages and atm mages. Mage needs nerfs, even big priest in its golden age wasn't this oppressive and frustrating to play against
It's not just this otk mage, but the class in general. From rank 5 to top legend is a nightmare of mages, both secret and otk. Yes, wild is meant to have extremely strong decks, yes there are counters and techs, but still wild isn't meant to be magestone. It's been two years since mage rose to dominate wild, i think it's another class turn now. Also it's warping the meta in a bad way, cause since the nerf to tax pala, the only reliable way to defeat secret and otk mage are hyper aggro decks, that now make the other 50% of the meta and i can't really blame people playing those decks. Again i get the power level of wild is meant to be high, but when a class makes half of the ladder and shapes it's game mode in a toxic way, it needs nerfs and rapidly.
So i want to know how you other wild players feel about the state of wild meta, especially from rank 5 to legend. I know that wild is almost impossible to balance, and while it seems that nerfs are coming, i am really hoping for a standalone wild patch. I mean i've encountered a good variety of decks until rank 5, but from there it's a nightmare. It becomes borderline unplayable. Mages and paladins, paladins and mages, they're everywhere, they became the "no you don't" classes. I feel lucky to play against big priest. Worst part is that those decks don't let you play, they're built to screw any gameplan and are good at it, not in a meme way. Here's what i think should work as nerfs:
- Oh My Yogg! should be limited by making it trigger with coins, same as Counterspell basically, and limit the rng side by making it play a class spell that costs the same instead of a random one. Atleast now you can predict what is going to be;
-Occult Conjurer to 5 mana, so it's not playable on curve without a coin and secret mages players have to think between developing the board or hitting face with Cloud Prince on turn 5 for at least a few seconds;
-Refreshing Spring Water refresh 1 mana crystal instead of 2, so no more free draw, becomes free only with spell discount;
Rogue, Demon Hunter, Hunter, Warlock,Druid and Warrior all have strong decks that for now are not gamebrakers but can be competitive if given some space in the ladder. Priest on the other hand is somewhat hard to balance, beacause both raza and resurrect are strong beacause of their synergies, not for a single card. The only card i can think of that really needs tweaking is Blood of G'huun. Make it a 8 mana 5\5 that summons a 3\3, so it's less heavy statwise and more focused on triggering strong deathrattles.
To close this, please help Shaman, let him be something more than the murloc class
If you're playing a control deck, that's what you kinda sign up for. Resource and fatigue management should be the whole point of control v control, not "well they have this card so I lose10 cards and the matchup before the game even starts".
Yes but you're assuming that every control player signed up for that. I mean it's fun going to fatigue and managing your resources well, but it's one card from one class. It means that control decks will have to have win condition that are not only fatigue, and the ones that can't will lose to warlock but not necessarily to other control decks. Also don't forget that otk decks exist and control need at least a chance against them
Well yes but no, it has to be a win condition that is also not vulnerable to losing 10 cards in your deck on turn 10.
