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Burst Taunt Druid (Easy rank 5)

  • Last updated Aug 26, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Taunt Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 10560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/26/2018 (Boomsday)
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I present to you a twist of the good, old taunt druid; a twist that adapts to the current meta and performs better in it.

This deck is basically a quicker version of taunt druid, where you have cheap but healthy taunts to bait removals with and to fill up your Hadronox. That allows you to play it quicker and burst your opponent down with Strongshell Scavenger and Savage Roar. Juicy Psychmelon gives you an extra chance to draw your Hadronox, along with The Lich King to add to your resurrection pool.

In many cases, Hadronox wont be enough. That's when Flobbidinous Floop comes into play, turning into another Hadronox and another wave of taunts for your opponent to clear.

The reason behind why this deck is so successful is because it's powerful against nearly all matchups. Cards like Druid of the Swarm, Crypt Lord and Giggling Inventor are very good against Zoolock, Odd Paladin, Odd Paladin and the likes of those, but they aren't dead cards against the slower decks either as they are nice bait for removal and they add into the resurrection pool of Hadronox.

Card Choices

Juicy Psychmelon: This card gives you another chance of drawing Hadronox and often gives you the possibility of playing The Lich King ahead of it. It removes those dead draws from your deck, allowing you to draw your other key cards. If I were to replace it, Branching Paths would be the card to take its place as another way of bursting your opponent, drawing other cards or gaining armor and possibly upgrading your spellstones. The reason behind why it's not in the deck at the moment is because the Scavengers and Roars are already enough, and having Branching Paths and the Psychmelon in your hand simultaneously will make playing Ultimate Infestation on turn 10 without overdrawing.

Zola the Gorgon: This is a recent addition to the deck and it's been very successful. Being able to play it on a Scavenger to get that enormous buff another time in the game, or on an Inventor against aggressive decks, or even on Hadronox at times, is extremely rewarding and game-changing.

Useful Tips

1. Hadronox + Naturalize: This is an amazing way of unleashing your wave of taunts. In most cases, it's actually the way to go. Otherwise, your opponent might transform it or silence it.

2. Strongshell Scavenger: If you have a board with a couple of taunts and feel that playing it is the right play, don't hesitate. Sometimes, the early pressure can win you the game. Holding onto your Scavenger until the perfect turn might turn out not to be that perfect as it might be too late.

3. Flobbidinous Floop: This is similar to the previous tip: Don't milk your minions. Floop can be powerful as another Scavenger, another Inventor or another Lich King. It might be what's enough to swing your games around or grant you the victory.

If you plan on playing Hadronox and then replaying it with Floop, DON'T PLAY ANY MINIONS IN BETWEEN. It might seem obvious, but is surprisingly easy to forget.

GOOD MATCHUPS: Druids, Shamans, Warriors, Odd Rogue, Zoolock, Control Warlock

OKAY MATCHUPS: Paladins, Hunters, Pogo Rogue, Miracle Rogue, Evenlock

BAD MATCHUPS: Priests, Mages, Quest Rogue