Literal definition of interactive aside, it's fairly easy to tell what people are complaining about when this topic pops up. Their playing Deck-A, but have no way of preventing Deck-B from winning short of killing them much quicker then Deck-A is designed to. 99% of the people play decks designed by other people against decks also designed by other people and then complain about a polarizing meta.
This game is as interactive as you want it to be.
If i build a greedy control deck that's meant to go to fatigue and don't tech in anything for specific matches, of course I'll constantly lose to combo decks. The ways I've chosen to interact with my opponent will be less effective in these games. When I want to interact with combo decks more I'll need to either change some cards or change decks completely(almost certainly at the cost of weakening other match ups in the process).
The tools are out there. People just choose not to use them because they are often very niche and would probably not interact in a positive way for them in other match ups.
Well that's just yet another thing you keep being wrong about – thinking you know what others like or want. I never said I don't like combo decks, or that the archetype should not exist, because that is not true. A healthy meta should have room for every archetype to have viable decks.
Writing long rants does not make you less wrong, it just makes others care less about what you're trying to say.
I do know what others want. They make it very clear anytime the discussion goes long enough. It always starts with how they find it uninteractive, and it ends with what should be done to prevent it from existing.
I only write long "rants" because I can detail what I have to say. You might not care, others might not care. I don't write it for people to care, I write it because it's true, and that is what I care about, the truth.
Now I'll do as I stated before but failed to act, not bother further, have a nice day.
The downside of teleological reasoning as what can be observed here is that explanations must be in line with a a goal. That goal in this case is that any explanation given must be in line with card design and explanation given by T5. So if there are a lot of OTK decks in the meta it must be good because T5 willed it. Anybody doesn't agree must be wrong then.
This kind of 'The-boss-said-so-so- I- say-so' - kind of reasoning comes with an annoying deconstructive twist (not in a Derridarian way). If someone makes an unwelcome statement, deconstruction follows in the form demonstrated in this discussion: derail, change the subject, nitpickery, confuse. It is a well known discussion technique to protect the boss.
Of course if you work for the Boss it is understandable. But doubtful that is the case. So what is wrong here, Why why mr. Anderson, it out of love? Love for T5 that you can't be a freethinker and be objective and exhibit healthy critical attitude? Because that makes you more believable.
Ok dude, I can't... I can't handle it anymore... I once said your posts were boring as f..k, but I wasn't being honest, and actually they are completely the opposite. I don't know if you are just a crazy man or a comedian genius in disguise, but the sheer level of madness and ridiculousness in your posts made you win another follower (me ;)). Congratulations, Hooghout, never change!! XD
Note: This is NOT a troll post, people. Thank you very much for understanding that. ;)
Công ty rút hầm cầu Hưng Thịnh không ngừng nỗ lực và nâng cao hơn nữa chất lượng của dịch vụ rút hầm cầu để phục vụ khách hàng một cách tốt nhất và chuyên nghiệp nhất. Liên hệ ngay qua hotline: 0584380494 - 02862751130
Công ty rút hầm cầu Minh Đức tự hào là một trong những công ty đi đầu trong ngành vệ sinh môi trường với những dịch vụ chất lượng cao và giá rẻ nhất. Liên hệ ngay qua hotline 0903.881.913 để được tư vấn và đặt lịch miễn phí
Biểu hiện bồn cầu nghẹt là gì bạn đã biết chưa? Là dấu hiệu có mùi hôi bốc lên từ bồn cầu, là chất thải không thoát được khi xả nước,...Vậy bạn đã biết cách xử lý và khắc phục bồn cầu nghẹt chưa?
Biểu hiện bồn cầu nghẹt là gì bạn đã biết chưa? Là dấu hiệu có mùi hôi bốc lên từ bồn cầu, là chất thải không thoát được khi xả nước,...Vậy bạn đã biết cách xử lý và khắc phục bồn cầu nghẹt chưa?
Biểu hiện bồn cầu nghẹt là gì bạn đã biết chưa? Là dấu hiệu có mùi hôi bốc lên từ bồn cầu, là chất thải không thoát được khi xả nước,...Vậy bạn đã biết cách xử lý và khắc phục bồn cầu nghẹt chưa?
I just hate ONE turn kills. I mean decks that draw cards until they kill you and you have no chance to stop it. Thats non interactive to me. Yes they clear your board, but their win condition is unstopable once drawn. You can kill them before they get it. But i dont really consider that interaction.
