• 5

    posted a message on heroic sun raider phaerix

    Well, it took me about 15 restarts to finally draw Shadow Word: Pain by turn 2, but luckily i also had Silence in that go around.  I then proceeded to be incredibly unlucky and drew no minions and only minion buffs for the next 6 turns, and got absolutely worked.

    After another 8 restarts i finally got the needed combo a second time, and this time got a Deathlord in turn 5.  The boss then promptly annihilated the Deathlord, i ran out of cards in turn 7, and got absolutely worked.

    After another 5 restarts i got the needed combo for the third time, and he slowly whittled my Deathlord down while i drew constant mass dispels an no heals or buffs for the Deathlord, and got absolutely worked.

    After another 7 restarts to get Shadow Word: Pain but no Silence, i held my ground with a Deathlord for enough turns to get the Silence, and buff up the health of a Lightwell, then got absolutely worked.

    This went on for many, many hours - you get the idea.
    Shadow Word: Pain and Silence is a great combo for dealing with the Rod of the Sun, but unless you are incredibly lucky, this deck as-is has a tough time dealing with the boss after the rod is dealt with.

    For the love of all that is good and holy (Priest joke intended) get rid of the Dark Cultist and put Inner Fire x2 in this deck immediately and save yourself the headache of praying (Priest joke intended) for the exact right draws.  But still be prepared to restart a lot as you MUST have Shadow Word: Pain and Silence by turn 2 to stand a chance.

    (I believe according to the standard of comments on this site, this counts as 'Got it first try!')

     In the end it took me about 3-4 tries with the Inner Fire / Dark Cultist swap, and i did it without ever drawing Silence, just Shadow Word: Pain and a buffed and Inner Fire'd Deathlord

    Posted in: heroic sun raider phaerix
  • 2

    posted a message on [LOE] Heroic Lady Naz'jar super easy

    Yes yes yes to this deck.

    I got it after a few restarts, so few decks on here work out that well.
    The KEY is to clear the boss's board every chance you get, even if the trade looses your minion.
    With the multi-summon minions in this deck you will eventually out pace the boss enough to use Savage Roar with glorious effect.

    Posted in: [LOE] Heroic Lady Naz'jar super easy
  • 3

    posted a message on Chieftain Scarvash Heroic

    First things first, it's not a 'First Try' if you had to restart a bunch of times because you did not get the right starting cards.

    This deck (with Jarikku's changes) might work for you, but a LOT of things have to line up perfectly in the early game, so be prepared to restart in turns 1, 2 or 3, about 50-100 times.

    The boss MUST NOT use The Coin in turn 1.
    You MUST have a Doomsayer in play on turn 2.
    The boss MUST NOT play Confuse in turn 2.
    The boss MUST NOT play Lightning Bolt in turn 2.
    The boss MUST NOT play Crackle  in turn 2.
    You MUST have a Feral Spirit played in turn 3.

    If any one of those conditions are not met, restart.
    If every single one lines up, you will have a chance at winning with this deck.

    Posted in: Chieftain Scarvash Heroic
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