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78% WR Cheap Mech-Mage

  • Last updated Nov 29, 2015 (Explorers)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/24/2015 (Warsong Nerf)
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kaymo's Cost-Efficient MECH-MAGE

Recently changed a few things to make this deck more viable. I removed Effigy and added Mirror Entity because it is more aggro. I also removed Annoy-A-Tron and added Forgotten Torch for more face damage and removal. I hope you enjoy! :D

Play aggressively and use spells as removal unless you don't need to, in which case you would use them for face damage. I still think it's useful to keep one fireball or something in your hand in-case they drop something big.



For Mulligan, I always throw away higher cost cards. Need it? You can't even play it. So throw it away.

You want to get as many low cost cards as possible during mulligan. Usually try to get a Mech Warper or a 1-cost Minion or multiples of either. The sooner you get MechWarper out the better. It's a decent 2-cost so it usually won't die on turn 2, and it also makes almost EVERY other minion in this deck cost less, saving you and giving you added momentum during early to late game.

I'll prioritize here.

Keep: Clockwork Gnome, Cogmaster, Frostbolt (Max:1), Mechwarper, Snowchugger, Annoy-A-Tron,

Toss:  Arcane Intellect, Flamestrike, Blizzard, Piloted Shredder, Goblin Blastmage

Ideal hand would probably be:
Mechwarper, Clockwork Gnome, ClockworkGnome, Coin

(Can lay Mechwarper and 2 CW Gnome on turn one.)

(but again this depends on match up and we should play accordingly!)

(You could play Coin, lay Mechwarper for 2 and then both Clockwork Gnomes for free on turn one, total of 2x 2/1 and 1x 3/2 on board for turn 2)

If I did not mention any cards above than I simply mean to mulligan the card as it was clearly not important enough for me to even talk about.

Some insight and alternate card/cards to think about:


Please don't disenchant a card unless you're 1000000% positive you will NEVER use it bc the return is retarded. Average pack of cards = 4Uncommon,1Rare. disenchant value for that is 40, that of ONE uncommon card for a FULL pack. If you're new to Hearthstone you're probably wondering what you can do in regard to getting some of the cards for this deck. Cards like Archmage Antonidas and Justicar Trueheart are very expensive. Early in the Hearthstone experience it is in your best interest to keep your cards rather than to disenchant them and create more expensive ones because the returns on dust is deplorable, especially on lower-end cards. (Pay 40 for 5 return, that's 12.5% whereas Legendary is 1600 with 400 return at 25% which btw is still horrible especially when you think about spending your REAL money.)

Your best bet is to make the deck starting with the uncommon cards. Particularly the ones that aren't specific to mage considering you can use these cards to enjoy play across all Hearthstone classes. Then move onto class cards or rares and then epics. If you're sure Mage is the class you ultimately want to profess in(Not that you can't profess in all of them at once) you should surely craft the Mage class cards noted in this deck because most of them are great for this deck. Check with other decks to see if the ones you wish to craft match up so that you don't end up crafting a card you won't use any more than once.

If you simply can't afford or don't want to buy the Legendary or Epic cards in this deck, the basic outline of the deck will still uphold great plays and if you build your deck intelligently you should still be able to win frequently. If you remove Justicar and Antonidas from the deck it becomes 3200 dust cheaper, leaving the total crafting cost at around ~ 1600 dust. That's REALLY cheap for a successful deck that can take you all the way to Legendary status if you play it correctly.

I'll note some cards below that can be swapped into the deck or out of the deck at your will and even if you switch from two legendary to two epic, you will reduce the cost of the deck 2400 dust.

Justicar Trueheart: This was the original "finale" card for this deck and I still think it's a relatively powerful card given the synergy of the deck and emphasis on hero power/minion dominance. I earlier posted that I believed this was perhaps one of the only decks where Justicar could function properly and efficiently but I've since learned that Justicar also has great synergy with Warrior and Paladin decks as well. My belief is that it works best with mage because by turn 6, especially with this particular deck, your game is hopefully nearing an end and that 2 damage to any minion/hero can really push you the extra length to win. The hero power increase can really help remove some 2 health minions or synergize with the other hero ability based cards to help take down the opposing hero ridiculously quickly.


Archmage Antonidas:
This card can easily bring you to win games while playing Mage. One thing I would like to note though is that the deck doesn't play a whole lot of spells to trigger this cards ability. However, I can still see this being an effective card to swap for Justicar or others. If you have success using this card please post about it below as I do not have access to it yet and have been aiming to buy cards that are playable by all classes.


Fel Reaver: Good game ender and an alright swap for Justicar. Play only if you know you can win in a few turns because this will mill you to death if not.


Foe Reaper 4000:
This is a great swap for Justicar and can be a very successful card in late game. However this card is a
bit expensive and may not see much use since this deck aims to end games quickly and efficiently.

Dr. Boom: Come on, Dr. Boom is an obvious pick for this deck. If you have him, I would place him in the deck and remove Justicar.

Piloted Sky Golem: This is basically a better Pilot Shredder. It fits nicely in the deck and if you have it available I'd certainly swap some cards around so you could use one or two of them.

Mimiron's Head: This is kind of just a fun card to play and I don't think it should be played seriously. However, you can win a lot of games using this card just because of how ridiculous it actually is.


Enhancan-O-Mechano : Can be great especially with a large army. With 2 MechWarpers up this becomes a 2 drop that could give all your minions WF.


Goblin Blastmage: Goblin Blastmage is an amazing card for it's value. Most people would argue that it is overpowered. It's a great class card and ideally you should aim to get this into your deck as fast as you can. I run two copies in mine now and it can seriously end games in your favor almost every time it's drawn.

Colderra Drake : This was originaly in the deck alongside Justicar Trueheart and Fallen Hero to synergize and create a massive amount of use from Hero Power!

Mukla's Champion: This card isn't a very great card by itself but in Zoo-like decks, which Mech-Mage is a little bit similar too because of it's emphasis on heavy minion usage it can become viable. Drop this and use hero power and give ALL minions +1/+1 every turn!

Fallen Hero: This card was originally in the deck when it ran Justicar Trueheart and Colderra Drake to make use of some powerful hero power. I still think that variation of the deck can work in some meta's and if you think it could work in yours, give it a shot.

Snowchugger: You can add or leave this. 3/2 is an alright 2 drop and you can slow early game weapon heroes or even big threats wit this guy.

Big Game Hunter: Maybe swap cards for this if you're finding bigger minions are a threat. I've found this is unlikely with my matchups but sometimes it occurs and having the ability to simply remove it can be useful.


If you have any suggestions or ideas please post in the comment section, I'm really open to changing things and hearing suggestions.