Tempo Mage Without Yogg-Saron
- Last updated May 1, 2016 (Old Gods)
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- 14 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Tempo Mage
- Crafting Cost: 3640
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/28/2016 (Old Gods)

- Gamerman
- Registered User
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!!! For an updated better deck for new season;
http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/523020-new-meta-midrange-mage !!!
Ok dudes since there are many new meta tempo mages with Yogg-Saron around, i just wanted to make a new one without that dude. Cos if you played tempo mage before you should know that you sometimes can finish games way before turn 10. I atm have like 3k dust but i didn't want to craft him while we have some really good class cards now.
Yeah, believe in me you will be huge fan of Cabalist's Tome and Faceless Summoner. Before jumping into ranked play i tried this deck by playing some casual games to complete my quests and i really saw huge potential. Then i won a couple of games at rank 3 and i guess i'll hit legend. If i can, i'll share the proof and write a good guide.
People who played tempo mages should already know mulligan but for starters;
Just mulligan for Mana Wyrm and Sorcerer's Apprentice. You can also keep a Frostbolt. If you start with mana crystal you can keep your Flamewaker. And don't forget the synergy between Azure Drake and Arcane Blast. Have fun for now.
Here is a ss from my game @ rank 3. Why should i wait for Yogg-Saron and turn 10..?
Cm'on zoolock it was turn 5 yet..;
I'm going to try this, minus cabalists tomes cos I don't have them. going to use Malygos as well though as I have that card. Be nice to run some legendaries for once.
You guys think that there is a place for polymorph in this deck? I think it may be okay beacause of all the c'thun decks/flamereathed faceless and personally cuz i just got crushed by raptor rogue with twilight summoner.
yes you can replace it with a torch or a conjurer for sure.
ez from 9 to 11
Gz m8! While this is really a strong deck atm, it's also very modifiable. This one is heavily spell based but minions like Spellslinger, Violet Teacher, Water Elemental are viable as well.
The version I'm at now differs by:
-1Arcane Blast, -2Faceless Summoner, -Emperor Thaurissan
+Bloodmage Thalnos, +2Jeweled Scarab, +Blizzard
Nice and fast, so much burn. The Scarab turns up useful stuff very often--a secret, a Torch, an Arcane Intellect...or at worst a minion you can play next turn that helps keep the board from getting out of hand. I did try Emperor T in it for a while, but it just didn't feel like it fit to me--too sluggish.
Tome is amazing, and actually the Mage Forbidden spell is really good with spell damage on board. I'd rather have the burst of Thalnos than the value of Thaurissan in it, ultimately.
Enjoy--the deck is a blast.
What can I put instead of one Cabalist Tome and One Arcane Blast? I have only one of each =(
Hi. Replace them with a Spellslinger and a Polymorph since there are many decks with Sylvanas Windrunner atm. You can even put a second Mirror Image for more protection on your early game minions.
loool this is just a spellfest! got Frostbolt and Ice Lance from the same tome and finished my oppenent who had 7 hp :D
dude i tried this playing 10 casual games and went 7-3. seems solid but is flamestrike necessarry here? i never needed it so far. can i replace it with a mirror image or counterspell. i want to add one secret.
Hi m8. There are some good patron warriors around. Also people spamming c'thun buffers so you'll surely need a Flamestrike. If you want to add a secret remove one of Forgotten Torch but i only would add a Duplicate to get more Flamewaker or Faceless Summoner. Have fun.
thanks for the advice dude. im having fun with this deck and a patron warrior atm. but im stucked btw lvl 5-6. i think there are more than enough spells in this deck. especially while you have 2x tomes too. which minions would fit in this?i never was a fan of torches so i want them out..
Duplicate is not available in Standard mode :)
Ah yeah totally forgot that :) Anyway, we don't need secrets anymore since our precious Mad Scientist gone. If you people want more minions and less spells, remove 1x Forgotten Torch and maybe 1x Arcane Intellect and put 1x Spellslinger with 1x Violet Teacher instead.