There are 3 types of "otks"
1. 2 turn set up kills. This is how otks should be imo. Examples of this are, play alexstrasa or malygos raw. Next turn that player will win if you dont deal with it. That is telegraphed Otk. This is interactive otk and the most fun version imo.
2. Set up otks, but still 1 turn. This is an otk that requires set up but the kill is unstoppable if drawn. Examples of this are emperor thaurisan or mechathun otks, Or quest mage. These are telegraphed otks you know they are coming at some point in the future. But the otk itself is unstoppable. You can delay them (mechathun) but they cant be stopped. Im iffy on otks like this. Sometimes i feel bad and other times i think its bs.
3. The sudden and unstoppable otk. This is an unstoppable untelegraphed kill turn. These otks are problematic imo. Examples of this is release shudderwalk, partially clone priest and shadow madness inner fire combo. Cloning gallery priest combo when done with gallery is like this. It feels dirty, it feels unfair and its unstoppable. Shudderwalk won you the game on release. Granted you knew it was coming, but the turn he came down the game was over. These otks must be avoided at all costs as they are completly unfair to the losing player.
Note: Im not saying anything aboit these decks. Im only talking about the win condition
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you have a deck idea might as well go full ham on it.
Công ty hút hầm cầu Minh Đại sẵn sàng phục vụ khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ hút hầm cầu, thông cống nghẹt, nạo vét hố ga,... trên địa bàn TPHCM bất cứ thời gian nào, dù là ban đêm hay ban ngày. Liên hệ ngay hotline 090 220 8925 để được tư vấn miễn phí
Amazing to watch the succes of Blizzard in convincing people to believe the game is interactive. Amazing to watch fakenews converted into the real thing. Amazing to watch people debasing themselves just for an uninteractive mindless winfix. Amazing amazing then when their mindless agressive playstyle or OTK is considered to be interactive and full of skill.
The succes of devs = the 'mindlessification' of the masses. Good for you.
Amazing to watch the succes of Blizzard in convincing people to believe the game is interactive. Amazing to watch fakenews converted into the real thing. Amazing to watch people debasing themselves just for an uninteractive mindless winfix. Amazing amazing then when their mindless agressive playstyle or OTK is considered to be interactive and full of skill.
The succes of devs = the 'mindlessification' of the masses. Good for you.
You know nothing if you really think Blizzard is "mind-controlling" people. For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release of the game, this is nothing new. At least inform yourself a little before posting...
For me there are two low skill playtypes. Some say brainless types ... This does not mean they are not enjoyable for a good number of players..
One is aggro where you should know your mulligan but otherwise throw all down/face hoping to kill around T5.
The the other type are decks that have like 20 card draw pieces , 3-5 OTK combo pieces and 5-7 boardclears ... Skillless draw your combo as fast as possible. Only skill is to know when to clear the board.
As long as a well played midrange/value based deck beats those decks reliable i am fine with that. Otherwise the game degenerates.
Amazing to watch the succes of Blizzard in convincing people to believe the game is interactive. Amazing to watch fakenews converted into the real thing. Amazing to watch people debasing themselves just for an uninteractive mindless winfix. Amazing amazing then when their mindless agressive playstyle or OTK is considered to be interactive and full of skill.
The succes of devs = the 'mindlessification' of the masses. Good for you.
You know nothing if you really think Blizzard is "mind-controlling" people. For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release of the game, this is nothing new. At least inform yourself a little before posting...
You just proved my point.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
For me there are two low skill playtypes. Some say brainless types ... This does not mean they are not enjoyable for a good number of players..
One is aggro where you should know your mulligan but otherwise throw all down/face hoping to kill around T5.
The the other type are decks that have like 20 card draw pieces , 3-5 OTK combo pieces and 5-7 boardclears ... Skillless draw your combo as fast as possible. Only skill is to know when to clear the board.
As long as a well played midrange/value based deck beats those decks reliable i am fine with that. Otherwise the game degenerates.
The point is those decks just have a well constructed hard time (by devs) to do just that.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
Amazing to watch the succes of Blizzard in convincing people to believe the game is interactive. Amazing to watch fakenews converted into the real thing. Amazing to watch people debasing themselves just for an uninteractive mindless winfix. Amazing amazing then when their mindless agressive playstyle or OTK is considered to be interactive and full of skill.
The succes of devs = the 'mindlessification' of the masses. Good for you.
You know nothing if you really think Blizzard is "mind-controlling" people. For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release of the game, this is nothing new. At least inform yourself a little before posting...