Well yes but no, it only means that X control deck will lose against tickatuslock and still can still win against aggro,mirrors and against other control decks that are not warlock.It's called a bad matchup.Don't forget that aggro exists and SMORC will still destroy controlock in most cases
Yes, people are complaining that a single card makes you instawin a matchup. Controlock works as well as any other classes against aggro, if not better because you do not have to put any threat in your deck. You just have to put tickatus and y'shaarj, (and maybe rustwix if you're fancy, but honestly you don't need him) and then you can fill the rest of the deck with as many removal, healing and taunts you want. Controlock do not have to make any sacrifice except for a card slot to have an enormous advantage against other control matchups, in the most unhealthy, random and frustrating way. I miss Rin
Look controlock right now is in a bad spot in standard, as stated by a lot of people in this thread, while in wild is only played regurarly in renolocks that also get wrecked by mill rogues and a good chunk of aggro decks, with favorable matchups only against priests (and we are talking about a 55% winrate at best especially in razakus priest case) and otk\slow value decks. It's not devastating the meta its only keeping excessively greedy or slow control decks in check. If people can't play their homebrew control\value decks is not beacause of warlock but mostly beacause of face decks that SMORC the opponent to death by turn 5. If a control deck is meta it won't be destroyed by one really shitty matchup. The card itself fits in decks that are already limited by their own big cards, its not like every warlock is playing it. Its surely frustrating but its not this boogeyman that people are talking about here. Also remeber that the game is going to change a lot in a few weeks so we can't be sure if it is going to be in a tier 1, 2 or 3 deck, if it is going to shape the meta or disappear for some time. A nerf now will kill the card. For the " i miss Rin" it's true that it was slower and less frustrating, but hearthstone changed a lot from that time. Most classes now can produce value and cards out of thin air, and decks contain more random than ever. So if the It'S RaNdOm your issue at this point you'll be better off playing another game cause hearthstone seems to have taken the random direction and i doubt our whining will change it
I have never encountered a control warlock that did not play (and win because of) Tickatus, so I would challenge the assertion that "not every warlock is playing it". And it's not because the deck is not tier one that it's not cancer. The discussion is not about if the deck is balanced or not. It's about tickatus being one of the stupidest card ever printed. Warlock decks that run tickatus are not tier 1, ok. But as you said, it's because the meta is all aggro and midrange, so it's in the same spot as most other control decks for that matter. But it gets to be a good matchup against any control deck just because of 1 stupid card that doesn't leave any room for play or counterplay from the opponent. It's not "punishing greedy slow decks" when it can delete 10 cards off the deck by turn 10. If your definition of a "greedy slow" control deck is a deck that has not killed its opponent by turn 10, you have a pretty warped conception of what is greedy and slow.
Ok so let's make some clear arguments here:
I have never encountered a control warlock that did not play (and win because of) Tickatus, so I would challenge the assertion that "not every warlock is playing it".
To be clear i said that is limited to that kind of deck. Its not like every single warlock out there plays it and is capable of reusing it multiple times. In most cases it will be played once and 5 cards are gone, worst common case scenario 10 cards (mostly wild here where is easier with brann). i remember back in this thread a guy that posted a pic of a ticktatus with a Sathrovarr on it whining that he lost 20 cards. I mean if you play a deck that sits still for ten turns without playing any threat it's no wonder that you lost, you've lost basically to any deck on the ladder or are on the point of losing. A nerf would be needed if this card was played in midrange decks where it screws with control matchups or cheated out before turn 7 with the mana tricks that warlock did for years. It's a tool against control. If you want to win against controlock put pressure on him so he needs to clear or atleast to waste his mana on something that is not a Ticktatus. Control decks can do something after turn 5 i think
And it's not because the deck is not tier one that it's not cancer. The discussion is not about if the deck is balanced or not. It's about tickatus being one of the stupidest card ever printed
I mean this is a bit subjective i'd say. There are many cancer decks out there but in Hearthstone history i'd say that not even half of them got nerfed. Why? beacause nerfs are aimed to decks that have a high winrate and almost no counter. Everyone here can say some deck is cancer but those cancer decks are some player's favourites, and he in turn hates another deck. Also this poll is about a card that may or may not need balancing so yes it is about balance and that balance comes from the matchups and winrate of deck where it's played. We can have a list with tons of cards that goes for the title of stupidest ever printed
Warlock decks that run tickatus are not tier 1, ok. But as you said, it's because the meta is all aggro and midrange, so it's in the same spot as most other control decks for that matter. But it gets to be a good matchup against any control deck just because of 1 stupid card that doesn't leave any room for play or counterplay from the opponent.
