I love big minions. I will always love big minions. Big minion control is my favourite deck type ever. I also love stupid gimmek combos. Because of this my favourite decks of all time were anchient one summon decks. Close second to this was hand buff dragon paly in mean streets. A 5/12 scaled nightmare is a scary thing. I desperatly want a new anchient one type of minion. Please give it to me!
I actually share his addiction to loot hoarder. Ever since nzoth came out ive had it in most decks. Im terrible at making decks especially when it comes to card draw. So i usually put 1-2 of them in. I know he sucks but i dont care
Considering i hate shaman i can still complain XD. Hinestly im fine with control having counters.
My only problem is if im running a stupid gimmick deck that used to win 1/6 games, with the new anti combo cards and current bomb obsession its more like 1/12
A new year has dawn upon is, the old decks have withered the whining stopped, but dont be afraid the whining begins anew!
Just let people play whatever the hell they want man. Not everyone can get a ton of different decks. And who know maybe they really enjoy those decks, who are you to dictate other peoples fun?
People can play what they want. Im not telling people you have to stop playing bomb warrior. Its just my opinion as i saw it constantly all night.
I face a lot of decks that are neither those two. You are exaggerating, calm down.
Mech hunter, spell damage hunter, small spell mage, Nomi rogue etc.
Im not exagerating because I never saw any mages, druids or shamans, i saw 2 silence priest, a secret paladin and one nomi rouge that i know off. Seen few spell damage hunters by end of the night but its was majority bomb warrior for me.
Play it if you want, im just bored of it already. Need variety in my games. Might do some arena
I ran into bomb warrior and thief rouge all night. Hope people start to experiment more in the coming days.
Its not even about balance. I just want variety and different / silly deck ideas.
Edit: If you had a different experience then great. My experience was vs majority bomb warrior. Im not telling peoole stop having fun grrr. Im saying i hope people branch out more. I had the same opiniom in the last 2 weeks when everyone was playing the exact same thief rouge and hunter decks
Heres 2 stupid decks for you to try and mix it up.
Deck filled with mostly giant minions. Betrug + plot twist owns the bored, plot twist + elek fills deck. I use hakkar in the deck too then rafaam it away. Scheme turn 5 into darkest our is hilarious. Even turn 9 summon several strong minions is strong. I wont post my deck as its likely terrible but give it a try.
Draw your deck and play a regular control priest until you get hakkar. Trigger hakkar then replace your deck and seance archivist. Let opponent die to hakkar
This deck is definatly terrible, but different. Give it a try
00.00 still broken on android :/
Ive reinstalled several times and still cant play.
Gets to the loading screen. Crashs. Them says 100% downloaded.
Anyone else?
So moving to hearthstation?
In what way does baron geden or batterhead help vs token druid.
By turn 7 you are likely half dead and the tokend are either buffed to 3 or soul of the forest
I had totally forgoten it had twinspell until I fought against it yesterday. It could definatly be a good card in the right deck
I love big minions. I will always love big minions. Big minion control is my favourite deck type ever. I also love stupid gimmek combos. Because of this my favourite decks of all time were anchient one summon decks. Close second to this was hand buff dragon paly in mean streets. A 5/12 scaled nightmare is a scary thing. I desperatly want a new anchient one type of minion. Please give it to me!
I never disenchant gold so thats my choice.
I got golden betrug, so i made a big warlock deck.
In ungoeo i got golden warlock quest. So i tried to make discard work since then
If you 100% want to do this then jts a goos thing.
Just remember, tavern brawls ofthen use wild cards. And wild cards are now in arena do golda matter
I actually share his addiction to loot hoarder. Ever since nzoth came out ive had it in most decks. Im terrible at making decks especially when it comes to card draw. So i usually put 1-2 of them in. I know he sucks but i dont care
Burn your deck and dont play cards until you burn bombs. Great plan
If you want a goods anti bomb deck, try priest with archivast and seance. I use it with hakkar too.
Warlock with betrug and rafaam works well too.
But if you want to do liam hakkar, heal dragon pally is working well for my friend and I
Considering i hate shaman i can still complain XD. Hinestly im fine with control having counters.
My only problem is if im running a stupid gimmick deck that used to win 1/6 games, with the new anti combo cards and current bomb obsession its more like 1/12
People can play what they want. Im not telling people you have to stop playing bomb warrior. Its just my opinion as i saw it constantly all night.
Im not exagerating because I never saw any mages, druids or shamans, i saw 2 silence priest, a secret paladin and one nomi rouge that i know off. Seen few spell damage hunters by end of the night but its was majority bomb warrior for me.
Play it if you want, im just bored of it already. Need variety in my games. Might do some arena
I ran into bomb warrior and thief rouge all night. Hope people start to experiment more in the coming days.
Its not even about balance. I just want variety and different / silly deck ideas.
Edit: If you had a different experience then great. My experience was vs majority bomb warrior. Im not telling peoole stop having fun grrr. Im saying i hope people branch out more. I had the same opiniom in the last 2 weeks when everyone was playing the exact same thief rouge and hunter decks
Heres 2 stupid decks for you to try and mix it up.
Big hand lock.
Need: betrug, darkest hour, rafaams scheme, plot twist.
Deck filled with mostly giant minions. Betrug + plot twist owns the bored, plot twist + elek fills deck. I use hakkar in the deck too then rafaam it away. Scheme turn 5 into darkest our is hilarious. Even turn 9 summon several strong minions is strong. I wont post my deck as its likely terrible but give it a try.
Priest draw engine hakkar.
Needed: Hakkar, Archivist Elysiana, seance, card draw.
Draw your deck and play a regular control priest until you get hakkar. Trigger hakkar then replace your deck and seance archivist. Let opponent die to hakkar
This deck is definatly terrible, but different. Give it a try
honestly all the archmages is whats making me excited. Im loving vargorh right now and th deck refil chick looks very fun.
I miss a big spooky minion like mimrons head or anchient one tho. Those were by far my favourite