Legend Jade N'zoth Rogue KFT [S41]
- Last updated Sep 18, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 18 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Jade Lotus Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 10740
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/12/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- Padelos
- Registered User
- 7
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Total Deck Rating
Hello there,
After alot of experimenting with new expansion i ended up that jade rogue is actually kinda strong on the current meta. It is too early to say which decks will be the best around, but jade rogue will most likely have a place in tier 1 decks on KFT in my opinion. That is because it has a really good late game versus most control decks ( which we will see more i think on this expansion ) and it can also do fairly good versus aggro decks.
I managed to hit Legend without any particular problem .
Legend proof: http://imgur.com/a/VoEg0
So this is the list i have made and in my opinion it is the most viable jade rogue list atm in game because:
1) Fan of Knives is teched in and it can be VERY helpful in hard situations together withBloodmage Thalnos ( was thinking about adding a second fan but for now i cant find any card worth removing for it.
2) Double Journey Below is an insane value to this deck since together with the new deathrattles including Arfus, it can be game changing.
3) SI:7 Agent is very useful in early (but not only ) removal
4)Shadowcaster can improve your jade progress in many times but it can also be in use for copying Vilespine Slayer to destroy an otherwise impossible to be killed at the time, minion.It is also a 4/4 body and that is why i prefer it from Shadowstep.It's cost is 5 tho but any card copied costs just 1 no matter its starting cost so its totally worth it especially in late game.
5) N'Zoth, the Corruptor works as a perfect finisher and in many situations your opponent will be unable to do something to avoid his death.
I hope you guys enjoy the gameplay !
P.S Valeera the Hollow is MVP on late game and you will realise it by yourself if you play this card wisely !
I don't have Patches so I substituted an Undercity Huckster. This deck worked great for the Rogue Class Card Quest. It took me 3 games to get 30 cards out (the third game required 5 measly cards)!
I had one game where I kept bouncing Shadowcaster and White Knight (courtesy of that Huckster). It was great fun and I managed to farm extra rogue cards as a result.
Fun deck!
Guys has anyone else tried Abomination in your lists? I know it's overall a bad card allowing your opponent to trade however they want with it, but I often found myself overwhelmed by agro druid, bloodlust shaman and hunter. Think about it for a second. When you play it first, your opponent is not expecting some medium-level board clear from rogue. Then when you N'zoth, if you don't have Abomination you need to survive 2 turns for your Swarmers to turn to Jades and then attack. Yikes! With Abomination however, you get them next turn. Plus Aya stays alive with 1 hp. Plus you do another semiclear. In other situations (aka Big Priest) you just sometimes need the taunt. And the quick jades.
Am I crazy?
I like your idea. I'm too hesitant to play Jade Rogue in Standard because I think Sludge Belcher is too good. Might try this.
How does this deck work vs a quest mage?
It works pretty good since you can have the damage needed to break the mages ice block before he manages to complete the quest.But well,if the mage draws good there is nothing you can do other than losing.Try to build up your jades as fast as possible !
Save an evis or shuriken for a killing blow and you can even time Valeera when you think their about to do their OTK.
Do you still think this is a t1 deck? I feel like it could be if Jade Druid didn't exist.
i personally destroy jade druids with this deck, its beast druids i struggle v.s
I've found that subbing out the Eviscerates with Doomsayers has helped a lot vs Aggro Druid.
Replacement for "Swashburglar "?
Swashburglar is a very strong card and its pretty much irreplaceable im afraid
I don't have Valeera, will the deck work without her?
Amazing deck! I swaped 1 Backstab for Sap, and added Skulking Geist bcs of tons of jade druids in ladder.
what did you sub for /Skulking Geist ?
[card]Patches the Pirate [/card] I always drew him before Swashburglar
lol i feel you man
Hey, I really wanted to learn using this deck it seems fun and solid. can you please tell what is the mulligan? I am not good rogue player so i kept confused on what to keep on my starting hand.
Mulligan is pretty simple.You want to look for early removals like backstab, si agent, jade shuriken, fan of knives etc etc vs aggro decks.Vs control decks you might skip an si agent for a jade swarmer and fan of knives isn't the best to mulligan. But really important on any situation with this deck,is to try to build and upgrade your jades as fast as possible,because after some point it's just too overwhelming for your opponent. So for example,if you are ok with board control you might want to keep your Shadowcaster to get a Jade Swarmerback or even better Aya Blackpaw.So very important is NOT to attack with your swarmers right away,especially if you have a Shadowcaster in hand
allright, I think my problem is i often delay on creating the jades since i was hoping on turn 9 hero power. so apparently i have to create it ASAP. thanks a lot!