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License to Mill

  • Last updated Apr 6, 2020 (Kael'thas Patch)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mill Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 9600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/22/2020 (Kael'thas Patch)
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Haven't played for about 3 years. Decided to download the app during coranavirus lockdown. So clearly the first order of business is to update my favorite archetype: Mill Rogue. It's gotten soooo much better since I last played. Fun stuff.

Edit: Thanks for checking my deck out. The goal is to get your opponent to run out of cards before you do, or to play multiple N'Zoth, the Corruptor's and overwhelm the board in the end game. This deck works great against other control strategies, is 50/50 vs most aggro, but secret mage and any Hunter matchup is almost an auto-loss.

Generally, your mulligan priorities are one Coldlight Oracle or Murloc Tastyfin, one way to copy Coldlight Oracle (either Togwaggle's Scheme or Lab Recruiter), and a low cost minion (Doomsayer, Dancing Swords, Deathlord) to bog down the board in the early game.

In the early rounds, you mainly just want to slow things down and not take too much damage. The surest way to lose is to let the board get out of hand and snowball in the early game. Dancing Swords, Doomsayer, and Deathlord are all good tools to clean up anything your opponent lays down.

In the mid game, your focus should be on flooding your opponent's hand. Once they have 10 cards in hand, use Coldlight Oracle to get them to overdraw from their deck. Make sure to manage the size of your own hand, you want to make sure you don't overdraw yourself. If your opponent doesn't have a very full hand, it usually means they overcommitted to the board. Vanish and Sap are your friends in this situation. Speaking of Vanish and Sap, they become hard removal once your opponent has 10 cards in hand. There's not a ton of removal in this deck, so make sure you're using them appropriately. You might also need to heal using the Khartut Defenders.

To win the game, you generally just need to outlast the opponent. Make sure you have more cards in your deck than they do. Overwhelm the board with N'Zoth, the Corruptor. Delay their OTK's with Evasion or Valeera the Hollow. If it feels like you barely won by the seat of your pants, it usually means you're playing the deck right.

If you have any questions about the deck or card choices, feel free to hit me up in the comments.

Edit 2: Pretty cool to get on the front page. Thanks to everyone in the Hearthpwn community! Since this deck is still getting some traffic and good questions, I'll add some more content.

Since I already went over the broad strokes of the overall strategy, I'll get more granular with some of the general tactics. We'll start with both of the win conditions.

Win Con 1: Multiple N'Zoth's

How to get it: N'Zoth, the Corruptor+Shadowstep, then on a later turn N'Zoth, the Corruptor+Togwaggle's Scheme. Shadowstep reduces the cost of N'Zoth to 8, leaving you enough mana to cast it and copy it with the one-cost Scheme. This is the ideal way of achieving the combo.

In a pinch, if you're desperate and don't have all the right cards, or you already blew through both of your Shadowsteps, you can also do N'Zoth, the Corruptor+Preparation+Togwaggle's Scheme. If you're really, really desperate you can slam down a premature N'Zoth that summons less than 6 minions and do a N'Zoth, the Corruptor+Counterfeit Coin+Counterfeit Coin+Lab Recruiter.

How to set it up: The obvious first step is to develop deathrattle minions that go on to be destroyed. You should always feel free to make tempo plays with Dancing Swords, Deathlord, and Khartut Defender.

While you're doing that, you also have to dig for the other cards in the combo. If you have N'Zoth, but none of the other cards, and casting it is the only thing that's going to keep you alive, do it. It just means you'll have to mill your opponent to win.

Ideally, you want to play N'Zoth on an empty board. The best way to clear it is with Vanish+Doomsayer. This limits your opponents options for the next turn and forces them into awkward plays. After that, two N'Zoth turns in a row should be enough to do the job. If you're lucky enough to get three in a row, it's usually a rage quit.

Win Con 2: Fatigue

How it works: When your opponent runs out of cards in their deck, they take damage that increases exponentially every time they draw. The first time they draw without any cards in the deck is 1 point of damage, the second time is 2 points of damage, the third time is 3, and so on and so forth. (One interesting side note, fatigue damage is a good way to get around Ice Block, because secrets don't proc on the owner's turn.)

How to set it up: Obviously, the only way this works is if you have more cards in your deck than your opponent. For this win con to work, you will need to use Lab Recruiter or Togwaggle's Scheme to make multiple copies of Coldlight Oracle.

For this strategy to get any traction, you need to use Oracle to get your opponent's hand size to ten cards. Once their hand is full, the next card they draw is removed from the game before it even has a chance to be played. This is how the deck gets by with so little removal.

One thing that's very, very important to remember is to never play your last Oracle unless you immediately copy it. There are a few exceptions to this rule that are situational or matchup related, but playing your last Oracle is usually a loss.

How to get over the top: Cast Valeera the Hollow when you have two Coldlight Oracles and one Shadowstep in hand. The next turn cast both Oracles, then Shadowstep one of them and use the Death's Shadow copy to Shadowstep the other. Their cost is reduced to 1, so cast them both again. Your opponent has just taken 8 extra draws. If they don't have any cards in their deck, that's more than enough for a kill.

Thanks again for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.