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Lackey Disco Legend Up Tempo Party [with Guide]

  • Last updated May 4, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Lackey Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 8360
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/14/2020 (Outland DH Nerfs)
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  • DrJ
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    • 5
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Come and join the Lackey Party! No entrance fee.....here is the guide!

4th May Update: Just hit Legend on the EU server at rank 1864, I have not been playing that much but the climb was easy using this deck. Only lost one game from Diamond 5 to Legend. Mulligan really hard and it will work.

Update: Since the Nerf to Sacrificial Pact it lost much of its power. I am trialing Leper Gnome, works with Magic Carpet, can be played early and pushes some more damage. Any other changes you would make?

I have been playing HS since Season 3, playing mostly random decks, only on Mobile and getting to Rank 5. This season I tried a few Demon Hunter decks got to Rank 2, got bored and started messing around with Spell Mage, Stealth Rogue and dropped back to Rank 5. It has taken a week to get the right cocktail of Lackeys and Discards to hit Legend quickly.

MVP and always keep in the Mulligan: Dark Pharaoh Tekahn and Imprisoned Scrap Imp if you have the Coin and both you need to decide how you use it.

Keep both in the Mulligan if you have either Expired Merchant or Nightshade Matron and Hand of Gul'dan

Why each card?

Sacrificial Pact - sorts out Demon Hunter, Warlock and Aggro decks with Frenzied Felwing

Fiendish Servant - works well with Magic Carpet, shares its attack and is a cheap demon to spam with both Kanrethad's

Infectious Sporeling - F@cks Big Druid, Priest and Control decks

Sinister Deal - pick a Lackey to join the Party

Soulfire - finisher and can hit Hand of Gul'dan

Voidwalker - your only taunt, works with Magic Carpet, both Kanrethad's

EVIL Cable Rat - more Lackeys more Party!

EVIL Genius - double the Lackey Party. Sometimes you have to chose a buffed minion to destroy, just go for it, no regrets!

Expired Merchant - when you hit Hand of Gul'dan you will be overloaded with cards for the rest of the game. If you can discard Grand Lackey Erkh and EVIL Genius in the same turn, you are set for a couple of follow up power play turns. Can also be used with Big Dragons and Spells you discover to double up. Beware of Silence, Hex or Poly.

Imprisoned Scrap Imp - what is better than a 4/4 Lackey? A 6/6 Lackey - Party hard! Or a 9/9 Nightshade Matron? If you Coin the Imp out, on turn 3 you can have a dream start to your party with a 3/3 Imp, 5/4 Kanrethad, 3/5 Void and 4/3 Fiendish.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke - not essential but works with the Demons,  great fun and Prime can refill your board after you have been cleared

Magic Carpet - essential to the deck, good as a 1/6, great as a 3/8 and awesome as a 5/10. With so many 1 drops and Lackeys (2/1's or 5/4's) you will get the Party started!

Nightshade Matron - Tempo! 5/5 with rush and three cards from Hand of Gul'dan.....Coined out on turn 3.......yes please

Grand Lackey Erkh - I initially thought this would be too slow for the deck but I think it works from Turn 6 onwards. It can really get the Party launched and totally fill an empty board on turn 10 with a row of 4/4's. Be careful or you can easily Mill yourself with Dragons and Spells, it is also must kill target. Super nice as a 4/5 or a 6/7 from your scrap imp.

Maiev Shadowsong - removes threats and taunts that could stop your Lackey Party!

Dark Pharaoh Tekahn - yes it is slow and its body is not great but Mulligan for it and get it down as soon as you can. The only exception to this rule might be to get a Magic Carpet down with some clearing one drops to sort out Aggro out on turn 4 or 5. Don't let them shut down your Party!

Hand of Gul'dan - makes the whole deck work

Notable Exceptions:

Flame Imp - I tried this but it burnt too much health

Mortal Coil - you have enough card draw

EVIL Recruiter - is an option you could use this to replace Kanrethad if you don't have the dust

Acidic Swamp Ooze - might be worth including with all the weapons around, but you could end up holding a card

Harrison Jones - I think the deck has enough draw and I feel it would be too slow

Barista Lynchen - I have not tried this card but with all the Battlecry's and Lackeys you could refill a hand easily. I have not tried it......

Match Ups and Win rates:

I play on Mobile so have no deck tracker and play on memory, with this deck I got to Legend from Rank 5 in the last two days. I would guess at a 60+% win rate, with a tracker I am sure this could be pushed up.

You can win against any class, Aggro will need a perfect start and you will need a rubbish hand for them to win. This is a Tempo deck so you need to pressure Control keep them chasing your refilling board. Don't miss a kill, with two Soulfires in hand and a board of 4/4s you can Party hard.

Demon Hunter - Scrap Imp  and SacPact are needed here, weather the early Aggro. Look after your VoidWalkers and Taunt Lackeys to stop the big weapon hit. Loading up with cards is important in this match up, discard Hand of Gul'dan makes the win easy.

Rogue - Own the board they don't have any removal, keep it clean and win.

Warlock - nearly always Gala, Scrap Imp and Dark Pharaoh are MVP, invite the Plague of Flames to the Party early. Tough match up but you don't see many of them.

Mages - With Spell Mages play like Aggro, just go for it and win. Highlander win before 10, if they get a great draw you will be in trouble chasing the board.

Druid & Shaman - I only saw Control and the Infected Sporelings sorted the big threats. Win before 10. Spell Druid keep their board clear and win.

Priest - Mess with their Resurrection pool with Sporelings and get the job done as soon as you can. They don't like 4/4 lackeys so get the Dark Pharaoh ASAP.

Hunter - With Aggro get a Scrap Imp and out tempo them. Zixor Apex loves a tangle with a Sporeling. Highlander will struggle against you unless they get a perfect draw.

Paladin - Murloc you need to out Tempo. Libram you need to be ready to Sporeling their big minions.

Warrior - out Tempo the pirates. 4/4 Lackies are too much for them.

Any feedback or comments welcome, have a great party and enjoy the climb!