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    posted a message on 62.3% Winrate! [LEGEND!] But is it Cannon?

    I've come up against this deck a lot using Evenlock and Kingsbane Rogue, and the broken nature of some of the cards made me want to try it so I decided to start here.

    The first thing that took me by surprise is that you don't have a single Wild Pyromancer! That's a mistake - it's just too good to leave out when you're running Libram of Justice and have the potential to make it zero mana. It's definitely more important than running First Day of School which, as has been mentioned countless times, generates more bad cards than good. The only downside to running Pyromancers is that they prevent you from running Equality or Lord Barov but you don't have either of those in your deck anyway.

    Posted in: 62.3% Winrate! [LEGEND!] But is it Cannon?
  • 0

    posted a message on [Wild] Dragon Polkelt Reno Priest

    What's the downside to running Gluttonous Ooze instead of Acidic Swamp Ooze?

    Posted in: [Wild] Dragon Polkelt Reno Priest
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    posted a message on [SA] LEGEND 83% Tempo Rogue

    This deck is insane.

    I mostly play Wild but wanted to try this deck in Standard because Tempo Rogue is one of my favourite archetypes. The first problem was that I didn't have Infiltrator Lilian, arguably one of the most important cards in the deck, especially in Warrior matchups. Instead, I'm having to run Akama, which is still a good card in its own right.

    100% Winrate from bottom of the ladder to Gold. Even without Lilian, it decimates Warrior. Just be aware of your minion positioning at all times and use a couple small minions to bait out board clears before you make your big plays.

    Edit: Just took on my first Face Hunter. Not necessarily an auto-concede but do make sure you have at least some removal in hand and early minions to play. All they have to do is draw semi-unfavourably and they won't have the steam to outpace you. They don't seem to run removal so you can just stack your minions up against theirs and even trade if necessary to keep your damage output well above theirs. I won just as they triggered their quest.

    Posted in: [SA] LEGEND 83% Tempo Rogue
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