So the card is broken but it doesn't carry its archetype to tier 1? it's strong against control but it's what is meant to be. You confirmed that the meta is punishing already control decks. There were metas in the past where midrange was outmatched, aggro existed only as face and no token decks but it was never one card that did the damage and it's the same this time, control has its turn of being meh now. Also control is alive and well in wild especially after diamond 10. It doesn't leave room for counterplay after the damage is done but you can minimize that by doing good mulligans and putting pressure in order to delay ticktatus
It's not "punishing greedy slow decks" when it can delete 10 cards off the deck by turn 10. If your definition of a "greedy slow" control deck is a deck that has not killed its opponent by turn 10, you have a pretty warped conception of what is greedy and slow.
I never said that greedy means opponent alive at turn 10. Greedy means that by turn ten you have full hand and you can't pose any threat whatsoever in 10 turns. It's not about winning by turn 10 but it's about trying to do the best you can with your deck based on what your opponent is playing. Sometimes you lose anyway sometimes it works that's how bad matchups works. Control decks play the game posing threats while clearing the board, or atleast have some cards that push them to winning. Ticktaus alone can avoid the old control warrior vs control warrior we all die beacause of fatigue to be dominant, and if i am not wrong people were crying about that too maybe more than this card
If you're playing a control deck, that's what you kinda sign up for. Resource and fatigue management should be the whole point of control v control, not "well they have this card so I lose10 cards and the matchup before the game even starts".
Yes but you're assuming that every control player signed up for that. I mean it's fun going to fatigue and managing your resources well, but it's one card from one class. It means that control decks will have to have win condition that are not only fatigue, and the ones that can't will lose to warlock but not necessarily to other control decks. Also don't forget that otk decks exist and control need at least a chance against them
Well yes but no, it has to be a win condition that is also not vulnerable to losing 10 cards in your deck on turn 10.
Well yes but no, it only means that X control deck will lose against tickatuslock and still can still win against aggro,mirrors and against other control decks that are not warlock.It's called a bad matchup.Don't forget that aggro exists and SMORC will still destroy controlock in most cases
Yes, people are complaining that a single card makes you instawin a matchup. Controlock works as well as any other classes against aggro, if not better because you do not have to put any threat in your deck. You just have to put tickatus and y'shaarj, (and maybe rustwix if you're fancy, but honestly you don't need him) and then you can fill the rest of the deck with as many removal, healing and taunts you want. Controlock do not have to make any sacrifice except for a card slot to have an enormous advantage against other control matchups, in the most unhealthy, random and frustrating way. I miss Rin
Look controlock right now is in a bad spot in standard, as stated by a lot of people in this thread, while in wild is only played regurarly in renolocks that also get wrecked by mill rogues and a good chunk of aggro decks, with favorable matchups only against priests (and we are talking about a 55% winrate at best especially in razakus priest case) and otk\slow value decks. It's not devastating the meta its only keeping excessively greedy or slow control decks in check. If people can't play their homebrew control\value decks is not beacause of warlock but mostly beacause of face decks that SMORC the opponent to death by turn 5. If a control deck is meta it won't be destroyed by one really shitty matchup. The card itself fits in decks that are already limited by their own big cards, its not like every warlock is playing it. Its surely frustrating but its not this boogeyman that people are talking about here. Also remeber that the game is going to change a lot in a few weeks so we can't be sure if it is going to be in a tier 1, 2 or 3 deck, if it is going to shape the meta or disappear for some time. A nerf now will kill the card. For the " i miss Rin" it's true that it was slower and less frustrating, but hearthstone changed a lot from that time. Most classes now can produce value and cards out of thin air, and decks contain more random than ever. So if the It'S RaNdOm your issue at this point you'll be better off playing another game cause hearthstone seems to have taken the random direction and i doubt our whining will change it
If you're playing a control deck, that's what you kinda sign up for. Resource and fatigue management should be the whole point of control v control, not "well they have this card so I lose10 cards and the matchup before the game even starts".
Yes but you're assuming that every control player signed up for that. I mean it's fun going to fatigue and managing your resources well, but it's one card from one class. It means that control decks will have to have win condition that are not only fatigue, and the ones that can't will lose to warlock but not necessarily to other control decks. Also don't forget that otk decks exist and control need at least a chance against them
Well yes but no, it has to be a win condition that is also not vulnerable to losing 10 cards in your deck on turn 10.
