[LEGEND] 80 % winrate !! Acidz Secret Mage
- Last updated May 20, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 16 Minions
- 14 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Secret Mage
- Crafting Cost: 5120
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/14/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
- user-23449456
- Registered User
- 9
- 17
- 33
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Table of Contents
- Intro
- Proof
- Mulligan guide
- Strategy
- Stats and Matchups
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/acidzhs
- Video !!!
- Skill Requirement: 3/5
- Twitter --> Here I will tweet when I go live and make possible changes to the deck
Hey everyone! I'm Acidz, a multiple legend player from Belgium. I’ve been 6th in a major tournament, 2 top 100 finishes in the last months, selected for the Hearthstone Global Games and I grind my way to top 100 easily.
Today I’m just sharing the deck I got legend with. It’s not an entirely new deck, but it’s a variant that I think works the best and gets very good results on ladder. So far I got top 300 Legend with it, but haven’t had enough time to push it any further.
2.Proof of My Legend Run!!
3.Mulligan Guide
Always Keep: [Mana Wyrm], [Arcanologist], [Sorcerer's Apprentice]
Keeps w/ the above/secret: [Kirin Tor Mage], [Kabal Lackey], [Frostbolt], [Babbling Book]
The strategy with this deck is straightforward. You gain card advantage by playing arcanologist or one of the best draw cards in the game (arcane intellect). The next step is making alot of tempo with a free secret. After this point you can create allot of value by playing Medivh’s Valet and Kabal Crystal Runner. You finish the game with either burn or Yogg.
Another strategy is just dropping mana wyrm on turn 1 and going very aggressive. Most of the time it’s a combination of both strategies.
Tip 1: Try holding on to Counterspell and play it after your opponent has played the coin.
Tip 2: Don’t play mirror entity too soon (before turn 3) unless if it can give you Medivh’s valet activation or a good curve. Turn 1 lackey into Mirror entity is not that good.
Tip 3: Firelands portal can give you an random charger or taunt, so play to your outs if you have to.
Tip 4: Try to play as much other stuff before playing Cabalist’s Tome. (but don’t start randomly trowing all your burst at the face when your opponent has healing :p )
5.Stats and Matchups
Good matchups:
As you can see in my stats (I also got simmular stats from friends). The deck performs the best versus mage, warrior and druid. Mage and druid usually gain control of the board trough spells and AOE’s , but counterspell makes it pretty annoying. And you ussually get pretty good mirror entity’s vs warrior and druid.
Even matchups:
paladin and rogue: It really depends on the archetype they are playing. Cavern rogue is real annoying archetype to play against with this deck. Control paladin has just too much healing sometimes.
Bad matchups:
Shaman is a fantastic counter. It has healing, small tokens for Mirror Entity and enough board clears that you can’t stop them all.
Most of the Matchups are the same as the old tempo mage. If you have a bad matchup just trow all your burn at the face and hope for a good Yogg. (Kappa) This strategy works vs rogue and some midrange paladins that don’t run much heal.
6. Twitch
If you’d like to see me play this deck live with commentary, I cordially invite you to check my stream where I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about it. I will also play a variety of other decks, but I will always answer questions about secret mage. https://www.twitch.tv/acidzhs
This is the video where I hit Legend on. The stats aren't right on stream, cuz My decktracker confuses the secret mage with the Gunther Mage.
I swapped alex for pyros and im thinking of a way to tech in a spellbender
It's really need to have Yogg?
So, I've climbed from rank 20 to 8 with this deck, and hope to keep advancing. But there is one big issue i'm having. The newest breed of face hunter is practically unbeatable, and I might have a 0% WR against them. I'm able to handle nearly every other aggro deck. Just not them. I've swapped in a tar creeper (Forgot its name), and still cant beat them even with a perfect opening hand. Any suggestions? Is that the ultimate counter to secret mage? what am i doing wrong!
Hey Acid, Im a really big fan of this deck! I think I went something like 12/1 with it so I ended up making a spotlight video. Hope you enjoy!
This deck sucks balls
Can i run Medivh, the guardian instead of Pyros in this deck? only have the dust for yogg.
I've been unsure whether to craft the cards needed for an elemental shaman due to its lower tier or a secret mage out of fear that Alexstrasza or Ice Block will be rotated out of standard, so this seems like a potentially safer (and cheaper) alternative. I do have questions about this deck. and I would really like your opinion on this. Firstly how well does this deck perform in comparison to a Burn Mage deck with Medivh and Alex? In addition why hasn't Ice Block been added as well seeing as how it's usually a staple in mage decks?
Azure Drake and co. want to have a word with you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .
so does Ragnaros
I'd really like to play this deck but I only have dust for one legendary. Which is more important, Pyros or Yogg?
I rarely ever have to play Yogg, but if the game does go that long it can save you: I don't even own Pyros. I would recommend crafting Pyros if you are an avid mage player, but if you want versatility craft Yogg.
I replaced my Pyros with a Babbling Book or Tar Creeper depending on the meta.
Thank you for your reply. I do in fact only play Mage in ranked so I took your advice and crafted Pyros (it will also be in standard longer than Yogg so it's more worth I guess). I've been having fun with this deck although Pyros hasn't been game-changing. It certainly helps me keep up the tempo in some games so it's definitely not useless. In most of games I'm either killed or kill around turn 10, I don't remember any situation when Yogg would have helped.
Reassuming, Pyros is definitely a better choice (for me) between these two.
I replaced pyros with a babbling book and have been doing very well. I haven't lost to a single quest rogue yet...
I would also add a Spellbender instead of a [card]Mirror Entity[/card] especially for Buffadins and their quest - it's sooo hilarious stealing a Blessing of Kings and having a 5/7 ready to attack in the next turn *gg*
additional reason is that most players nowadays EXPECT a [card]Mirror Entity[/card] as the most possible secret and play a small minion to be on the safe side...
Crafted Yogg and Pyros for this deck. Loosing 6th game in a row against pirate warriors, rogues, mages and others. I'm not saying this deck is a crap, but could someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
Sometimes it's the day you play this deck for 6 games straight and get NO secrets, NO arcane intellect, NO aranists, and no solid glyph discovers for 15 pulls, 4 times in a row and a resounding total and complete losses that makes the deck feel really bad. I do a lot better with almost any other random deck, even discard lock.
Is it possible to run Alex in this deck? I feel like that would really help in burning your opponents face.
I swapped alex in for pyros, it comes in handy sometimes, especially with crystal runners on the board
Been trying to hit legend for three years, and this deck finally gave me the extra shove that I needed. It requires you to actually think and play Hearthstone like a strategy game, but it produces results and will reward you if you put in the effort.
BIGGEST ADVICE: You have to put yourself in the mind of your opponent and try to predict what they'll play next turn. That's how you'll be able to play your secrets to their pull potential. This comes down to how experienced you are as a player and how well you understand your match-ups.
Again, love the deck and thanks for the Legend rank!