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EZ Murloc Quest

  • Last updated Nov 16, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mill Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 9440
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/17/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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Hi, I'm a long-time rogue player who used to specialize in Oil Rogue. After the standard rotation, I focused on Mill Rogue. I've noticed that rogue has really lost it's identity over the past few expansions, and Blizzard seems to really be pushing Malygos Rogue with the printing of cards like Counterfeit Coin. I really don't want to see Mill killed like Oil was, so I'm here to give an in-depth guide of Mill Rogue. 

Is this deck any good in ranked? 

This deck is meant for fun, and has a hard time with aggro. Getting a high win-rate with this deck is next to impossible, but the farthest I've gotten with it was rank 9.

Is this deck going to change after the MSG expansion?

If rogue gets a decent heal, the deck may be changed slightly, but don't keep your fingers crossed, Blizzard thinks Mill is dead.

What exactly is Mill?

Mill is a deck archetype whose main win condition is to fatigue your opponent to death, usually through making them draw cards. The key card that makes this archetype work is Coldlight Oracle.

In-depth Guide 

The main combo you play will generally be when your opponent is at or near fatigue, which is: Brann Bronzebeard + Violet Illusionist + Coldlight Oracle. Sometimes, you can get double or even triple Coldlight Oracles through Shadowstep or Emperor Thaurissan. You only need to have your opponent draw 8 cards into fatigue (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36) to burst them down from full health. There are two polar-opposite match-ups that will completely change your style of play: aggro and control.

Against aggro, you almost never keep Coldlight Oracle. This may seem counter-intuitive, since you want to get the draw mill going as soon as possible, right? No. You're already at a disadvantage when going up against aggro, giving them more cards to throw down when they have none is a bad idea. You want to play like Miracle Rogue, removing early to mid game minions to stop your opponent from snowballing out of control. Turn 7+ is when you start to set-up. The Curator is a great turn 7 play if you haven't already drawn Coldlight Oracle. This is where you start searching for Gang Ups. Once you've burned out your opponent, go for the Emperor Thaurissan; though sometimes, you may have a really early lethal, so always count how much damage you can do before you do anything.

Against control, Mill Rogue really shines. You should mulligan for Coldlight Oracle always. Play Coldlight Oracle only when you are searching for a specific card, burning the opponent's cards, or when you are sure you can get more/get it back. One key distinction between control and aggro match-ups is that the Coldlight Oracle + Sap combo is great for removing threats, because Sap kills a minion if the opponent's hand is full. The lethal set-up is much more lenient, and a lot of the time Emperor Thaurissan isn't necessary for the combo. Emperor Thaurissan can be used to bait out a removal or to fake being a Malygos Rogue.

Important Combos 

Brann Bronzebeard + Violet Illusionist + Coldlight Oracle

Coldlight Oracle + Sap

Coldlight Oracle + Preparation + Vanish

Backstab + SI:7 Agent or Swashburglar + SI:7 Agent

Bloodmage Thalnos + Any removal spell

Coldlight Oracle + Shadowstep + Coldlight Oracle

Coldlight Oracle + Preparation + Gang Up

Tech Substitutions

Against Aggro:

- 1 Sap

- 1 SI:7 Agent

+ 2 Doomsayers/Earthen Ring Farseer

Against Control:

- 1 Fan of Knives

- 1 Dark Iron Skulker

+ 1 Shadow Strike

+ 1 Assassinate                                                       

Worst Match-ups 

Hunter, Shaman, Discardlock, Tempo Mage 

Best Match-ups

 Freeze Mage, Renolock