Well yes but no, it only means that X control deck will lose against tickatuslock and still can still win against aggro,mirrors and against other control decks that are not warlock.It's called a bad matchup.Don't forget that aggro exists and SMORC will still destroy controlock in most cases
If you're playing a control deck, that's what you kinda sign up for. Resource and fatigue management should be the whole point of control v control, not "well they have this card so I lose10 cards and the matchup before the game even starts".
Yes but you're assuming that every control player signed up for that. I mean it's fun going to fatigue and managing your resources well, but it's one card from one class. It means that control decks will have to have win condition that are not only fatigue, and the ones that can't will lose to warlock but not necessarily to other control decks. Also don't forget that otk decks exist and control need at least a chance against them
It's a necessary evil. It's a class card that can be played in basically only big\control warlock decks that may or may not be there depending on how aggro the meta gets and destroys slow control decks (mostly priest) that have the wincon of clearing the board until the opponent ends his deck. This card alone is what can keep the meta from becoming the control vs control "loses whoever gets to fatigue first"meta that we had when Archivist Elysiana was added
Yeah, the meta would be so sad if control decks were allowed to exist, instead let's have any control vs control warlock be ruined by tickatus
Yeah, the meta would be so sad if control decks had a win condition that doesn't revolve around let's go to fatigue for 40 min and actually had to do something atleast in control vs control matchups
I play wild so i'll say what i think will happen there:
- Raza Priest will be even stronger now thanks to Seek Guidance, it can tutor cards and be a wincon against things like odd warrior, jade druid and other slow decks. It will be also useful against renolock, if you lose a piece of the combo now you have another wincon;
-Secret mage will be dominant the first week until people figure out the new decks, then it will fade to low tier 2 and see less play than ever;
-Darkglare will be stronger now with the quest but i'm not sure if it will see lot of play outside of diamond\legend;
-Pirate warrior will start to run the quest and probably will be tier 1, maybe the quest will even be nerfed if the final reward end up being too strong;
-Handbuff pala will be the strongest deck in wild, now it has everything it needs to be top tier 1, maybe will be nerfed, but surely it will kick secret mage out of the scene for a while;
-Odd hunter for me is the potential meta breaking deck with the quest. It has cheap spells and most of what it needs to be competitive, but i don't know how it will be in the long run
Everyone that has played hearthstone got at least one friend request from a salty opponent. I took screenshots of the best i had during the july season. If you have some too feel free to share, but remember to cover their\your name, so we avoid morons spamming friend request. Enjoy!
It's not about feelings but about being able to play a gamemode without having any form of control or midrange decks destroyed because the meta is warped by a overtuned otk deck that is also breaking the game animations for god's sake. People cry everytime sure, but sometimes there is a valid reason. This deck, Atm mage and similiar stuff make the game unfun for everyone that isn't playing them. Otks are fine, they make a meta healtier when they are not this easy to setup and play. Otherwise it becomes a rush to either kill your opponent by turn 5 or be killed by your opponent on turn 5. Also now it has become darkest hour 2.0, so yes if it's predecessor was nerfed, this will be too
It's not about feelings but about being able to play a gamemode without having any form of control or midrange decks destroyed because the meta is warped by a overtuned otk deck that is also breaking the game animations for god's sake. People cry everytime sure, but sometimes there is a valid reason. This deck, Atm mage and similiar stuff make the game unfun for everyone that isn't playing them. Otks are fine, they make a meta healtier when they are not this easy to setup and play. Otherwise it becomes a rush to either kill your opponent by turn 5 or be killed by your opponent on turn 5. Also now it has become darkest hour 2.0, so yes if it's predecessor was nerfed, this will be too