Amazing to watch the succes of Blizzard in convincing people to believe the game is interactive. Amazing to watch fakenews converted into the real thing. Amazing to watch people debasing themselves just for an uninteractive mindless winfix. Amazing amazing then when their mindless agressive playstyle or OTK is considered to be interactive and full of skill.
The succes of devs = the 'mindlessification' of the masses. Good for you.
You know nothing if you really think Blizzard is "mind-controlling" people. For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release of the game, this is nothing new. At least inform yourself a little before posting...
You just proved my point.
WTF? How?
"For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release"
The very fact that aggro players consider their playstyle interactve and full of skill proves how Blizzard is able to let them think just that. Only those who have been freed from 'The Matrix' of the Aggro world see that. Remember this guy?
Amazing to watch the succes of Blizzard in convincing people to believe the game is interactive. Amazing to watch fakenews converted into the real thing. Amazing to watch people debasing themselves just for an uninteractive mindless winfix. Amazing amazing then when their mindless agressive playstyle or OTK is considered to be interactive and full of skill.
The succes of devs = the 'mindlessification' of the masses. Good for you.
You know nothing if you really think Blizzard is "mind-controlling" people. For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release of the game, this is nothing new. At least inform yourself a little before posting...
You just proved my point.
WTF? How?
"For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release"
The very fact that aggro players consider their playstyle interactve and full of skill proves how Blizzard is able to let them think just that. Only those who have been freed from 'The Matrix' of the Aggro world see that. Remember this guy?
That's a pretty naive assumption to make. If you somehow don't think that aggro decks require knowledge of the game and good decision-making skills to pilot with consistent success... well, then that's your own misunderstanding at work, really.
Amazing to watch the succes of Blizzard in convincing people to believe the game is interactive. Amazing to watch fakenews converted into the real thing. Amazing to watch people debasing themselves just for an uninteractive mindless winfix. Amazing amazing then when their mindless agressive playstyle or OTK is considered to be interactive and full of skill.
The succes of devs = the 'mindlessification' of the masses. Good for you.
You know nothing if you really think Blizzard is "mind-controlling" people. For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release of the game, this is nothing new. At least inform yourself a little before posting...
You just proved my point.
WTF? How?
"For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release"
The very fact that aggro players consider their playstyle interactve and full of skill proves how Blizzard is able to let them think just that. Only those who have been freed from 'The Matrix' of the Aggro world see that. Remember this guy?
That's a pretty naive assumption to make. If you somehow don't think that aggro decks require knowledge of the game and good decision-making skills to pilot with consistent success... well, then that's your own misunderstanding at work, really.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
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Literal definition of interactive aside, it's fairly easy to tell what people are complaining about when this topic pops up. Their playing Deck-A, but have no way of preventing Deck-B from winning short of killing them much quicker then Deck-A is designed to. 99% of the people play decks designed by other people against decks also designed by other people and then complain about a polarizing meta.
This game is as interactive as you want it to be.
If i build a greedy control deck that's meant to go to fatigue and don't tech in anything for specific matches, of course I'll constantly lose to combo decks. The ways I've chosen to interact with my opponent will be less effective in these games. When I want to interact with combo decks more I'll need to either change some cards or change decks completely(almost certainly at the cost of weakening other match ups in the process).
The tools are out there. People just choose not to use them because they are often very niche and would probably not interact in a positive way for them in other match ups.
Ok dude, I can't... I can't handle it anymore... I once said your posts were boring as f..k, but I wasn't being honest, and actually they are completely the opposite. I don't know if you are just a crazy man or a comedian genius in disguise, but the sheer level of madness and ridiculousness in your posts made you win another follower (me ;)). Congratulations, Hooghout, never change!! XD
Note: This is NOT a troll post, people. Thank you very much for understanding that. ;)
Really? i think it will be change in a decade !
Công ty rút hầm cầu Hưng Thịnh không ngừng nỗ lực và nâng cao hơn nữa chất lượng của dịch vụ rút hầm cầu để phục vụ khách hàng một cách tốt nhất và chuyên nghiệp nhất. Liên hệ ngay qua hotline: 0584380494 - 02862751130
This game is as interactive as you want it to be.
Công ty rút hầm cầu Minh Đức tự hào là một trong những công ty đi đầu trong ngành vệ sinh môi trường với những dịch vụ chất lượng cao và giá rẻ nhất. Liên hệ ngay qua hotline 0903.881.913 để được tư vấn và đặt lịch miễn phí
This game is amazing!
