So i played against a friend who has yogg on the board with 37/61 stats (it was the only minion on the board). i played Bladestorm but after 30 dmg the spell just stopped ?!? i had time left, so i finished it off with other cards, so no rope. is this a known bug?
This seems very counter intuitive. If I hadn't seen this post, I would have expected the same result as you. I guess its understandable that they don't want players to wait for ages for a bladestorm on a 100 health + minion, but couldn't Blizzard code it so that it would check first to see if there is just a single minion on board (with no commanding shout), and if that is the case then just speed up the animation, Shudderwock-style?
I dont have a bluepost but if I remember correctly they changed it during the defile and dreadsteed times because you were theoreticly able to start an infinite loop thats why they limited the amount of times it would be cast
Most spells like this have a hardcoded limit. It's there to prevent infinite loops with Deathspeaker, Commanding Shout and pre-nerf Dreadsteed, where a card could technically never end. It does seem really stupid to have a card like Yogg that can very often get to over 30 HP in the same Standard rotation as Bladestorm and not consider like... doing something more clever with those effects, like coding them to check if they're having some sort of effect, rather than just to not act the way the text says they do.
It would be dumb to assume it could potentionally go infinite, but blizz should specify this. A simple text like "Up to thirty effects" would be enough.
Anyway, interesting find!
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So i played against a friend who has yogg on the board with 37/61 stats (it was the only minion on the board). i played Bladestorm but after 30 dmg the spell just stopped ?!? i had time left, so i finished it off with other cards, so no rope. is this a known bug?
maybe there was a stealth minion with 30 hp on the board
heres the screenshot (german)
yeah the new keyword :] invisible stealth
Most "infinite" spells like Defile and that Bouncing Blades have limits.
This seems very counter intuitive. If I hadn't seen this post, I would have expected the same result as you. I guess its understandable that they don't want players to wait for ages for a bladestorm on a 100 health + minion, but couldn't Blizzard code it so that it would check first to see if there is just a single minion on board (with no commanding shout), and if that is the case then just speed up the animation, Shudderwock-style?
The fact that it stopped at exactly 30 makes me think it's coded that way, but the card text doesn't indicate that it should have a limit.
Interesting find - I would be curious to try this again and see if the same results occur.
I just had the exact same situation, but i had no more removal and it cost me the game I was about to win :/
i think defile worked the same way after x amount of times it triggers.
I dont have a bluepost but if I remember correctly they changed it during the defile and dreadsteed times because you were theoreticly able to start an infinite loop thats why they limited the amount of times it would be cast
As said above, things that can go "infinite" have a cap for mechanical and practical purposes: Shudderwock, Bladestorm, Defile, etc.
Most spells like this have a hardcoded limit. It's there to prevent infinite loops with Deathspeaker, Commanding Shout and pre-nerf Dreadsteed, where a card could technically never end. It does seem really stupid to have a card like Yogg that can very often get to over 30 HP in the same Standard rotation as Bladestorm and not consider like... doing something more clever with those effects, like coding them to check if they're having some sort of effect, rather than just to not act the way the text says they do.
It would be dumb to assume it could potentionally go infinite, but blizz should specify this. A simple text like "Up to thirty effects" would be enough.
Anyway, interesting find!