No point in playing wild now. You either play smork decks or get killed by those warlocks. Sometimes they mess up or can't make in time but still the fact that something like this is allowed to exist in a meta is ridicolous. I hope that devs after this mistake finally adress wild balancing. It's not right that a good chunk of their playerbase can't play a gamemode beacause everytime they print some card the meta collapses on itself
It doesn't punish greed it punish everything that can't kill it by turn 5. I played the deck, and while it's not that simple to pilot, it's just too strong. Win against aggro, midrange and control, it's breaking the meta. Having tech cards for a specific deck doesn't automatically give a bad matchup, it just gives a chance to decks that otherwise will lose inevitably. Even armor decks like jade/hadronox druids and control warrior can be steamrolled by atm mage. They have a 50/50 not a favorable matchup. A good hand is a instawin and that is not acceptable for a otk deck. Otk decks make a meta healthy by killing things like big priest or other greedy/ i do nothing until turn 5-8 decks, not everything on the ladder unless the draw rocks for five turns in a row
This post is a year old and it's still relevant. This alone tells how much that class is broken. From rank 5 to high legend is a nightmare of secret mages and atm mages. Mage needs nerfs, even big priest in its golden age wasn't this oppressive and frustrating to play against
It's not just this otk mage, but the class in general. From rank 5 to top legend is a nightmare of mages, both secret and otk. Yes, wild is meant to have extremely strong decks, yes there are counters and techs, but still wild isn't meant to be magestone. It's been two years since mage rose to dominate wild, i think it's another class turn now. Also it's warping the meta in a bad way, cause since the nerf to tax pala, the only reliable way to defeat secret and otk mage are hyper aggro decks, that now make the other 50% of the meta and i can't really blame people playing those decks. Again i get the power level of wild is meant to be high, but when a class makes half of the ladder and shapes it's game mode in a toxic way, it needs nerfs and rapidly.
Apparently we're going to enjoy those fun mage decks because wild doesn't seem to matter
So i want to know how you other wild players feel about the state of wild meta, especially from rank 5 to legend. I know that wild is almost impossible to balance, and while it seems that nerfs are coming, i am really hoping for a standalone wild patch. I mean i've encountered a good variety of decks until rank 5, but from there it's a nightmare. It becomes borderline unplayable. Mages and paladins, paladins and mages, they're everywhere, they became the "no you don't" classes. I feel lucky to play against big priest. Worst part is that those decks don't let you play, they're built to screw any gameplan and are good at it, not in a meme way. Here's what i think should work as nerfs:
- Oh My Yogg! should be limited by making it trigger with coins, same as Counterspell basically, and limit the rng side by making it play a class spell that costs the same instead of a random one. Atleast now you can predict what is going to be;
-Occult Conjurer to 5 mana, so it's not playable on curve without a coin and secret mages players have to think between developing the board or hitting face with Cloud Prince on turn 5 for at least a few seconds;
-Refreshing Spring Water refresh 1 mana crystal instead of 2, so no more free draw, becomes free only with spell discount;
- Crabrider loses rush still a 1\4;
Rogue, Demon Hunter, Hunter, Warlock,Druid and Warrior all have strong decks that for now are not gamebrakers but can be competitive if given some space in the ladder. Priest on the other hand is somewhat hard to balance, beacause both raza and resurrect are strong beacause of their synergies, not for a single card. The only card i can think of that really needs tweaking is Blood of G'huun. Make it a 8 mana 5\5 that summons a 3\3, so it's less heavy statwise and more focused on triggering strong deathrattles.