Biểu hiện bồn cầu nghẹt là gì bạn đã biết chưa? Là dấu hiệu có mùi hôi bốc lên từ bồn cầu, là chất thải không thoát được khi xả nước,...Vậy bạn đã biết cách xử lý và khắc phục bồn cầu nghẹt chưa?
Put your spoiler here.
Biểu hiện bồn cầu nghẹt là gì bạn đã biết chưa? Là dấu hiệu có mùi hôi bốc lên từ bồn cầu, là chất thải không thoát được khi xả nước,...Vậy bạn đã biết cách xử lý và khắc phục bồn cầu nghẹt chưa?
Biểu hiện bồn cầu nghẹt là gì bạn đã biết chưa? Là dấu hiệu có mùi hôi bốc lên từ bồn cầu, là chất thải không thoát được khi xả nước,...Vậy bạn đã biết cách xử lý và khắc phục bồn cầu nghẹt chưa?
Did you just discover how to post? Lol
I just hate ONE turn kills. I mean decks that draw cards until they kill you and you have no chance to stop it. Thats non interactive to me. Yes they clear your board, but their win condition is unstopable once drawn. You can kill them before they get it. But i dont really consider that interaction.
There are 3 types of "otks"
1. 2 turn set up kills. This is how otks should be imo. Examples of this are, play alexstrasa or malygos raw. Next turn that player will win if you dont deal with it. That is telegraphed Otk. This is interactive otk and the most fun version imo.
2. Set up otks, but still 1 turn. This is an otk that requires set up but the kill is unstoppable if drawn. Examples of this are emperor thaurisan or mechathun otks, Or quest mage. These are telegraphed otks you know they are coming at some point in the future. But the otk itself is unstoppable. You can delay them (mechathun) but they cant be stopped. Im iffy on otks like this. Sometimes i feel bad and other times i think its bs.
3. The sudden and unstoppable otk. This is an unstoppable untelegraphed kill turn. These otks are problematic imo. Examples of this is release shudderwalk, partially clone priest and shadow madness inner fire combo. Cloning gallery priest combo when done with gallery is like this. It feels dirty, it feels unfair and its unstoppable. Shudderwalk won you the game on release. Granted you knew it was coming, but the turn he came down the game was over. These otks must be avoided at all costs as they are completly unfair to the losing player.
Note: Im not saying anything aboit these decks. Im only talking about the win condition
If you have a deck idea might as well go full ham on it.
This game is as interactive as you want it to be.
Công ty hút hầm cầu Minh Đại sẵn sàng phục vụ khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ hút hầm cầu, thông cống nghẹt, nạo vét hố ga,... trên địa bàn TPHCM bất cứ thời gian nào, dù là ban đêm hay ban ngày. Liên hệ ngay hotline 090 220 8925 để được tư vấn miễn phí
Amazing to watch the succes of Blizzard in convincing people to believe the game is interactive. Amazing to watch fakenews converted into the real thing. Amazing to watch people debasing themselves just for an uninteractive mindless winfix. Amazing amazing then when their mindless agressive playstyle or OTK is considered to be interactive and full of skill.
The succes of devs = the 'mindlessification' of the masses. Good for you.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
You know nothing if you really think Blizzard is "mind-controlling" people. For example, most aggro players have considered their beloved playstyle interactive and full of skill since the release of the game, this is nothing new. At least inform yourself a little before posting...
For me there are two low skill playtypes. Some say brainless types ... This does not mean they are not enjoyable for a good number of players..
One is aggro where you should know your mulligan but otherwise throw all down/face hoping to kill around T5.
The the other type are decks that have like 20 card draw pieces , 3-5 OTK combo pieces and 5-7 boardclears ... Skillless draw your combo as fast as possible. Only skill is to know when to clear the board.
As long as a well played midrange/value based deck beats those decks reliable i am fine with that. Otherwise the game degenerates.
You just proved my point.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
The point is those decks just have a well constructed hard time (by devs) to do just that.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
WTF? How?
The very fact that aggro players consider their playstyle interactve and full of skill proves how Blizzard is able to let them think just that. Only those who have been freed from 'The Matrix' of the Aggro world see that. Remember this guy?
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
Well they could always print a combo card specifically aimed at the combo player.
Minion name, cost : unknown
Battlecry: if the opponent has no minions, has more than 6 cards in their hand and less than 5 cards left in their deck you win the game.
That's a pretty naive assumption to make.
If you somehow don't think that aggro decks require knowledge of the game and good decision-making skills to pilot with consistent success... well, then that's your own misunderstanding at work, really.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.