
Hey, where is everyone? Oh, right – this is the Rogue forum. Discussions on stealth and poisons are held quietly within.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Wild How can rogue have Bubbo on turn 6? >>
by Ghostwaker
1 1,834
Standard How can rogue always play zilliax early? >>
by Ghostwaker
3 964
Rogue is horrible right now... >>
by Schmickler83
4 1,482
V-07-TR-0N Prime just did 4 damage to my minion and 4 damage to my face >>
by Trigota
1 1,424
[Deck Building] Some really fun games >>
by IdiotSavant
1 2,741
Gnols problem >>
by irhmgg
3 891
Thoughs on Kazakus in Pirate Rogue >>
by isandrg
3 1,312
Rogue portraits >>
by Specialforces
9 1,529
Why Rogue Can't Have A Single OP Card? >>
by hillandder
26 4,514
Quest Rogue >>
by RMD01
3 1,151
Alterac Rogue Cards >>
by Pizzacats
5 1,249
Consistent Turn 4 Wins With Big Nasty Dragons! >>
by Gadnuk1
0 962
SI:7 Seems Pretty Good >>
by KitsuneRTC
1 934
[Deck Building] Toying around with Stealth/Shuffle Rogue >>
by ShadowAldrius
11 1,408
Rogue questline >>
by Alberish
5 1,430
[Deck Building] Wow - Miracle/Secret Rogue is so bad.... what a let down. >>
by BigDeal
24 3,724
Secret Passage and Ticketmaster >>
by Dussco
4 1,027
Flik Skyshiv SHOULD kill all minions, even in Graveyard....why doesnt it? >>
by BigDeal
7 5,416
Aww man - they botched the Yoink Achievement >>
by SkytoM
1 1,193
Standard Why isn't Rogue allowed to have control tools? >>
by Amaranthus
9 1,249
Wild Thoughts on post nitro-boost nerf, Caverns Bellow and Classic >>
by Deftheros
5 1,070
How does Edwin Nerf Impact Deckbuilding? >>
by Thundercats4
9 4,337
Pharaoh Cat Was Hidden Nerfed? >>
by hillandder
17 3,348
Is this a bug or working at intended? >>
by CallmeChilli
3 987
[Deck Building] Mill / N'Zoth Rogue - help needed. >>
by CheshireDog
7 2,104