To close this, please help Shaman, let him be something more than the murloc class
Ok so let's make some clear arguments here:
To be clear i said that is limited to that kind of deck. Its not like every single warlock out there plays it and is capable of reusing it multiple times. In most cases it will be played once and 5 cards are gone, worst common case scenario 10 cards (mostly wild here where is easier with brann). i remember back in this thread a guy that posted a pic of a ticktatus with a Sathrovarr on it whining that he lost 20 cards. I mean if you play a deck that sits still for ten turns without playing any threat it's no wonder that you lost, you've lost basically to any deck on the ladder or are on the point of losing. A nerf would be needed if this card was played in midrange decks where it screws with control matchups or cheated out before turn 7 with the mana tricks that warlock did for years. It's a tool against control. If you want to win against controlock put pressure on him so he needs to clear or atleast to waste his mana on something that is not a Ticktatus. Control decks can do something after turn 5 i think
I mean this is a bit subjective i'd say. There are many cancer decks out there but in Hearthstone history i'd say that not even half of them got nerfed. Why? beacause nerfs are aimed to decks that have a high winrate and almost no counter. Everyone here can say some deck is cancer but those cancer decks are some player's favourites, and he in turn hates another deck. Also this poll is about a card that may or may not need balancing so yes it is about balance and that balance comes from the matchups and winrate of deck where it's played. We can have a list with tons of cards that goes for the title of stupidest ever printed
So the card is broken but it doesn't carry its archetype to tier 1? it's strong against control but it's what is meant to be. You confirmed that the meta is punishing already control decks. There were metas in the past where midrange was outmatched, aggro existed only as face and no token decks but it was never one card that did the damage and it's the same this time, control has its turn of being meh now. Also control is alive and well in wild especially after diamond 10. It doesn't leave room for counterplay after the damage is done but you can minimize that by doing good mulligans and putting pressure in order to delay ticktatus
I never said that greedy means opponent alive at turn 10. Greedy means that by turn ten you have full hand and you can't pose any threat whatsoever in 10 turns. It's not about winning by turn 10 but it's about trying to do the best you can with your deck based on what your opponent is playing. Sometimes you lose anyway sometimes it works that's how bad matchups works. Control decks play the game posing threats while clearing the board, or atleast have some cards that push them to winning. Ticktaus alone can avoid the old control warrior vs control warrior we all die beacause of fatigue to be dominant, and if i am not wrong people were crying about that too maybe more than this card
Look controlock right now is in a bad spot in standard, as stated by a lot of people in this thread, while in wild is only played regurarly in renolocks that also get wrecked by mill rogues and a good chunk of aggro decks, with favorable matchups only against priests (and we are talking about a 55% winrate at best especially in razakus priest case) and otk\slow value decks. It's not devastating the meta its only keeping excessively greedy or slow control decks in check. If people can't play their homebrew control\value decks is not beacause of warlock but mostly beacause of face decks that SMORC the opponent to death by turn 5. If a control deck is meta it won't be destroyed by one really shitty matchup. The card itself fits in decks that are already limited by their own big cards, its not like every warlock is playing it. Its surely frustrating but its not this boogeyman that people are talking about here. Also remeber that the game is going to change a lot in a few weeks so we can't be sure if it is going to be in a tier 1, 2 or 3 deck, if it is going to shape the meta or disappear for some time. A nerf now will kill the card. For the " i miss Rin" it's true that it was slower and less frustrating, but hearthstone changed a lot from that time. Most classes now can produce value and cards out of thin air, and decks contain more random than ever. So if the It'S RaNdOm your issue at this point you'll be better off playing another game cause hearthstone seems to have taken the random direction and i doubt our whining will change it
Well yes but no, it only means that X control deck will lose against tickatuslock and still can still win against aggro,mirrors and against other control decks that are not warlock.It's called a bad matchup.Don't forget that aggro exists and SMORC will still destroy controlock in most cases
Yes but you're assuming that every control player signed up for that. I mean it's fun going to fatigue and managing your resources well, but it's one card from one class. It means that control decks will have to have win condition that are not only fatigue, and the ones that can't will lose to warlock but not necessarily to other control decks. Also don't forget that otk decks exist and control need at least a chance against them
Yeah, the meta would be so sad if control decks had a win condition that doesn't revolve around let's go to fatigue for 40 min and actually had to do something atleast in control vs control matchups